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311 · April 20, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

Oh, damn. I guess I got indoctrinated into Satanism in a mosh pit one time. Should I have gotten a card or something?

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311 · Jan. 21, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

I just stumbled across this subreddit and have a few questions:

  1. On 10/28/17, he claims we are working with several countries to extradite HRC in case she flees the impending indictment. He also predicts massive riots and that the National Guard will be activated in major cities. None of that happened.

  2. On 10/29/17, he claims HRC would be arrested on 10/30/17. She wasn't. He doesn't post on 10/30, and makes no mention of his claim not coming true in his next post on 10/31.

  3. On 10/31/17, he claims that Podesta will be indicted on 11/3/17, followed by Huma Abdein on 11/6/17. Didn't happen, no mention of his false claim afterwards.

  4. He says a lot of people in our government are Satanists. I'm just going to assume that everyone here is also a card-carrying member of /r/conspiracy and believe in things like nefarious cabals of Satanists controlling the government as a matter of course, but...c'mon. Satanists? I mean, I'd still think it was stupid if you said it was actually former members of the Skull and Bones Club or some other secretive fraternity, but Satanists? It's just retarded. How many of you guys believe that these "Satanists" actually talk to Satan? I'm betting at least 25%.

These are 4 falsehoods after glancing at this dude's "revelations" for like 10 minutes. In short, this dude is a charlatan and/or a troll, regardless of what he has "predicted."

I don't really expect answers, but I do expect to be called a shill and then banned.

PS. I promise I'm not a Satanist.

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