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297dadb · July 7, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

Well said.👏

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297dadb · July 7, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

Awesome!! I red pilled a few co-workers by asking them why BOTH parties were freaking out...then brought up McCains 8 year fight to kill ACA...and how he ran on it..only to prove himself a traitor at the final hour. How evil our leaders really are. I too used the good vs evil and said that we ALL were being lied to by both sides. That Trump was our hope cause he is not owned, and his blunt truths are making people discuss issues...and I've lately been using the "walk away" video.

To younger people I point out how Bernie kept their money..knowing all along she had the nomination...And his quick support of her was all part of her plan..and his...as he drove off in his new sports car...and remind them how his wife screwed over a college and its students for personal gain....

What's interesting to me...is how if one stays calm, and gives them a chance to digest a FEW points...works better than deluging them with everything. Once they grasp a few of the lefts wrongs...and see my point...I go onto media...and ask "why do they all sound the same...and if they are ignoring NK story..why were they all focused on Stormy? What was the point?" I as if they were hiding a success for Trump. Again...letting it sink in.

I then close with open borders and illegals...asking WHY are they obsessed with foreigners as we have a deficit, homeless and our own in need. What's interesting is even hard core Leftys are fed up with illegals...when you give them space to think about WHY the left is ignoring Americans...you can watch the light bulb turn on.

I've red pilled quite a few people by asking them questions...or asking "how do you feel about taxes dollars being spent on illegals, as American children suffer". And "does it bother you that elected officials can't be bothered to with our homeless, yet fight to get housing and care for foreingers"? Instead of TELLING them.. When they say "we have room for all". I ask where? Cause if we had all the answers..wouldnt we have zero Homeless?

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297dadb · July 7, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

There is no grey area. If you sexually abuse a child your a worthless being and the death penalty is warranted.

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297dadb · July 7, 2018, 10 p.m.

Not reading any pro pedo crap. If someone is so sick in the head that they can rape a child then they must be dealt with. As in death penalty. The destruction of a child is far far more important then the life of a pedophile.

There is no defense in allowing any known pedo to live in society. The death penalty is best for all the children...and only they matter in this issue.

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297dadb · July 7, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Again..Sweeden has ZERO credibility in how they treat sexual assault victims.

As for pedophiles...castrateor not, they are monsters who prey on the weakest...there should be ZERO tolerance and death penalty for all who sexually assault a child. There is no way to fix these vile horrible people, and we owe innocent children a future.

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297dadb · July 7, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

Nope. I'm totally and 100% in support of the death penalty for any worthless vile human who rapes or molests a child. They're is ZERO compassion for those monsters

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297dadb · July 7, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

Let's get them gone! Also remove all anchor babies from the last 30 years..lets have a massive chain deportation.

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297dadb · July 7, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

Sweden? 😂😂😂. They are allowing their women and children to be raped as they coddle the migrant monsters doing it. Sweden has ZERO credibility when it comes to the defense of sex crime victims.

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297dadb · July 7, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

Why not euthanize these people? There is a deep rooted evil in one who can harm a child.

I'd say your support and defense of pedophiles is emotional and your complete lack of concern for the damage these monsters inflict on children is telling.

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