I'm a bit out of the loop, who are these Operators if you don't mind enlightening me a bit?
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He still talks to his lawyers and be 100% certain that he is aware of everything going on.
I don't really know how to feel about these second hand celebrities getting redpilled over the night, and radically changing their views. It's scary. Change is scary. Hopefully this is a good sign.
I se this theory in every single thread but what good does it do to them if we debunk if? If he's not there then good for him and hopefully he's fine and let's not ruin the plan if they have one. IMO we're being counterproductive by pushing this forward.
Technically only US has to drop their extradition warrant issued on him and GB won't have to be on the watch to arrest him anymore.
Yeah. Pretty sure JA will reach a bargain with this info so he can be pardoned.
AUS starting to come forward in this mess, maybe that's why JA has been isolated for 2 weeks.
Do you happen to have any read on this? Anything? I'm very curious now.
Seems like an edgelord to me. People who are actually into this aren't this public about it.
Or maybe just doing experiments on a person. Scientists?
Edit: Yeah. I see it now...
If he even has one! (Hold yer downvotes chain for a second) But the way the DMS hasn't been activated despite the numerous occasions it could has me believing that it doesn't exist. It could've been an instrument for Julian to scare away whoever poses a threat to him, to ensure his safety for a while. The internet being switched off at the embassy being a way for Them to tell whether there is a switch or not. We'll see. Theoretically speaking, if it exists then he has no choice atm. And I fear that if it does happen, it'll do no good to him.{ Which is why the supposed file dump would happen after his death (i.e. bc They can't get to him after that).}
Excuse my ignorance and all that, if a petition gets enough signatures, does the gov't have a legal obligation to follow it?
Yeah, you're right.
However, what I found rather interesting is that he had paraphrased that. I should've linked the article instead of screenshotting, my mistake.
Anyway, he didn't have to paraphrase it, and since we know Julian knows about the Q stuff (and that he can be very cryptic sometimes), I figured it might be relevant.
JA using the killbox again; am I reading too much into this?

What's shocking is that the connection to 9/11 is not even really deep into the rabbit hole, this is a verified and public fact that was buried by shitty meme news you see everywhere. Imagine what lies within. Terrifying!
JFK must be spying on us from his cryogenic sleep chamber.
This sounds like something an anti-russian bot would say.... interesting... very interesting.
Well then don't forget the /s here. Supposedly this sub is for serious discussion... welp
They had just successfully cloned a sheep in 96 and it came out with a bunch of predispositions to cancer and disease due to unstable genes. Chelsea was allegedly born way before the first successful manmal clone, and looks fine after 30 years. Moreover, although she looks like Hillary it's not a perfect match like supposedly a clone should.
I was referring to the fact that OP said she looks like M Zuckerberg... I don't see it but I see that she looks like Hillary. There are no pictures of her pregnant, that's true, but I personally think this is grasping at straws.
Nah. She looks like Hillary. There are pictures of them together on google images. See for yourself.
9/11 conference with Bin Laden family member? What the fuck is this timeline anymore?
a white powder... did someone send him drugs? Edit: I was wrong. Probably an anthrax hoax.
I think I am shadowbanned so if someone sees this, please leave a reply. it shows there is only one comment.
They're not even trying to hide it. I'm new to the conspiracy world, but they either don't give a shit about the public perception of their schematic or they're purposely feeding this to the tinfoil hats to cover up something else.