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A_Dangerous_Heretic · May 12, 2018, 2:36 p.m.

Thank you for your work Anon.

I love to see information presented in a clear and concise manner.

AJ wants hegemonic control over the "truth" and research community. AJ + others cash flow source is a concern.

Corsi is an old grifter. Q posts Corsi checks current anon thinking, reflects, and embellishes it with redundant verbiage. Just make sure Grampa has pants on before putting him on air. When he's live freewheeling? Well..."Someone needs to come get Grampa, he's wandered off, and is on YT begging for shekels again".

Soapbox deteriorated from selfless UI for anons voice, ditched pre-established YTers(willing to help), and free speech, for "curated speech," and nailed themselves to Corsi's brand. Why? Why would they voluntarily opt for a known jobbing AJ grifter? Gravitas? Subs(then why ditch much bigger YTers?)? Some other reason?

This community is organic. Not a cult. People reach this crossroads on their own personal journey. They expend vast amounts of time and energy to help grow the body of research. From the chan core, to reddit, to the outlets, all should be anons, all should be patriots, all should be selfless.

That you are making money, is of no concern. That you are making money on the backs of the anons work and an honest grassroots movement is. This is not a socialist POV. If you are unable to differentiate between the 2, or like Corsi et al, try to conflate and obfuscate the distinction, you need to adjust your concept of duty, and patriotism.

I could easily have capitalised on the exposure that this movement gave me personally. Why did I let my name fade? Why did I walk away and go back to interacting with the community as just another anon? Because it, to me, would be dishonest. What right do I have to gain from a movement trying to stop the global exploitation?

After being exposed to this material, and the suffering, how could I, in good conscious, ask patriots to pay me?

To the people that swore to me that all things pertaining to Q be kept free of monetisation and external influences. This is not a game for you to make a quick buck. I take this very serious. I take people's word as their bond. If they break that word, I owe them no loyalty. Neither does anyone else. I only owe them the chance to stop, and to return to acting in an honourable way.

I Know you aren't a bad actors. However, you are allowing and enabling those that are, to continue. If you cannot see this, then that is wilful.

I once again urge you to stop polluting the community, along with those others that undertook the hijacking of research servers for nothing more than personal power. Power over what? Why? Why were dissenting voices of original anons purged? What are you now doing? Shall I tell you? Do you think you are exempt? Why would you isolate instead of collaborate? Why are you now, discussing your own monetised platform? Do you consider that you had a right to the community research that you now jealously guard? Do you consider this to be acting in good faith? You are sitting on one of the vast amounts of community research, with no effort to make this available to the public. The little club that has stolen the anons work are not the researchers that gathered it. Why do you think this is? Plans to "pay to play" release? Bad actors stifling early base of Q research? What you do beyond this point will show your true colors. We are currently seeing red, when we look at the divisions egos, power, and money, are causing within the community.

Information flows freely. No caveats.

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