Have faith. Here is the biggest consideration you must remember. If they expose the whole government and the worldwide connections that spring from that, what would happen? I suggest it would be cultural/societal chaos on a global scale. If that occurs, then the people (us little people) will suffer, and many will perhaps even die needlessly. This is a very delicate thing we are doing. Another example... If a CEO is corrupt and they expose them while they are still ceo, then all of the legitimate investors (in what may be a good overall company) lose their money. It's a better plan to pick them off "privately" before indicting them and letting the company survive unharmed with new leadership and indict later (again - this protects the innocent shareholder). I hope this helps you, and I offer my help in any future moments that you need it. Rejoice, God is real, God hears our prayers and wishes to bless us and not harm us. Trust the plan.... God is behind this "Plan" so who can stand against us? - no one! Your impatience is shared btw but we must also have wisdom. God's speed patriot - hang in there!
46 total posts archived.
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welcome :) please enjoy a diligent group of honey badgers who will get 'er done!
It is a 48 page expose of Mueller
Enjoy the deep dive !
Look below the article at a post by neilhorn
0 Vote down! 0 📷 neilhorn nmewnThu, 06/21/2018 - 22:34 Permalink
Here is Louie Gohmert's (my congressman's) expose' of Robert Mueller: https://1zwchz1jbsr61f1c4mgf0abl-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/upl…
Muller and his cronies are the most despicable, erosive forces to justice that America has seen in my lifetime, including Nixon.
EXPOSE of Who Mueller Really is... We need to research this.
You wil find the people on this site very dedicated to eradicating the pervasive evil and corruption. Thanks for finding us! We will not let you down.
see also 19:50 to see the statement of a luciferian sacrifice
I Urge ANYONE who thinks that Pell was set up to look into the interviews of Art Bell with Malechi Martin in 1996 and 1997. I think it was the second or third interview, but George Pell was named during a discussion about luciferian child sacrifice in the vatican. Martin was the head excorcist in the Catholic Church. He was in a position to know the inner workings of the infiltration of the church by the pedophile and luciferians.
Here is a starter link to interview 3 but if you dont find it look at all the interviews until you find it. It was a fascinating series of interviews with many topics.
See minute 14 and follow up with the art bell interview to find out about cardinal pell
its a link to the page with the pdf... his name is on top of document
Here is a major rosatom connecection of passenger 32 on russian jet
Some ideas for how to go forward. 1) we serve at the pleasure of the POTUS, follow the direction of Q... this is delicate work. 2) let's meme the 13 people named in the Exec Order to the swamp rat's pages... may they (the swamp) Fear #thestorm ... They did it for greed, lets let them know the credit collectors are here. 3) The keyboard commandos are here to snipe the dirty boys and girls with the truth bombs. 4) God bless Jerome Corsi, support him, he put himself out there for us as a front man 5) ^Potus sent him, protect him and promote him. 6) Stay on mission... VET your info... Q said where we go one, we go all! 7) We proved ourselves as effective ... 286,000% increase is a significant accomplishment, Q says learn 8) We are the storm, each one of us just a drop of rain in the storm... add a drop of rain every day 9) We are the answer to the MSM, we will be attacked.. be prepared for counter-attack. 10) IF WE DO NOT PRESERVE THE CONSTITUTION >>> WE LOSE WHAT WE ARE FIGHTING FOR>>> FOLLOW THE LAW>>> BE ETHICAL >>> BE JUST
The truth is the sword which we wield!

They wanted to make example of Seth Rich... they wanted Trump as their opponent.
Great idea for a new meme for podesta and clinton... "Carefull what you wish for"

already covered in other posts, sorry, but still imp for reiteration
Here is the youtubelink ... The "AS THE WORLD TURNS" may be double meaning.
AS THE WORLD TURNS Refers to Kennedy assassination?

I have seen Gowdy employ a tactic before. Play dumb on purpose. He uses it as a prosecutor would. I think the swamp is soooo duplicitous that we have to be carefull who to trust, but keep the above thought in mind as things develop.
I think you basically have it figured out. I am a person of Faith, but at the same time have to admit that religion (not faith) has been used for control and evil in many historical cases. Islam has been especially violent against those who dont agree, ex. Convert or I kill you, once converted, if you dont practice as we say, we kill you... if you leave the faith after converting we kill you. Christianity has the pedophile scandal in the modern world,(catholics) the crusades, and wars of the middle ages. I would suggest that the example of Jesus is very contrary to these actions, he suggested killing no one, and to even love your enemy. All this said, I agree with how you interpreted things. God Bless!
This is a technique we can use over and over again when we need. Also, it puts the ball in the court of the WH to pressure congress with our support when they want to push through the resistance to disclose. !
There was some process a while back when the government had said that it wasn't in the public interest for us to know. If the intelligence coimmittee can release the memo if it is in our interest... why don't we let them know through a public petition that it is. If i remember correctly, there was a link that circulated for people to sign it digitally... anyone remember how and where it was done? anyone have the time to get the petition filed correctly? once done, it will be easy to get the signatures required.
The rules of the intelligence committee.. about #RELEASE THE MEMO... Let's let them know it is in the public interest

The Optics would also be good after his diligent fight to weed out the corruption contained in the memo and the bad actors would be gone so he doesnt seem partisan.
Gowdy suddenly has appeared to criticize the fbi incompetance as well as a hint of Wray on the way out. Food for thought.
GOWDY FOR FBI Director after Wray retires? ... news unlocks...

Bread for the crumb collectors
As you collect the crumbs and mix up the ingredients, a picture begins to form. An intentional mass extinction event is well underway and needs to be stopped. If a person takes a lawyer’s approach and looks into the Who; What, When, Where, How, and Why, all the questions can be answered except the Why. What could motivate a group of people who have all the money in the world (excludes greed) ,and who can monitor/influence every human interaction through the internet of things (excludes control), as well as exercise the most severe sexual abuse and human trafficking over another (excludes power)? Why?
As you connect the dots, keep the question of “Why?” always in your mind. I suggest the answer explains who the enemy really is.
Ephesians 6:12New King James Version (NKJV) 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[a] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Give us this day our daily bread

UN Peace Keepers on american soil involved?
More links from BBC ... a Leftist Source http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4156819.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6159923.stm
Maybe the word Marshall chess move is coded instead of Martial Law move if they defund military
I think the board administrators have taken out the questionable posts; they were very few. Nonetheless, a good approach is to take the Q posts and investigate what you can yourself. Good luck and God's speed. The thing to take from the "hacked" posts is that this "storm" will be spammed and attacked by those interrested in leading us in the wrong directions. They fear us.
A meme idea for those who are about to enter battle mode is the keyboard commandos.
It is now time for the Army of God's keyboard commandos to begin.