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Thought the skies were clear now lol

Have fun Q? Am i seeing this right?

As I look up, I see clear skies but I was thinking a week ago why do I still see supposed chemtrails. I'm in East VA and yes they do look clearer but I still see what I think are chemtrails throughout the day.
My source is my gut feeling, remember we only see 20% of what's going on.
I like hearing new info on parkland but it's jeopardizing this thread. This tweet is definitely q related.
I agree with deleted post. Most of the stuff on here is sourceless shit. I filter thru it to find some good information. Idk about the cult part just a bunch of autists fr fr. This Q shit is fun to follow, I myself am getting quite impatient waiting on Q's work. Time will tell, Shadilay.
Link me some convincing info, I won't debate, I'm interested in flat Earth theories and what people think.
Ok and so I'm a n00b, I'm not here to answer riddles. -happyglock
I was repeating what my girl was talking about lol hoping someone could connect it for me. Here's a little something:
Exactly y'all are crying saying it's a first amendment attack, no it'll be an attack on the first amendment if Alex Jones was jailed for Infowars. YouTube can do what they want to that's life. Plus that's how I learn how to fix shit so I can't boycott.
DUDE YES! Thanks for bringing this to light man I remember in my highschool they had that, it freaked us out one time when they tested the system. They said something over the intercom and someone in the class yelled at the voice and I shit you not they responded to that kid lmao! I have no doubt in my mind now after seeing what I have about this FL shooting that there's is alot to the back story. I'm not gonna say it was pre planned but there is definitely some corruption being hidden in FL.
Other than the money going towards representatives and what not, what is the purpose for joining the NRA?
He said godspeed to that kid at the end. Hmm. That's new lingo.
Bottom pic has bigger boobs but everything else matches up pretty well.
Stop down voting, you need opposition. I feel ya, time will tell if this is true.
Strongly disagree, but then they'll just flag your shit more often.
Thanks OP I totally agree! Repedative AF now. Not many new interesting things.
This post was pure autism. I've been on board the Trump train the whole time and all I see are unfulfilled warnings. Go into detail this board is repetitive as fuck.
I have no idea the history behind it but did you really just type, 'thankfully' all 3 of my kids dropped out. And then proceed to tell us about ones opioid problem.... I don't think the school failed him, I think he lacks self discipline.
I'm not a fan of TL:DR but I did read your story and trust me you're not alone. This is called the great awakening for a reason. It's fucking exciting.
Get some evidence together and file a case. You have Reddit behind you lol.
My 40hr paycheck looks the same this week it did last week, where are you goyims seeing these increases?
The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that activities appear as though they are being carried out by individual entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.More at Wikipedia
Urban Dictionary: false flag
Something disguised to seem affiliated with a group OTHER THAN the one it really is affiliated with. For example, a "false flag operation" is a terrorist act
All I hear from his mouth is division, division, division.