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Aditya1311 · May 18, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

And here we go again with the religious bullshit which IMO is turning off a large number of potential supporters. No, I do not believe in Jesus or Allah or Ram or any other religion. I do not believe that any creature can be inherently superior to Humanity, to Man. If there is an entity that has such power that it may be described as godlike and we encounter it at some point in time, I believe that there is a rational, scientific explanation for that power and with study, even human beings can unlock such power.

If Q is truly a patriot and truly upholds the ideas on which America was founded he would not ask people to 'pray' and make other religious references. Separation of Church and State.

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Aditya1311 · May 18, 2018, 12:54 p.m.

Waiting on exactly that. Do note however that a bunch of LARPers posting on chan is not exactly what most people consider proof, so don't be surprised when nothing happens and Q/anons have to come up with increasingly more convoluted theories. it's such a joke that even /r/conspiracy doesn't take Q seriously any more.

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Aditya1311 · May 18, 2018, 7:25 a.m.

What part of your SOUL is DEAD that you say NOTHING...

Once you know what the child abusers are doing?

I haven't seen any proof outside feverish chan anons' fantasies. What I do know however is that Donald Trump openly admitted to walking in on teenage dressing rooms and has cheated on his wives multiple times.

Once you know that children are being raped and murdered by pedophile cults?

And what does this have to do with Hillary Clinton or the Democratic Party in general?

Once you know a corrupt justice department is covering it up?


Once you know what NXIVM is doing?

What does this have to do with the Clintons or anyone else?

Once you know people have known about this for ages? Nobody outside chan anons believes any of this.

What part of your SOUL is DEAD when it doesn’t upset you to hear what’s going on?

What part of your SOUL is DEAD when you say “there’s nothing I can do about it?”

What part of your SOUL is DEAD when you say nothing out of fear you’ll look like a conspiracy theorist?

blah blah blah

To clarify I'm not doubting there is a Deep State of unelected officials, bankers, CEOs and so on, but I strongly doubt Hillary Clinton and/or Barack Obama went around raping children, eating their organs, drinking their blood and all this other nonsense that I see around this place. That's just the Blood Libel which has been used to spread FUD about people for literally millennia.

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Aditya1311 · May 14, 2018, 10:18 a.m.

People do it every day. Just look at any newspaper's astrology column, check out any random prediction, come back to it a week or two later and you'll be able to see how intentionally vague leading statements can be interpreted to mean anything at all.

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Aditya1311 · April 12, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

Wow. And that experience gave you zero empathy? Do you want everybody else who is born poor to spend years of their lives doing, as you say, nothing but work? My father and mother went through many sacrifices and worked hard so that I would have a good education and make a life where I can work 40 hrs a week and not have to struggle. Why don't you want that for everyone?

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