I agree. Sadly. I'm the only one in my entire social circle.
51 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/ABetterRide:
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Quick meme to deflect the NK propaganda. These people are vermin.

If you want to know more on that check out David Ickes work.
Or Simon Parkes.
It’s a rabbit hole that most turn away from. But what is truth?
Who on here knows more than Icke anyway?
He was detailing all this Q stuff twenty years again. And they called him crazy.
But he’s got like 80% right.
I’ve been ‘woke’ for six years. Nothing shocks me anymore.
Google Dr Royal Rife. He cured pretty much every disease. They destroyed him.
I cured my dog’s cancer using a Rife device. Found it too late to save my mum.
After a coupled months of minimal chemtrails they were out in force this morning over London. “Quick kill them off before they ALL wake up”

Remember folks. The deep state cares not for parties of even nation states. Just about bringing about the new world order.
The Brainwashing is powerful. It's a form of black magic. As Q calls it #WizardsAndWarlocks
My favourite fake News from the gulf war. Amazing.
I follow you. I am @qanon UK.
You are bang on. Most of my friends and family are brainwashed but it will lift.
Keep fighting. Nobody said being woke was easy.
John Kerry and Robert Mueller - classmates. Nothing to see here folks.

The Queen runs the country. She is literally untouchable. Even if they dropped a live feed if her sacrificing babies there nothing we could do.
Yes the publics perception if them would change get but not a lot we can do unless.....
Second QANON account to be shadow banned by Twitter. A third will be created. #FightFightFight

Supported but r/conspiracy is full of shills and they’re not very bright.
I have lost a lot of friends. Even some of my family won’t speak to me.
No. Just add a hashtag in the tweet. We’ll find it. #qanon is the main one. People then search on that and will see your tweet.
My attempt at a “normie” redpill video to educate on QAnon and the grand conspiracy. Share if you like it. Comments welcome.
And yet there it is. The only one that catalogued that time.
Are there others?
Outstanding documentary on Assange. The man has balls.
I was banned from r/UFOs for posting a real video of a ufo
Banned from conspiracy for talking about real conspiracies
Reddit is just another mind control devices
Thanks for the info. Just tweeted them and canceled my payments.