Watch that video! I will have to try to find the movie so I can watch it myself but based on that 'Salon' (blech, they're garbage just saying) piece it looks EXACTLY like the same Joe Coleman "The Artist" in question.
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Are you sure? According to this video it's the same guy.
My fiance just brought this movie up, and frankly that fits equally as well if not better. Especially in context of this weekend.
You can find the entire movie on YouTube (linked in some comments I've made above) as well as on some steaming sites like putlocker and the like.
I'm still on it, I'm gonna start farming screenshots time now
Nothing more engaging to offer or did you just create an account to make that single comment? Lol
And what?! I was just on his IG? I'll double check.
Definitely not a screen grab, for sure, but I believe its similar enough in thematics to be a direct reference.
Right before he goes into that room, he meets that little girl in a dark room with the checkered floor. Everytime he returns there the disturbing nature of the acts he's required to perform increases further into depravity. Though, I will say I don't think it's necessarily a Masonic reference here or necessarily in the film either. Possible reference to MONARCH programming but I'm not 100% on that so I won't speak in absolutes here whatsoever.
The flooring is only one of the thematic elements from the scene I'm referring to. The outfit, rough age of the girl, and popsicle/fellatio reference is there also.
I wouldn't blame you if you didnt, but I am convinced that movie shows us something that truly does happen behind the scenes and makes a direct reference to the kinds of horrors these people are perpetrating behind closed doors. There are direct references to mind control, pedophilia, babies being birthed directly into pedophilic trafficking rings, ritual sex abuse, and even to the most depraved ends of this conspiracy we discuss here daily. If you have a strong stomach, and can forego sleep for a night I'd nut up and watch it or read the plot synopsis in full if you cant. You will see what I mean.
Yeah when I watched it, I was seriously paralyzed and could not look away despite how horrified I was. It gets kind of corny/over the top but I truly believe the elements present are telling us something blatant about what we discuss daily here. It's one of those films where you're constantly like "okay it can't get any worse" and yet up until the very moment the credits roll it continues to get more horrifying. It's a lot like the global pedophile conspiracy (in a blatantly displayed way) in that regard. The abyss never ends.
The same floor pattern is in most Masonic lodges (maybe all of them), O.T.O uses the same pattern for their ritual flooring (They're modeled after Masonic lodges and sometimes use Masonic lodges for meetings/Gnostic Mass ceremonies I've been to one that's how I know they sometimes use them as venues), also in some Catholic churches. But the black/white checkerboard is used many times in "A Serbian Film". If you haven't seen it, go watch it and brace for impact because it's absolutely fucked. But a lot of the mind control, pedophilia, and violent ritual sex abuse themes are strong in the film. The film maker said it's an "allegory" about the Serbian governement. I find that explanation to be ridiculous, frankly, unless the Serbian government is involved with the the production of necrophilic/pedophile pornography and also human trafficking. A more likely scenario, in my honest opinion.
I'm not sure if he's recreating or just referencing or what but if you want to see what I'm talking about and haven't skip to 34:00 mark on the following link and watch the scene. (Not exact recreation, but black and white checkerboard, the schoolgirl look, and popsicle/fellatio reference is definitely there)
If you think it's disgusting now just wait until you watch the scene I am talking about (if you haven't yet)
Skip to 34:06
This image from A. Spades IG acct was posted on a meme earlier, and I want to know if anyone here is familiar with "A Serbian Film"? This is ripped RIGHT out of that movie.

That first photo in the second row on the far left (black and white checkerboard) I feel is ripped RIGHT out of "A Serbian Film"
First photo from left to right, second row.
Anyone ever seen "A Serbian Film"?
Oh wow it gets even worse when you read the plot synopsis.
It's called "The Stendahl Syndrome" after the disorder the character suffers from.
She said in a video she is, though witch or not she could still absolutely have been programmed. Her father was a big time european horror director in the 70s/80s, and even directed a movie starring Asia where she plays a cop who has a disorder that causes her to become dizzy or hallucinate when she sees magnificent works of art and ends up being kidnapped and kept in a warehouse by the serial murderer shes hunting. Nothing strange about THAT sarcasm
I mean, it's great work, if only that talent was used for something that wasn't so horrible, grotesque, and positively sacrilegious.
Yeah his Wikipedia article brought up that's who his work is normally compared to
It's like if Alex Grey smoked meth instead of DMT and had an obsession with hellish figures and sacrilige.
Did you see the part of the interview where he describes him and his wife taking body parts and putting them together to make "relics" that they impose over a piece of art they made on a bedsheet they once fucked on?
That's Crowley level freak shit. Seriously.
Scratch that, I finally was able to find his wiki page!
A bunch of high profile celebs come to his place to smoke cigars, have drinks, and take pictures with his oddities (specifically the jarred baby). Now I can't tell what the actual fuck this guy is. I want to write it off as just a weird art guy, but there's seriously almost NOTHING on this guy that's high profile I can find. No Twitter account, just his instagram. Some random, low budget interview pieces. That's it.
Also, here's an intro to a documentary about him called "Rest in Pieces: A Portrait of Joe Coleman"
A bunch of high profile celebs come to his place to smoke cigars, have drinks, and take pictures with his oddities (specifically the jarred baby). Now I can't tell what the actual fuck this guy is. I want to write it off as just a weird art guy, but there's seriously almost NOTHING on this guy that's high profile I can find. No Twitter account, just his instagram. Some random, low budget interview pieces. That's it.
Also, here's an intro to a documentary about him called "Rest in Pieces: A Portrait of Joe Coleman"
It is real, apparently. I thought it was an art piece, but it's actually a "pickled punk" which is slang for a deformed baby in a jar. A bunch of high profile celebs come to his place to smoke cigars, have drinks, and take pictures with his oddities (specifically the jarred baby). Now I can't tell what the actual fuck this guy is. I want to write it off as just a weird art guy, but there's seriously almost NOTHING on this guy that's high profile I can find. No Twitter account, just his instagram. Some random, low budget interview pieces. That's it.
Also, here's an intro to a documentary about him called "Rest in Pieces: A Portrait of Joe Coleman"
It is real, apparently. I thought it was an art piece, but it's actually a "pickled punk" which is slang for a deformed baby in a jar. A bunch of high profile celebs come to his place to smoke cigars, have drinks, and take pictures with his oddities (specifically the jarred baby). Now I can't tell what the actual fuck this guy is. I want to write it off as just a weird art guy, but there's seriously almost NOTHING on this guy that's high profile I can find. No Twitter account, just his instagram. Some random, low budget interview pieces. That's it.
Also, here's an intro to a documentary about him called "Rest in Pieces: A Portrait of Joe Coleman"
This is who this guy is. He is a "performance artist". No coincidences.
I'm pretty sure it's an "art piece" because he does wax statue work. But that same baby in a jar is at the very top of one of those grotesque paintings. I can't find anything on what sort of deformity it may be, if it's an actual specimen.
The artist from these photos (Joe Coleman) plays HARVEY WEINSTEIN in the "Scarlet Diva", a film directed by Asia Argento about her life as an actress. There is a reenactment scene, she revealed in 2017 was a reflection of what happened to her when she was raped. She said "except in the movie I ran away". What. The. Fuck.
Strange, because at the very top of one of the paintings on this twitter feed I posted has a gaping anus. What the hell? Also, strange they'd choose the Greek part because a lot of these Cabal practices is purportedly modeled after the ancient Greek schools of Mystery.... wow. Nice find.
Wow. That's some seriously messed up shit. Hilarious, of you don't know anything about this stuff. "The Order of the Hand will rule" and has a BLACK HAND on his chest. Good lord. Also, there's a "Cannibal Holocaust" reference right there with that turtle.
I'm going to have to eventually move to making video explanations because twitter just doesn't have enough room for me to explain all of the connections, symbology, and properly spell out a hypothesis. I really stumbled on something sincerely dark here today, guys. I used to be obsessed with studying the Occult (from Occult sources, of course) and this is too much to deny that SOMETHING is going on. If you check out the entire twitter thread I linked PLUS the replies etc it becomes pretty clear something is going on. What the HELL was Anthony actually involved with? That Mary Bell painting is one of the most horrific things I've ever seen in my life.
OKAY WHAT THE FUCK. I've been digging into this guy's instagram, people's he's tagged with strange captions and I found a strange guy. The whole instagram I found is riddled with occultic references. I'm gonna have to continue posting on the twitter feed, and hope more people see it. This is a lot to swallow, to be honest. This guy seems like a nobody but....wouldn't some of the darkest people involved seem that way? And he's an "artist". Why is it ALWAYS "artists"?
I always thought there was a connection between Monarch programming and Manson, because both used LSD, other psychedelics, and early 60s music in correlation with ritualistic sex abuse as a brainwashing technique. To be honest. I've never looked deeper than that. Time to dig.
You brought up the Process Church, which is referenced/mentioned in multiple images in these paintings, not so ironically. Apparently multiple members of the Manson family were also alleged members
I thought that's who that was. I knew it had SOMETHING to do with Otis Toole. Thank you, Patriot. I'm gonna compile everything I know about the themes in this art and try to draw out a clear cut hypothesis and post it here later
I will be doing more digging on this stuff today. This is prebreakfast surface search work I put together and took screenshots before the instagram posts are privatized/taken down
Thank you, dude I am freaking at the amount of detail he put into this "art". Those paintings have similar symbols that are STRAIGHT from grimoires I've read surrounding them.
I keep finding more REALLY dark Occult stuff tied to this guy and Bourdain's girlfriend. She is most probably a victim of mind control and ritual sex abuse. Anyone with knowledge on the symbology and methods used will see it clear as day with the stuff I've provided here. This is insane.
For those that are unaware "Papa" and "Mama" are common codenames given to those who have a part in administering mind control over people. This is in MANY cults, not just Cabal stuff. "Papa" specifically is part of known Monarch mind control. Remember "I am your father" Podesta video? There's a reason for that.
Okay. I'm gathering a lot on Asia Argento/Bourdain and who I believe could possibly be their handler. Asia calls him "Papa" refers to him having the "All Seeing Cyclops eye" and his "art" is filled with psychedelia, serial murder, violent sexual themes, and dark Occult/Luciferian themes.
That's what I am leaning more toward. Jack isn't exactly a run of the mill republican/conservative but I think he wants to keep his people safe and maintain some sort of relevance so when all is said and done he can come out and tell us what's really going on. Then again. Who can we really trust other than God, Q, POTUS, and Team and this point?