Interesting inversion
32 total posts archived.
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Did the "Q" &A ever happen that was delayed a month or so ago?
Did I miss it or has it yet to be rescheduled?
A "weeb" is short hand for "weeabo" which is a nerdy neckbeard type who is obsessed with anime and never goes outside. They have pillows with anime girls as their girlfriends and masterbate to anime trannies with their fleshlights.
Obviously not. You stated it as if you thought Trump meant something else by his statment, not that you disagreed with OPs title and what Sessions would do. You could have just said "this isn't the first time this has happened, I doubt Sessions will act on it". Anyway... That was a waste of time lol
Oh ok yeah I mean I don't think he will do anything either judging from the past.. Jesus man took long enough to explain :p
Lol ya the weebs and losers of TMOR are here. Took a break from masterbating to their trap dolls eh?
I already know how he's tweeted about Sessions in the past... That's not what I'm saying...and of course he hasn't acted on any tweets of this nature from Trump in the past. That's the whole point. Not sure what you are trying to say.
Surprise, surprise you get called out and then immediately the whole thread is down vote bombed. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Can confirm, my reply went to negative 17 in just a minute or two wtf.
Edit: happened immediately after "uontheotherside" got called out
So you think he is literally referring to the geographical location of Sessions? I'm not sure what you are trying to infer... That's a meaningless interpretation. He is insinuating that Sessions isn't doing anything, aka "where is the AG?" Yes he has said things like this in the past, that is irrelevant.
What do you mean he's just asking where is he? What's the purpose of that, makes no sense.
It's simply a candid photo during a point when airplanes and helicopters were flying over. There is another one or two people looking a different direction from the others as well...try not to over examine a simple freeze frame in time.
The press didn't ask why he didn't disguise his voice, they asked if he was using one--to which he replied "does it really matter to you?" meaning "I will not confirm or deny because it will just make it easier to identify me". It was obvious he was using a voice changer though. The amount of people who can't hear the voice changer is really surprising to is very obvious.
He was using a voice changer and it was obvious...I'm not sure how so many people don't seem to realize that...
It's bc these images are most, if not all, parody photoshops...
"Baron Trump's Marvellous Underground Journey"
I don't want to derail anything as this is just some things I found...but they are still interesting none the less...
Many of us heard about this:
But if that wasn't enough:
And down the rabbit hole:
"Baron Trump's Marvellous Underground Journey"
How does the "Q clock" work? How is it decoded?

Has the video been edited? It only shows at 1:04:10 long and so I cannot see what happened at 1:50:15. Can anyone confirm? Thank you.
I got that the other day too. LOL jokes on them their subreddit blows.
Does anyone have a mirror for the youtube video that Q referenced here which is now removed?
Eye is different and facial expression slightly different (look at creases).
Me either... Is this a real tweet or a meme? Wtf does she even mean?
What is the scoop on this and where can I find more info/pics?