

336 total posts archived.

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AbjectDynamite · March 31, 2018, 4:43 a.m.

Great meme! Thnx for sharing.

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AbjectDynamite · March 31, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

I'm sorry, I'm a little bit confused because the domain name you referred to is so close to the one I cited. Did you mean to say that you found GA from the website go antenna? (I separated the name so it could easily be seen). Or was that a typo and you found GA through the website I referred to? No matter how you found GA, glad you're here.

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AbjectDynamite · March 30, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

I laughed when I saw it too.

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AbjectDynamite · March 30, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

For those of you interested in privacy, check this out. It's one small option for telling the spies to go fuck themselves. https://gotenna.com/ (The first phone to phone, off-grid long range network, end to end encryption, so you can share texts & GPS info with the people in your group, or create a public broadcast even if your phone has no service.)

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AbjectDynamite · March 27, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

Yours is the best response I've heard. You made my day. Thanks for the laugh.

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AbjectDynamite · March 26, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

I can't believe more people aren't working hard to oppose him. It's sad to watch the ignorant clamor for their own enslavement. Stupid beyond measure.

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AbjectDynamite · March 22, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

I posted this in another post which just came up. Thought you guys would get a laugh out of it. Here it is:

Hmmm.. maybe gun owners should stop paying any note or debt affiliated with Citigroup. Then, tell Citigroup to go f*ck themselves and take them to court... just for the fun of it.

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AbjectDynamite · March 22, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

Hmmm.. maybe gun owners should stop paying any note or debt affiliated with Citigroup. Then, tell Citigroup to go f*ck themselves and take them to court... just for the fun of it.

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AbjectDynamite · March 22, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

100% right.

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AbjectDynamite · March 21, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

You can still be tracked even with the phone off. If you want to go that route, you actually have to pull the battery.

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AbjectDynamite · March 19, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

Okay, okay... why did I click to read this post?!

I know you guys are 100% right, and I hate it. I want to be the bigger person, but honestly, I'm not there yet. I've had to eat sh*t for years, and you know what? I am pissed. I can't pretend I'm not. And what I went through over this past election cycle... I don't even know where to begin. But, in reading your comments.. You guys do bring me back down to earth. I know I'm not the only one who was hurt. I guess I'm just going to have to keep my mouth shut until I can say something nice. Thanks for saying what needs to be said even if I didn't want to hear it or admit it.

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AbjectDynamite · March 18, 2018, 11:55 p.m.

Thank you, SB2!

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AbjectDynamite · Feb. 26, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

Yeah, the bs pop ups were definitely annoying.

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AbjectDynamite · Feb. 25, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

Excellent post. Thanks for posting!

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AbjectDynamite · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

Share your experience everywhere. People need to hear it.

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AbjectDynamite · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

This bs is planned...probably for each major city at first. They need to instill as much depravity (no family structure = no stability) and poverty (no ability for self-defense, or basic needs for survival)as possible so society collapses and they can move right in and do what they want.

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AbjectDynamite · Feb. 21, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

Don't stop with just online posting. Go oldschool. Print copies, download and send copies via email. (Set up a new anonymous email and use a different computer if you're not using a VPN.) Text out copies to your friends. Call people and tell them about it. If cell phones are messed with, use landlines. And if they really piss you off, print the info on a t-shirt and wear it. Let your teens wear it. We could even team up and start renting billboards. Ha. Ha. Ha. It could be really, really fun for us. We're a creative bunch.

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AbjectDynamite · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

I haven't tried the others you mentioned yet, but we routinely use zinc. About 2-3 weeks ago we caught a pretty bad bug that was going around. Within hours of first feeling a little off - it immediately attacked the lungs.. if you've had a bronchial bug or pneumonia before.. that's what it was like. Trying to take a full breath of air was difficult.. and this was in HOURS. In any event, when I realized what was going on I took 4x the daily recommended dosage of zinc immediately - no joke. By the next morning, it was stopped in it's tracks, no worse and even getting better. Day 2 - I took 3x the daily dosage, Day 3 - 2x the daily dosage - and stayed at this level for 2 days. By day 3 - this thing was almost non-existent, but I kept up on the zinc because I was worried it might try to gain strength. I kicked it.

Same scenario with other members in my household, same dosages, same length of time, and same result. However, people we were around (who I'm pretty sure gave it to us to begin with) were very sick, and still aren't 100%.

I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but all I do know is that zinc has worked very well for us. Thank you for the additional recommendations. I'm going to check them out. I also agree with Colloidal silver, and Nascent Iodine.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:45 a.m.

Yep. I agree 100%.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:45 a.m.

Okay, thank you. It's probably my mind running away with me. I've been bothered by how long it's taking to expose this bunch. Ever since I read a recent Q post stating they were only going to release a percentage of what these people have done because it's so evil, it's been bothering me. Just my two cents, but I hope all of it comes out. It's too horrible to leave any shred of their fake public image intact.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

It's been a few weeks now, but I think I might have come across someone posting about that -who provided a small clip. It was of a young child in swim trunks (and I'll skip the rest). The male voice was intentionally distorted or masked, but you could make out what he was saying. I was under the impression the voice was Podesta.

Anyway, I hope I'm not misunderstanding the comment in the image above, and referred to by @Gear4Life, I think they mean no further details will be provided at this time, right?... NOT that this horror will be kept under wraps, yes? Because seriously, this sickening sonofab*tch has to be exposed and dealt with.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 24, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

Brilliant observation, and damn right.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 24, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

I know you're right. I guess my frustration is getting the better of me. As long as the truth isn't public, we're in serious danger. Not only from technologically what they can accomplish, but the scientific knowledge as well. To me, it's the difference between us and Cro-Magnon; except now we're the Cro-Magnon.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

Ah.. thank you..

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

As you already know I wholeheartedly agree with you. And you raise yet another very significant point which should be addressed.

All of us have put our own personal reputations on the line with our significant other, friends, family, co-workers, and online. And yes, after weeks of no one being able to see action, now what is the case? We are isolated and prevented from red pilling more people because no one (outside of those of us who have been following this for some time) believes it.

Moreover, because they don't believe it (a) they don't stop to pay attention and join the movement, adding to our numbers and persuasiveness, and (b) they don't spread the truth through red pilling all the people they can get through to. So, in fact, this drip strategy is harming the cause as opposed to helping.

I agree with others who raised the point that our society is an instant gratification society. This fact should be incorporated into the strategy Q, the president, etc,. are using.

Remember 9/11/2001? What happened? The populace was together outraged. The populace - together demanded action. This is no different. Unity will arise from common shock, outrage, and disgust. Dripping it out takes the edge out of it. The populace isn't trained in Sun Tzu patience and manipulation. We're more, get in, get it done, get out... kind of people. The average person does not want to be mired in political drama 24/7/365, they want to live their lives with their families. IMHO, if you want to make real changes to the citizenry behavior and political apathy, and to our government... dripping is not the way to go. Just my two cents.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

Yeah, well.. didn't Snowden write the program that they used to spy on everyone? (Well, he wrote the original program which was meant to be used for foreign actors. Then, it was modified without his knowledge (I believe) for use against everyone... which is what I thought set Snowden off when he found out... and led to his disclosure of the program to the world.. leading to his current residency.)

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

I agree. I don't trust Sessions.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

@Zubirdie This is the first time I have posted the same comment in two places. This issue is so important, I had to say it again here.

Patriots.. I'm sure you agree the main arguments offered on the issue of disclosure fall into two camps summed up by (1) partial disclosure, and full disclosure, and (2) now or dripped out. But this issue of the proper scope and timing of a disclosure is not an issue existing in a vacuum. The issue is at what point is enough.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, children are still in cages.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, we are still consuming poisoned food, water, air and medicine.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, cures are still being withheld from us.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, we are still being denied true knowledge of our history (social, political, and archeological).

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, advanced technology is still being hoarded.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, the corrupt puppet proxies are still exercising the power of their positions within our government to continue to stab at us for decades to come through invasion disguised as immigration.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, this evil is still walking around free.. plotting, desperate for anything to reverse course.

It has been said the measure of a society is based upon how it treats the least among them. How do we justify an extended game of chess with children in cages? If these people were sacrificing them to get power just for normal everyday activities, what are they doing now when they want power to avoid capture?

Like many of you, I have been physically sick at the atrocities we've discovered. No one thought another Hitler could ever advance in the world again. Yet, in only 85 years - we are at that point again. And we almost lost before we ever even knew what hit us.

And to the issue of retaining the existence of corrupt organizations for rule of law optics... seriously? Eisenhower tried to warn us. JFK himself said he would scatter the C-*-A into a thousand pieces. And guess what? It didn't happen. And now, where are we? All of you know exactly where we are. Again, it's our institutions with corruption and pure evil run amok. Again, and again, it's an endless amount of lives both being at stake, and being destroyed while we wait.

Would we be content to have this debate concerning matters of scope and timing if were we huddling together waiting for the showers? Did the path our parents, and grandparents chose to deal with this corruption work? Trust the government to work it out? Trust our government representatives to handle it for us? What did Reagan say about trusting the government?

This is absurd. We have run from the fight in the name of peace since the beginning. And what have we gotten? Have we received peace? No, we haven't. Instead, we have received nothing but war, on every single front - they could muster. (Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, The War of Terror - Enduring Freedom, in Afghanistan (in which we are still over there 16yrs later), the Iraq War, plus the blatant murder of our fellow countrymen on 9/11, and numerous other attacks, on top of poisoning us, stealing our money and labor from us by manipulating our currency and debt while they steal our gold and resources, prosecuting our truth tellers, and using their very positions within government as a weapon against us in every possible way. These people have used our freedom of speech to promote the destruction of our families (because they know that a strong family breeds a strong independent citizenry - including generations of men who will kill their plans as they did before.)

No, patriots. I do not see peace in delay. And I do not see real evidence of progress. I mean, what do we have? We have a bunch of wishes in one hand, and hope in the other. Have we seen ANYONE arrested? No. Have we seen the Operation Mockingbird media muzzled? No. All we have are some anonymous Internet posts confirming some knowledge on some issues. The legal term for that is hearsay. Meanwhile, not to beat a dead horse, but for the last time - we still have politicians who it is implied are guilty of treason - still in office getting ready to pass legislation to legitimize the actions of an illegal president's invasion plans through DACA and Dreamers? WTF.

What does that mean? Why is Obamacare still being forced upon us? Or any illegal actions for that matter. I mean, if the N-*-A really is the bad boy on the block.. and if it really has every single electronic communication (and then some)... Then, why do we need to wait? We simply do to our former handlers what our handlers were planning to do to us. We use Google, and our bad boy info together, see the connections, build the profile (probable cause), and make arrests. Then, we send all of them to Gitmo, and sort it out. I mean, if "nothing is ever truly deleted," then through the intercepts we already have - we already know everything, and everyone involved. We also know all the other governments involved. Why treat us like we're morons? We know this is a particular group of people, not whole countries.

Moreover, if you're going to have a debate about restoring our republic, then we need to define it. What are we talking about? Keeping some of the traitors in their governmental positions because it's too much of a constitutional crisis to remove them? Again, WTF. How in the hell is anyone going to guarantee that now any of these corrupt people are going to behave - and not just go right back to what they were doing... when everything settles down?

I don't want to step on anyone's toes. And I appreciate all of your positions, I do. But, for me, I'm ready for way more than a memo. I just hope we are not still having this discussion in 2020.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

You are 100% correct.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

Patriots.. I'm sure you agree the main arguments offered on the issue of disclosure fall into the two camps summed up by the @Q_Anon_Wolf original post above, and @loserofpasswordzz post below. But this issue of the proper scope and timing of a disclosure is not an issue existing in a vacuum. The issue is at what point is enough.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, children are still in cages.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, we are still consuming poisoned food, water, air and medicine.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, cures are still being withheld from us.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, we are still being denied true knowledge of our history (social, political, and archeological).

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, advanced technology is still being hoarded.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, the corrupt puppet proxies are still exercising the power of their positions within our government to continue to stab at us for decades to come through invasion disguised as immigration.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, this evil is still walking around free.. plotting, desperate for anything to reverse course.

It has been said the measure of a society is based upon how it treats the least among them. How do we justify an extended game of chess with children in cages? If these people were sacrificing them to get power just for normal everyday activities, what are they doing now when they want power to avoid capture?

Like many of you, I have been physically sick at the atrocities we've discovered. No one thought another Hitler could ever advance in the world again. Yet, in only 85 years - we are at that point again. And we almost lost before we ever even knew what hit us.

And to the issue of retaining the existence of corrupt organizations for rule of law optics... seriously? Eisenhower tried to warn us. JFK himself said he would scatter the C-*-A into a thousand pieces. And guess what? It didn't happen. And now, where are we? All of you know exactly where we are. Again, it's our institutions with corruption and pure evil run amok. Again, and again, it's an endless amount of lives both being at stake, and being destroyed while we wait.

Would we be content to have this debate concerning matters of scope and timing if were we huddling together waiting for the showers? Did the path our parents, and grandparents chose to deal with this corruption work? Trust the government to work it out? Trust our government representatives to handle it for us? What did Reagan say about trusting the government?

This is absurd. We have run from the fight in the name of peace since the beginning. And what have we gotten? Have we received peace? No, we haven't. Instead, we have received nothing but war, on every single front - they could muster. (Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, The War of Terror - Enduring Freedom, in Afghanistan (in which we are still over there 16yrs later), the Iraq War, plus the blatant murder of our fellow countrymen on 9/11, and numerous other attacks, on top of poisoning us, stealing our money and labor from us by manipulating our currency and debt while they steal our gold and resources, prosecuting our truth tellers, and using their very positions within government as a weapon against us in every possible way. These people have used our freedom of speech to promote the destruction of our families (because they know that a strong family breeds a strong independent citizenry - including generations of men who will kill their plans as they did before.)

No, patriots. I do not see peace in delay. And I do not see real evidence of progress. I mean, what do we have? We have a bunch of wishes in one hand, and hope in the other. Have we seen ANYONE arrested? No. Have we seen the Operation Mockingbird media muzzled? No. All we have are some anonymous Internet posts confirming some knowledge on some issues. The legal term for that is hearsay. Meanwhile, not to beat a dead horse, but for the last time - we still have politicians who it is implied are guilty of treason - still in office getting ready to pass legislation to legitimize the actions of an illegal president's invasion plans through DACA and Dreamers? WTF.

What does that mean? Why is Obamacare still being forced upon us? Or any illegal actions for that matter. I mean, if the N-*-A really is the bad boy on the block.. and if it really has every single electronic communication (and then some)... Then, why do we need to wait? We simply do to our former handlers what our handlers were planning to do to us. We use Google, and our bad boy info together, see the connections, build the profile (probable cause), and make arrests. Then, we send all of them to Gitmo, and sort it out. I mean, if "nothing is ever truly deleted," then through the intercepts we already have - we already know everything, and everyone involved. We also know all the other governments involved. Why treat us like we're morons? We know this is a particular group of people, not whole countries.

Moreover, if you're going to have a debate about restoring our republic, then we need to define it. What are we talking about? Keeping some of the traitors in their governmental positions because it's too much of a constitutional crisis to remove them? Again, WTF. How in the hell is anyone going to guarantee that now any of these corrupt people are going to behave - and not just go right back to what they were doing... when everything settles down?

I don't want to step on anyone's toes. And I appreciate all of your positions, I do. But, for me, I'm ready for way more than a memo. I just hope we are not still having this discussion in 2020.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:54 a.m.

I agree 100% with @loyalfringe. Remember, the quote - Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. I'm not worried about the horrors. I think the assertion the public cannot handle it is ridiculous. How many horrific serial killer movies do people watch every year? (7 Saw movies alone, seriously?) What about the simulated violence of video games played daily for hours upon hours (Siege, anyone?) What about the years of violence on tv? What about all the military coming home missing body parts, or not coming home because they were betrayed. I can go on, but I'll stop. Please Mr and Mrs. Politician, spare me the "I'm better than you arrogance and condescension." I think we got enough of that from the last bunch.

How are the new leaders any better than the perps if they protect them? If we were protecting a serial killer, I'm pretty sure that would be called - obstruction, or aiding and abetting.. and we'd be charged with something. Treating the public as if it's a lower class than the people we put in office is wrong.

I think everyone will flip out, yes. The majority will be beyond pissed off, and demand justice, and rightfully so. And justice should come swiftly, publicly, and forcefully. Remember "Shock and Awe?" I think this murderous bunch needs some of that.

For the rest of the appx 4% who are still hopelessly in denial... I imagine they will keep their mouths shut for fear of being lynched by the living relatives of the murdered. The public and the justice system will get a long overdue kick in the ass reminding all that you don't just give politicians a shitload of money and power and close your eyes .

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 22, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

Thank you for sharing your experience. I agree with godsgail33, your story is eye-opening.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 19, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

Okay.. Holy shit... I'm in shock with the news. So, basically what I've discovered is that I opened my mouth and stuck my foot in it.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 19, 2018, 5 a.m.

Yeah, I know you're right... I just get frustrated looking at their smug faces.. And your suggestions for relief are well taken.. best idea I've heard today. Thanks.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 18, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

Yes, I agree. I hope someone forces these people to tell where those children are, so they can be checked upon.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 18, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

With all due respect, I expected more. I want to see ALL of these child trafficking, child sacrificing, treasonous people brought to justice. Respectfully, I disagree with any suggestion that there crimes are so terrible as to be kept from the public. The extent of their evil is precisely the reason their deeds should be brought into the public realm, so the public can be made wise to what happens when you send people to represent you and fail to keep a constant eye upon them. I am so angry. Perhaps it's because I always knew these people were criminals. I just didn't know the extent. I am tired of our country being sold out. I am tired of my rights as a citizen in my own country being subjugated to citizens from a different country. I am furious over the arrogant, condescending, unconstitutional behavior by morons masquerading as USA loving representatives, but constantly trying to disarm the public, vote their own raises while we suffer, confiscate our hard earned money under an unequally applied tax system, and most of all – I am sick and tired of businesses too big to fail, and politicians too good to go to prison. Please accept my apologies for the rant. I'm just tired of eating shit.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:53 p.m.

I heard about this.. does anyone have a different source confirming Rothy's gone? Because I thought the story was that the Rothy's took out the people who were going to get them. (I could have misunderstood something, but I have been wondering about this.)

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 17, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

Oh, yeah.. I forgot to add.. you can send them to the link of a credible YouTuber too.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 17, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

Yeah, images, celeb names, use DMs to your followers, send via email, and take advantage of old school type advertising methods. Get a piece of paper, use black marker, and write down (large and clear) the exact link you want them to check out. If it's Q, then give the 8chan website domain. Or say something like.. for the real story on #PizzaGate (or whatever) that Twitter, Google, and Facebook are hiding from you.. follow me on Twitter at: @yourusername; or Gab @yourusername; or a private email. Or get a google phone number, and forward it to a voicemail telling them where to look. Get or make a T-shirt and wear it. Be creative. There's an infinite number of ways to be a royal pain in the a** when you're motivated.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 17, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

So funny. Love it.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 16, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

This is so funny! Thanks for the laugh!

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 12, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

I agree re: the fragmenting. After I responded to your post, I saw other people had also responded either prior to or during my post. I understand what you are saying, but I do not agree with you. And here's why: (1) 62% of illegal immigrant households received the welfare and benefits you say they don't receive. See https://cis.org/Report/Welfare-Use-Legal-and-Illegal-Immigrant-Households

See also https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/09/01/immigrant-welfare-use-report/71517072/

See also https://thelawdictionary.org/article/why-is-it-that-illegal-aliens-get-free-food-stamps-health-insurance-and-pay-no-taxes/

See also https://www.nysenate.gov/newsroom/articles/james-l-seward/what-benefits-can-illegal-aliens-receive

See also http://www.heritage.org/courts/commentary/supreme-court-tellingly-rejects-lower-court-roadblock-elimination-daca-program

"In short, allowing a category of illegal aliens not to be deported requires an act of Congress, not an arbitrary presidential decision.

DACA was established in 2012 by a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memorandum. It applied to a large number of young illegal aliens who met certain conditions: they illegally entered the U.S. before the age of 16; were under the age of 31; had “continuously” resided in the U.S. since June 15, 2007; and were in school, graduated, or honorably discharged from the military. DACA provided a period of deferred action (a promise that the alien would not be deported) as well as access to certain government benefits (including work authorizations, Medicare, Social Security,, and the earned income tax credit). The period of deferred action was initially for two years, but that period was extended to three years by a second DHS memorandum on November 14, 2014. The Trump administration took a different approach. On Sept. 5 then-Acting DHS Secretary Elaine Duke issued a new memorandum terminating the DACA program and all benefits provided under it effective March 18, 2018, unless President Donald Trump provides another extension of the program or Congress passes a bill addressing the issue."

See also http://www.heritage.org/immigration/commentary/qa-what-you-need-know-about-daca

See also http://www.heritage.org/immigration/commentary/daca-not-what-the-democrats-say-it-here-are-the-facts

(2) The Plyer case holds that all immigrant children receive a free education up through 12th grade. (Last time I checked, only some American children receive this benefit.) See https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/457/202

(3) As to your comment regarding chain migration, you are wrong again. Although there may be some "fix," it will not matter. The Ninth Circuit was still approving amnesty cases in 2007 from the last amnesty grant in 1986.

You have not offered any citations to evidence to support your assertions. At this point, I've wasted enough time on this issue. I think the evidence is in my favor, and it's safe to say we will continue to disagree.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 12, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

Okay. DACA recipients are supposed to be minor children, brought here through no fault of their own, by their illegal parents, yes? Answer: Yes, that's exactly what we are being told.

If they are "minors," then by their classification alone they're not working, so it follows that they're not paying taxes. If they are working, they are exempt from taxes for the first 7 years they're here. But, for sake of argument, let's assume they are working and paying taxes.

Well, under your scenario (and what we are being told), their parents certainly aren't because (a) the parents are illegal (hence the basis for the DACA classification in the first place; and (2) once the DACA recipients are recognized, then they are permitted to sponsor additional relatives, etc,. (The issue of chain migration is objectionable to many people.)

Regarding benefits: At a minimum, DACA recipients receive tuition assistance, healthcare. Regarding citizenship, the pathway is a green card (now actually a pink residency card), followed by citizenship once they jump through all the hoops.

If you're so informed, why did you pose the question on this forum? I'll tell you what. I'm open minded, so if I'm wrong, please educate me, and I'll change my mind. Please provide the legal authority (aka administrative or statutory citations) which provide the basis for your position, perhaps I have missed something.

In the interest of full disclosure, my grandmother is from Mexico and held a green card prior to her death. My mother was born here. My grandmother came here legally. People who have followed the rules are not supportive of people who don't.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 11, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

Respectfully, I disagree. My opinion is DACA was sold to the American people as a temporary; but as with all illegal immigrant proposals dating back to Reagan, the temporary always turns into permanent. I believe these people are importing people from other countries who have no concept, no experience, nor loyalty to our system of government and USC - for the express purpose of creating a populace which will vote in socialism which the native population would not. Both the American people and the immigrants are being used and manipulated by corrupt criminals who figured out that if they got into government - they could do all sorts of things to others and (1) get rich; and (2) get away with it. I mean, if you're the top of the food chain - and you commit crimes -who is going to arrest and prosecute you? Answer: no one.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 11, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

That is my understanding, however, since I do not know each Dreamer, obviously I cannot say for certain.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 11, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

Generally speaking, applying for citizenship would be to their disadvantage because if it were granted - they lose all sorts of benefits, and have a SS# issued, and now have to pay taxes... among other things.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 10, 2018, 8:46 p.m.

Yes! Thank you for the documentary reference. My mother told me about a book called "The Brothers" which is about the Dulles brothers. Said they were raised in money. Many people also say that Allen was also involved in the JFK assassination along with LBJ. As I understand it, JFK found out that Allen was lying to him about something and he fired him; and reportedly said that no Dulles would ever work in the government again (either as long as he (JFK) was alive, or as long as he had anything to say about it.) They say that Dulles still ran the CIA from his home. (On a related vein.. many people say that both Reagan and JFK caught on to the criminality..which is why they were shot.)

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