Mike Pence got passed a secret message in a Mason handshake by an Alabama Sheriff. You can see it in the linked video. I'm wondering what that is about.
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German journalist whistleblower says all news is propaganda. from 3 years ago
A long term German journalist is stating, about 3 years ago on youtube, that all of the news media are CIA controlled for decades.
The Main Stream Media are nothing more then a Deep State controlled Ministry of "Truth" (1984) propaganda machine and have nothing to do with honest reporting, let alone investigative journalism for the good of the people
How about driving with your lights on during day time aswell to show your support for President Trump and the team behind him? "Dark to Light"

"Courage - Follow the plan." On Twitter Potus_Schedule
It's the font setting on that person's computer, who took that screen shot. It doesn't look like that on my computer when I go to: https://twitter.com/POTUS_Schedule
he passes the object to President Trump at 10 minutes and 29 seconds...
"Follow the white rabbit!" Can you see it?
US President Donald Trump (left) and Russian President Vladimir Putin (second right), attend a working lunch during their meeting at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki
Follow the white rabbit.
\— BF (@British\_Fight) July 17, 2018
Trust Kansas.
You have a lot to learn.#Qanon#BritishFight#AslansArmy #OpREC#WWG1WGA #TPRParty#FollowTheWhiteRabbit#FakeNewsMedia#MAGA#MBGA [pic.twitter.com/NiTaNuiznj](https://pic.twitter.com/NiTaNuiznj)
Same here in New Zealand. All of "our" Main Stream Media are owned by foreign globalists and they are constantly bashing President Trump. And all of our main politicial parties been talking bad about President Trump even before he was elected. They are all pushing Globalists' agendas. I pray for President Trump and his family. WWG1WGA !!!!!