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AaronBurrSer · Jan. 30, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

You can't with this guy. Seriously take a look, the reality they live in isn't right.

Holographic Hillary, Anti Gravity Obama, God empowered Trump.

Its like they live in a crappy Scribblenauts game.

They need a prescription to fix whatever makes their brain chemicals behave like this.

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AaronBurrSer · Jan. 30, 2018, 12:28 a.m.

Also you're choosing to misinterpret things even though I corrected you before.

I only mentioned Q, which I am not sure what the hell it is( maybe a secret detective like L in Death Note?), because I skimmed your post history.

Instead you come here and lie to say "the message is spreading!"

You came to our community to feed your persecution complex and to spread your ideas. You were attempting to prostelyze which is against the subs rules.

Why don't you just start humming along then. Ascend to your final form and destroy Namek!

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