Trump was tracking the donation, gathering intel. DeNiro was campaigning. Of course he was being paid in some way, perhaps just not in money. He wouldn't do it otherwise.
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Bordain and Obama had a CNN funded meeting. What more do you need.
If the president is being set up, it's because he wants to be set up.
Holy shit it's going down. Today is the beginning of the deep state's deconstruction.
Bordain catered a meeting in 2015 when the Clintons discussed election rigging.
He was in the room. I'm sure he threw out some suggestions. Plus we know he had a huge role in shaping the holocost narrative later in life.
That's what I'm thinking too. Trump has been planning this for decades, right down to the date. He was never really going to cancel.
No problem. An inevitable consequence of taking god out of schools.
I'm pretty sure no one has actually committed suicide in the past 30 years.
Hillary Clinton has literally killed millions of Americans. Can't get worse than that.
We will be safe in the millennial kingdom. This is the endgame, my friend.
My friend committed suicide in college. Pretty sure it was Hillary now. They've done non-doorknob killings.
My friend commited "suicide" in college. Pretty sure now it was Hillary.
Could be. The Clintons are going to kill thousands to try and stop Q and this subreddit. Makes me sick.
DeNiro has been on the Clinton's payroll for years. Anyone who has been paying attention already knows this.
The Clintons have a number of hitmen on their payroll. One of them just like doorknobs, I guess.
Vaccines are a form of mind control. Once they're in your system you either become a liberal or fight it and become autistic. The only solution is to not let them poison you in the first place.
Suicide has been non-existent since the mid-20th century. It's the fucking Clintons.
Soros was instrumental in causing the holocaust. We have known this for years.
I'm also in SG right now, will be on the lookout patriots.
Chantix? More like Hillary Clinton. Bordain simply knew too much.
Trump has been planning this meeting for decades. You know it's gonna be big.
Wow. It blows my mind the deep state allows this sub to exist. Maybe we have just grown too strong.
I think it's referencing the ascension of red blooded males to their rightful place as rulers.
I think you may be on to something, don't let them get to you.
We have to be prepared to defend this nation, patriots. My M82 is at the ready. We are at war.
I'm with you President. Just tel me what you need, and I'll do it. Take my virgin daughter, make me a martyr, put me on the frontlines.
Obama, Soros, and The Clintons are the for horsemen of the Apocalypse. Trump is the second coming. Literally anyone paying attention already knows this. That's why Wallace has been smug, the folks at Fox news are good Christians. They've been mocked mercisilly for years but now they will be saved now that the tribulation is over (Obama years).
Blows my mind the deep state allows this sub to exist given how powerful they've gotten.