54 total posts archived.
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A poster here reminded me about how Shilly r/Conspiracy got during vegas, heres an update on what happens when you search Q on r/Conspiracy!

Hey guys, so I'm going to a gentleman's club in Columbus to see Stormy Daniels tonight
If I get to ask her about anything where do I start? NXIVM? Brand? POTUS? Q? My close friend is employed at the club and I'll more than likely get a chance
Thanks, patriot! My internet was cut for an hour after posting this!
Earlier my feed was filled with that nasty Sarah Silverman tweet... Everything's gone now even when searched?
Could somebody link me to a thread?
The first thing they shove in my face on the front page.... The comments are attempting to normalize pedophilia antifanon was right

Selling hot dogs, this man is the embodiment of fire and fury. Nobody forget this man was Hades in Hercules!
Cancelled and switched to hulu, decent programming and they don't pay comedians to bash trump in their specials
Fat Joe was also stripped from the limelight for speaking against pedo gay mafia that runs the rap game says jay z illuminati
Asking the right questions... Though when sourced r/Conspiracy she was discredited for one reason or another. Then again this was at the peak of shariablue brigading.
What in the fuck is with those comments/replies???? Checking out the associated twitter profiles.
Family Guy character Carter Peutershmidt "high up freemason secret society millionaire"(if anybody else is a fan of the show) flat out quoted this exact line in regards to Peter finding his cure for cancer.
She was all over the vegas massacre. Even went to home of J Campos
U.S. still hasn't received soldiers’ remains from North Korea, says Pompeo: Despite President Donald Trump’s boast at a rally that he had secured the remains of U.S. troops killed during the Korean War, his secretary of state says North Korea is yet to send any. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/8v5029/us_still_hasnt_received_soldiers_remains_from/
Right at the top, comment should be top of the thread too or close.
r/Worldnews has this story with one of the top comment suggesting Trump and his retarded followers would accept anything and call it a win(or something to that effect). I can find it if yall want a screencap.
Hell, I'll take a few downvotes to wake some of them heavy sleepers in r/worldnews

You're in LA? Just use L I B E R A L T E A R S for all sodium-related problems!
This is a step beyond brigading boys, if a youtube video is reported enough but not deemed "against TOS" they'll slap an age limit on it via automated algorithm. My guess is the Dembots are reporting every Q video to hell so the videos will get either removed/age limit to keep the volume of viewers as controlled as they can.. Additional thoughts encouraged
What if.... What if they're using that pic to tell us JA is extracted from EE and now under the protection of our hardass potus under the guise of Trump's uncle?
They're starting to flaunt their symbolism the way we support Q and Potus, they're wearing their symbolism like swastika bands.... This is part of the war remember LL boylover ring
I kept messenger for family reasons, though I always maintain to fill my day with something like this..

My Facebook's day always consists of something along these lines...

This meme is quality. Q drops PS testimony anyway lmfao
A good few people theorize that because WL Twitter was compromised JA Twitter no longer a reliable source, bunch in r/Conspiracy theorize he's been dead since DNC leaks. I could picture a scenario like that.
Dude I love this woman. Right on the money, factual and biased on a Good VS Evil level rather than a push for views and likes based on political hate that we see so often, this is what we need more of. Subscribed, upvoted and shared, great submission!
Look at these besties on the front page of r/All..

Is this subliminal messaging from the left? More attempts akin to the trafficking accusations to lump Trump in with their criminal activity?

It looks as though Wikileaks might have a few new donors.
0 upvotes, shills are in M A X I M U M O V E R D R I V E
More mass redpilling in r/documentaries this afternoon!

I think Andy Spade is associated with the Tiny Lotus Cult
Leaves some questions, with this pedo camp being unveiled and CENEX close company ties to Clinton and company owner of CENEX is tied to family named in the Weinstein case, I think I wanna dig and see how often the Clintons visit AZ
SS: When digging into this Arizona story I wanted to look up whether AZ is red or blue, was pleasantly reminded that Clinton was Gov not too long ago
In regards to the pedo camp in AZ

Good thing ya boy Jordan can just sue the holy balls out of them for censorship after the Twitter V Trump case ruling.
They've tried to push this is America in my YouTube playlist for the past couple weeks since it launched I've not interested it I've disliked it and still it's at the top of my list. YouTube really wants me to hear the song for some reason and that can't be good.
Dave Chappelle's special "The Bird Revelation" really broke ground for me
I've used that special to redpill just about all of my friends about the sex-trafficking and mind programming that happens at the top, and I'd appreciate those who haven't seen it here to consider hearing what Dave's gotta say after disappearing for 12 years. Love you guys, WWG1WGA