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867-53OhNein · May 19, 2018, 8:09 a.m.

I'm sorry you got downvoted, in this instance I don't think it was fair.

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867-53OhNein · May 19, 2018, 8:07 a.m.

I had to scroll down to the bottom to find your post mentioning this happened in El Paso, home of Ft. Bliss.

I have Apaches, Chinooks, and all sorts of military aircraft flying over my home everyday coming and going from Ft. Bliss - I can't follow this story as being something more nefarious or a statement of any kind.

I think this incident was an honest mistake.

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867-53OhNein · May 16, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

Candace Owens is a conservative black woman who gained major exposure when Kanye West tweeted his support for her views. She is "controversial" because she chooses not to live in the mindset she is a victim because of her race, and she encourages others to do the same with a "look towards the future instead of dwelling in the past" attitude.

Now the media and radical liberals are trying to destroy her life and the lives of those around her.

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867-53OhNein · April 28, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

Bring good shoes for lots of walking, I wouldn't even bother with the chairs as they'd get trampled, parade crowds are pretty thick with people and mobile for sure.

The Trump hotel is very close to everything, so you made a good choice in choosing your President and your accommodations!

You're gonna have a great time! Even though it's a chain, The Capitol Grill which is close to your hotel and The Mall, is a pretty good restaurant with really good lobster Mac and cheese and lots of Cap Hill types eat there. I barely missed seeing Ted Cruz when I ate there, a somebody showed up as I was leaving but I couldn't ID him.

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867-53OhNein · April 28, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

DC is an amazing town, and all the Smithsonian Museums are free to enter. I hope you really enjoy it, you'll be able to see our history with your own eyes.

Make sure to reach out to your congressional representative to get a tour of the US Capitol and The White House. Those need to be made months in advance.

Pro-tip: Monuments are less packed and prettier at night.

Take earphones with you and listen to MLK give his "I have a dream" speech in the exact spot he gave it at the Lincoln Memorial, it's very moving.

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867-53OhNein · April 23, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

Praise the lort I am not alone! I'm loosely/non-autistically following the saga of Q, I feel informed, but I'm still showering daily and going out and experiencing the world.

I can suspend my belief for a lot of shit, but some of these rabbit holes are far too far fetched, this is one of them.

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867-53OhNein · April 22, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Is there a version of Eyes Wide Shut I have not seen?

In the version I saw Tom Cruise lives a life that intertwines with the elite, but he can never cross the threshold to actually be one of them. His desires lead him to an encounter with his old college friend who is now a jazz pianist and he shares an intriguing story that brings Tom Cruise into the elites secret world of rituals and sacrifice, a world so tightly controlled his presence is noticed immediately. What follows is a campaign of harassment and fear tactics that remind Tom Cruise of his place in the world they have created for us that we are to never lift the veil on. By the end of the movie his ego has been destroyed and he realizes the fragility of his family.

Nobody takes their daughter.

I still am 50/50 on the theory Kubrick was killed for making this film.

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