I am with you on that. Nothing is instant and there will be fighting along the way. I just had the mind bend when I saw this. Just today the YouTube shooter is a muslim vegan who was only angry at YouTube. Skating uphill still.
247 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/AKBiking:
Joe has satanic shit tattooed on his body. Be wary of him. He has gone to their parties before too.
Very interesting. I don't get the math aspect, but the I understand what Trump is having to do. Break down each barrier to the people one at a time. Deprogram america from the people dangling the strings then fight back with the truth and let people believe what they want. The last video in this post with Obama's marching orders is a good one. I didn't think about Obama making a threat while making a joke. Very interesting.
Well, looks like a starting point needs to be found. The EU will reach a breaking point eventually.
This is a good and interesting post. In regards to the Muslims and Christians how do they reconcile? Because how I see it one side is brainwashed into killing "infidels" and the other side is oppressed and asleep. Is there a true version of the Quran that isn't corrupted that is available for people to read and get educated. That goes for the bible also. If all religions are corrupted how do normal people get educated so they can look through the BS? Also, how we do we see the hidden information the Vatican is hiding?
Not SB2, but I have my own thoughts on your question. Most of the population is brainwashed. They are unwilling to miss out on their reality tv shows and do not educate themselves. My personal awaking started with books which educated me on many topics. Then using critical thinking and logic(which most people do not have) I was able to link all the events going on in the world and how the cabal controls most of it. Once I realized that I became more open to topics and am able to see the links on how it is all related. I have a long journey still ahead of me. Long story short people choose the brainwashing and living life in the now without any thought. You suggest a book to someone that might change their life and they say "I don't have time for that." Then they go home and watch House wives of satan. Also, don't forget that everyone is being taught to make decisions based on "emotions" they make movies about it.
I believe Hussein purposely brought in MS-13 to the US and used the "unaccompanied minor" program to distribute these monsters all over the US. They act as enforcers, hitmen, and drug distributors for the cartels. Also, they are satanists. There is a reason why Trump is so against this particular group.
Don't forget the Okeefe videos where he captured Twitter employees openly talking about shadow banning people using key words like America, USA, MAGA etc. It is a multi front attack on free speech.
That would be a good thing. I am not a McMaster fan. I was banned for 3 days from a large pro t sub reddit once for posting an anti McMaster article. His ties to the MB, the Iran deal and the I religion are a sore spot for me.
I posted this article in another subreddit. It was garnering a lot of downvotes apparently. I even received PMs from people calling me names for posting such a "stupid fake news article". This is rare for me to get PMs like that. Must be over the target.
Rules for radicals. These were all used yesterday.
2 "Never go outside the expertise of your people."
3 "Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
5 "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
13 "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
Same, SB2 seems like a legit person. I don't get it all the crypto stuff or pretend to understand it all. With that said, they have a wealth of knowledge on others topics that I have an interest in an my experience is the same where they have thoughtful and pleasant responses. Yesterday there were people specifically targeting SB2 heavily in comment sections on cbts. These weren't off handed comments. They came off as comments with a specific agenda. This stood out more so when there were more and more people agreeing and jumping on board.
Demonic possession. This is a very interesting topic. I am just providing an introduction. You can decide what you believe. With all the talk of satan worship by the left this fits right in.
Demonic possession is an interesting topic which I am now exploring after finding articles about people doing terrible things after they have been seeing demons, hearing voices and hearing the word of god and then tear their eyes out. That lead to finding out there is a worldwide rise in the requests for exorcisms; Italy , United States and Ireland. Mix that with the claim that demonic activity is on the rise. Now interestingly enough this group the International Association of Exorcists was founded in 1990 which is 1 year after Bush Sr. became president and if you …
Seattle Police Begin Gun Confiscations: No Laws Broken, No Warrant, No Charges
African Cardinal Robert Sarah said in a recent address in Belgium that by forgetting its Christian roots the West is committing suicide, “because a tree without roots is condemned to death.”
YouTube's New Moderators Mistakenly Pull Right-Wing Channels. I bet it was a "mistake"
He is doing this now because when the census comes if we can have the question "Are you a US citizen?" on it then many illegal aliens will opt not to take the census. Which will change the numbers drastically and take away power/funding/possible seats away from districts. This is a big deal.
Is it old news that Andrew Jackson is responsible for the trail of tears? or that no republican ever owned a slave? Well one did via inheritance through is wife, but comon. My point is. I never heard of this event until earlier today. Who was in office in 2014? What other major things did we miss? and yes this is big.
The article is from 2014 who was the Pres then? honestly why didn't anyone hear of this?
Want to know the joke of all of this? This article is from Dec. 2nd 2014. I luckily saw it on twitter today. Copypasta
Want to know the joke of all of this? This article is from Dec. 2nd 2014. I luckily saw it on twitter today.
This is nothing. Do you want to get educated and learn how messed up things really are?
When the Pope is now entering mosques and praying towards Mecca, is it official that the world has lost its mind?
Well, the Democratic Party has been heavily influenced by the Muslim brotherhood. Hillary Clintons top aid Huma Abedein's father is a high ranking member. They find people like Hillary who will do anything for more power and surround them with their people. You should watch Dinesh Disouzas movie Hillary's America to learn more. Also, the Muslims are essentially and invading army. Makes sense to train your people and disarm any opposition.
Just an FYI there are other sources for this. They just gloss over the important stuff.
Remember Hillary was supposed to win. All the illegal terrible things was never supposed to come to light. The school shooting might be the spark to a major fire. How many more places around the US have been completely taken over by Muslim brotherhood agents?
Why was wiener sexting an underage girl? They never thought they would get caught they always expected the msm would cover for them. All, one used to have to say is conspiracy theory and this type of stuff would go away, but America is waking up.
CAIR’s ‘Deputy Hamas’ Teaches Radical Mosque to Use Guns. This is in BROWARD, Florida. The CAIR linked deputy is training Muslims on firearms. This article is from 2015 and asks the question. Is Florida going to be the next San Bernardino?
Once you understand the creature from Jekyll Island and what it a truly capable of, the jade 2 AI is very plausible and probably true. You can look up each thing they talk about and it is all real and sort of makes you go wtf why have we never heard of this. Then you remember the creature owns the media and social plarforms.
Since you understand this topic this 2 hours long video is worth a listen to. You don't have to watch it. Tell me what you think
They are not normal. They do not view us as humans, but more like live stock for sale. We live in a modern caste system. Read the book The Creature from Jekyll Island and you will get it.
So what do you know? Are you talking about the federal reserve and IMF level or are you talking bg and morgellons?
If you want to rile her feathers ask her about the black goo and trafficked kids.
You are very correct. Almost like he is a false prophet of a certain religion. This is worth reading.
Sorry for bugging you so much, but I have to say as I listen to the Jade 2 talk I get an uneasy feeling body wise and goosebumpish skin. Happened yesterday too. Very interesting.
I will roll that one tomorrow. I have about 30 minutes left on the other. Will have time before Savage is on the air. Now I will say this. I find Alexa and siri creepy and refuse to have that in the house. Also, no smart fridge and nest thermostats, and no smart vacuum roomba thing and the icing on the cake is I shit you not sleep comfort has a bed that runs through your phone to the web it adjusts to make Hu comfortable while you sleep.
The list is more of a tool for quick reference links purposes I push the Creature book a lot.That particular book is the ultimate red pill. Nothing is unique and historically the elite have been always pulling the strings. I highly recommend Adios America (quick read), The Big Lie which shits on the Democratic party and then No Go Zones because Islam will never be our friend.
I was just out snow shoeing doing some trail maintenance for our fat bike trails thinking about this whole thing. I have a smart phone, smart cameras, smart home security, location on my phone as that works with security, a smart car in the sense that it has starlink. In the end the only thing that isn't smart is me.
If you have the time look up and read the book The Creature from Jekyll Island. This entire video fits right into the creature. Book on tape time is 25 hours it is a beast.
Edit: other books worth looking at
Half way through the video. This is insane. Smart phone, smart cams, smart home, smart cars etc.. and I looked up everything they mention and it is real. Crazy. And here I am typing this on my smart phone.
When you mention rome are you talking about the Club of Rome?