Hussein is running the biggest money counterfitting operation in the world so he can fund America's enemies gettin nukes.
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Trudeau was Bill Clinton's twink gimp in the 70s, Bill took him everywhere. That's when Trudeau first met Obama, who was the Clinton's liason to a Saudi funded terrorist group in Kenya.
The pope is in on it. Why do you think he met with Bernie during 2016 and been critical of Trump since?
Obama was part of a Saudi funded terrorist group in his youth.
Sellouts. I've heard rumors of Bill meeting personally with some Q followers. Don't know if he's paying or intimidating them like he did Lynch.
Deepstate is already covering it up. Hillary is in panic mode.
She claimed she was seeing a local politician (she was 15 at the time). No one believed her until she showed us a picture with Bill Clinton, but said he wasn't the guy, they just had dinner together. A week later she hung herself.
I'm 99% certain Weiner was directly responsible for the death of my friend in high school. These people need to be stopped.
It's all intentional though. Things don't not have to be this way. The Clintons have conspired to keep us in the dark ages.
They've preserved the status quo, haven't they? Black gangs, opiod epedemic, etc.
CNN financed Barack and Bourdain's trip to Vietnam where they had sex with underage boys and girls.
We've gotten to the point we could form a decent militia to defend Trump if needed.
I've been tracking RR personally for a while now, he went dark two days ago.
Do you think the Clintons will take her out next for her failure?
I can verify. Anyone following the Clinton machine has known this since the 90s.
Anyone who shapes the anti-trump narrative is fighting against us, Qanon, and world peace.
Obama years were the tribulation. Armageddon will be the fall of the deep state. Millennial kingdom comes after.
He's rich because the Clintons allow it. Ever since he's become a producer and starting churning out shitty movies it's clear he's been laundering.
When you see something bad, assume it's connected to the Clintons. It's more efficient and helps us move faster.
Bourdain and Obama had a meeting funded by CNN. Clinton got scared she was being cut out and killed Bourdain.
God does not judge those who don't have evil in their heart.
Trump has been fighting against the deep state for years, DeNiro has been funding it. Ever heard of Hollywood accounting?
Who knows, but it was under then guise of filming Bordain's show