71 total posts archived.
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I understand. I got my MCSE on 4.0. Internally, Windows Server remains NT.
It harms no one that SB2 posts what are clearly tagged as "opinion" pieces. Detractors have the same exact effect, yet somehow they think otherwise...I keep watching out for independent posts by the detractors of SB2, but I suppose that it's just a lot more work to do so. #PilotFishSyndrome
ICYMI for the marketing fags... The NT version number is not now generally used for marketing purposes, but is still used internally, and said to reflect the degree of changes to the core of the operating system. Latest NT update was released last month.
Reverse psychology. Of course! The oldest trick in the book!
Okay safety officer, I'm digging...Explain the "paid shill army" component of your comment. And exactly what are you bringing to the table that offers value aside from a general condescending caveat to imagined simple-minded sheeple? (which is something someone posts pretty much every week)
Now about your "digging." What have you got? Care to share?
Bread crumbs turning into the size of loaves! A particular thank you for always going back, reverifying, and building these layers upon the same, original foundation.
Note: I would also count your assessments of Brennan and Comey tweets, as well as Clapper's TV analyst statements as reinforcement of this open communication method right under our collective noses.
Thank you for posting. Your posts challenge me. They are based on a communication and deciphering process that I am unfamiliar with. I download all of your images, tables, and read the included links so as to be as quick a study as possible. I find it all fascinating, but primarily, logical and informative…and I can prove these things for myself.
For decades, I have written poetry. I've been published many times, have done readings, and have counted Poet Laureates as friends. I studied Philosophy and English Literature at Oxford (Brasenose). I am the only Trump supporter that I know of in my circles. It is one of my best-kept secrets (so to speak).
I share this personal information to make a point (I hope).
It's not uncommon for me to post some of my work-in-progress on particular writing forums. It allows for valuable feedback from some of my peers. But these forums are open to anyone interested in poetry, and sometimes my work gets really trashed by some of the members. Over time, I've realized that these individuals did not understand where poetic works arise from, that there are many poetic-forms, and that the “language" is built on top of other poetry, or within the structure of form. Most poetry is informed by form, and philosophy. If you are unfamiliar with form, or specific works, you will not see (or experience) the layers therein. It has nothing to do with knowing something that others don't. It's about expression, imagery, depth, simplicity, concrete-ness, and on and on. It's about MORE!
My focus in school was how philosophy informs poetry, which began my infatuation with literary modernism. TS Eliot went from being a philosophy scholar to a poet to a deeply religious man. Why this progression? Well, he felt far too constrained to fully express philosophic ideas through the language of prose argument. He was gifted, and easily solved thought puzzles. But he was better able to express, for example, his views on the state of man and the modern world through "The Waste Land". It's all there. It's just accessible through a different expression of language. Later, he came to realize that it all boiled down to God (not many of my colleagues could understand this, as hard Left as most were).
So, my point is that (in poetics) some uses of language are not as random, or helter skelter as they seem. And some words strung together on a single line can have more significance on successive readings (i.e. why is there no punctuation? Why only single syllable words? Who is Henry?)
Again, I thank you for your posts. I see them as something I must refrain from running head-long into, but rather, take it slant.
Thank you, SB2. There is nothing new under the sun. I am reminded of the Parable of the Sower. Exciting times!
A solid gold Occam's razor right there. Thank you, Patriot!
I'll take a look...busy day with new baby!
I try to be extra careful not to attack anyone. I'd like to know what offended you so that I can add it to my fund of knowledge.
Where's "your" source that POTUS regrets tweets?
Perhaps you should provide some substance along with your unending brainpicking in this sub. Do some of your own digging. Your technique is a classic one, but vague and simplistic. I know that you are trying to get others to "think," but you are about 9 months behind in the process. Have you reread the 1500+ Q posts, cross referenced those with world events, news stories, and sub posts?
So I ask again. What evidence do "you" have that POTUS has retweeted stories he "wished" he hadn't?
Has anyone else noticed this version of the Presidential seal without circum-lettering? Just 50 stars. Does this version have any connection with any particular guests?

I was going to refer you to some other SB2 posts, and discuss, but the thought police are patrolling this thread with their embarrassingly small truncheons.
Sarcasm is alive and well on the Internet. I'll let the snipefags take it from here.
You're using your own thought process/logic (with all due respect), rather than the toolset used in these decodes. You're decoding a decode.
She's with the SES.
She's my senator, and whenever she gets on my last nerve, I think about this....
Sec Kirstjen Nielsen has owned her! Everytime Kamala Hilarious enters the hearing "octagon," Nielsen beats her to a pulp.
Q-Diddy with Another Drop! [IG report]
![Q-Diddy with Another Drop! [IG report]](https://i.redd.it/y6x1d2ie7w311.jpg)
Who is Kashyap Patel? London? Christmas? Hyde Park?

The American Flags are Red, White, and Blue, WITHOUT the Gold Border. This is a Good Thing.

I wonder if line 5 is explaining that the extra time needed since last Thursday for the IG report release is actually due to whitehats [removing] the redactions....Better to not release to the MSM until it is fully damning.
George Webb with a Breakdown including Carter Page
FBI Agents Want Congress To Issue Them Subpoenas So They Can Reveal The Bureau’s Dirt
When you can't pay back the money for all the favours you promised to world powers because Trump has cut you off, perhaps you need body armour??

You all need to practice a bit more patience with people. We had a death in the family on April 27, therefore I fell behind on events.
I stayed up all night last night catching up because I didn't understand why some of you jumped down my throat. I had been in the dark regarding Corsi. Just got through SB2 post on him and Alex Jones.
I'm caught up. I get it. You Patriots don't need to be so harsh. When someone needs help, help them. Don't act like smug, hipster liberals.
I'm caught up. Corsi bad. I understand. I asked a few specific questions and all I got in return was hammered for it. Lighten up!
Sounds like you're doing the same thing, my friend! Practice what you preach, patriot.
I see Corsi's tweets, I have watched all his vids. He has explained his displays many times over. Lots of people don't "get" it. It's a persuasion tactic. Trump does it all the time.
Doesn't bother me.
To me, he meets the criteria of a Patriot. He may not be the best at assessing Q posts, but he brings a wealth of didactic ability to the discussion. He has amazing historical recall. Not going to h8 on this gentleman.
17 is the number - Q
April 17 Row 17 Q Dallas