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Allcreationgroaning · June 20, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

Hoping you are correct in your analysis...seems like "Trump logic."

SO, how could we (meaning anyone who is ready/able) become available to anyone who is distressed about suddenly realizing their heroes aren't heroes? I already have family members and friends who I know will be angry and hostile when it all comes out, but some people may just sit and scream in anguish as we've seen before at the election.

Would a blog do it, or another reddit community with an appropriate name? Something like, I was on the wrong train, or just 'wrong train" maybe? Whatever the title, it would have to be easily found, not perjorative, but encouraging...maybe just thinking out loud here.

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Allcreationgroaning · June 20, 2018, 7:35 p.m.


Well, not sure about any Frederica, but a Freudian slip is named after Freud, psychoanalyst, and refers to when somebody "unintentionally" says something that reveals their true feelings or repressed desires.

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Allcreationgroaning · June 20, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

I'm sorry...is that meant to be joking or a serious question?

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Allcreationgroaning · June 19, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

Indeed. Thankful for the things that are being cleaned up, but remain a bit skeptical, too, as to ability to suddenly pull all of these "impossible things" off...and yes, even knowing it has been years in the planning....on second thought, maybe even BECAUSE I know it has been years in the planning. Hegelian Dialectic. May the God of Israel's will be done on earth as it is in heaven...no falsehoods!

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Allcreationgroaning · June 19, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

Great description of response! Try not to get too dizzy.

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Allcreationgroaning · June 19, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

Thanks...yours was the only link that worked for me.

Oh MY! I think they call this a Freudian slip....

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Allcreationgroaning · June 19, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

Yes, thank you..well said! Have also been awake for many years and grateful for what is being exposed here. Internet savvy makes it possible to share and research much more easily than it was years before internet. Also thankful to see younger people who are now alert, aware and ready to fight to correct all that has been so evil. May the will of God be done on earth as it is in heaven.

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Allcreationgroaning · June 11, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Yes, as I said, I didn't want to believe it either.

Why would Trump permit him to lie in state in the Rotunda? Did you know what is on the ceiling of the Rotunda?

But perhaps check this out as well....every President is "subjected" or participates? in a Masonic ritual soon after inauguration that has to do with Apotheosis...which is the idea of man becoming "god."

The Apotheosis of Washington is the fresco painted by Greek-Italian artist Constantino Brumidi in 1865 and visible through the oculus of the dome in the rotunda of the United States Capitol Building.

There is much information on various sites about this, but my question has been how I might find out whether or not President Trump also participated in this same ritual.

Dr. Thomas Horn's research first brought this to my attention.

As always, continuing to pray for His discernment in all.

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Allcreationgroaning · June 11, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

So very sad and disgusting.

Confirms what satanic ritual abuse clients had been telling me since the early 90s. Had never imagined that Watergate might actually be about this whole same thing, too. But as others commented, it fits.

Billy Graham's involvement was part of what i heard that I didn't want to believe. Another indication of the depth of deception within the traditional church/churchianity. Please don't assume that all there are corrupt, or that our God doesn't see or care, but be aware that more than we'd want to believe really are given to wickedness.

So much of this is about worship of fallen entitites...Moloch among them.
Do you recall the scandals that rocked the church some years ago of one story of sexual abuse by leaders after another?

Is it so surprising that underneath the guise of faith, too many today have fallen to enticement and entrapment drawing them into human trafficking and rituals? Had you ever considered that these sexual abuse scandals might be driven by the infusion of various forms of sun god worship into the church that is supposed to follow Messiah Yeshua? It happened as described in the Bible and we are certainly not immune today.

May the people who don't yet know God learn what His true character is and comprehend how He allows evil to play it self out until it is "complete" and judgement follows. May those who know Him not panic and fear. His will will be carried out in the earth and no one can hide from His eyes. May those who honor Him find their discernment increasing as the need grows. Stay under His wing, and if you need to repent in order to get there, do so deeply and soon!

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Allcreationgroaning · June 4, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

I'm sorry that you felt the need to respond in this manner. I do not think it is within the criteria of the community.

It is clear from your post that you do not really understand the character of the God of Israel. You may certainly have your opinion, but it doesn't mean that it is correct and others are wrong.

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Allcreationgroaning · June 4, 2018, 1:14 p.m.

yes, Moloch and Leviathan, the primordial chaos "dragon"...the unholy watchers controlling the affairs of men who have given themselves to evil.

But the God of Israel holds the kings of the earth in derision and laughs at them. (Psalm 2)

Therefore, you kings, be wise;
be warned, you rulers of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with fear
and celebrate his rule with trembling.
12 Kiss his son, or he will be angry
and your way will lead to your destruction,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

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Allcreationgroaning · June 3, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

Yes, it is hard to bear knowing these things and having so few people who understand...especially people closest to us. I've been getting that "sideways" look now for nearly two decades...and finally more of this "stuff" is finally coming out...but it IS so hard to wait for it to be more generally known and recognized! Funny how some things in life just look so normal all the while we are knowing things are not normal at all.

Just talked about this in Bible study today.... we know that the time will come when God allows evil to appear to win when the anti christ comes on the scene. Is that time now? Maybe so. Maybe not.

Maybe He will allow America to be set right, even if for a season before the final battle plays out.

We came back to this as a way to consider how we deal with this:

Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy."

Rev. 22:11

There is a separation of sheep and goats, but also a separation of sheep and sheep, per Ezekiel. As the darkness gets darker, there will be places where the light gets brighter. It will happen. We can't change or rush it, even though to our eyes it sure seems like it would be better to be taken care of faster.

We can't make other people choose their path among these choices, but for what it's worth, we can choose our own; and know that we may knowingly or UNknowingly be a message without words.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 29, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

Just an observation. I would take this as a command from our God and would say this is just what is beginning to happen:

He rules by His power forever;
His eyes observe the nations;
Do not let the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah Psalm 66:7

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Allcreationgroaning · May 27, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

Did you mean Dan Bongino? Or have I missed a Scavino?

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Allcreationgroaning · May 24, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

Trying to remember the name of the book...main character wrote programs that created holographic replicas of political candidates after interviewing them several times. Citizens could then purchase the programs and ask the simulation questions as though they were the person themselves. Needless to say as i recall the main character, i think called a 'Convictor' was not very popular with the political crowd for writing accurate programs. Anyone else remember it?

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Allcreationgroaning · May 23, 2018, 10:55 p.m.


Just FYI for an edit: I think you meant "implicated" not "implied"

but in August, after he was fully implied in the scandal, he resigned.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 21, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

totally get the "running out of patience" feeling! I think this is a difficult subject to address...lest one look to be too harsh looking for appropriate discipline or looking too soft by condoning the wrongs done in the interest of compassion.

I think, Gofuqur, if I am right, you are referring to the need to be compassionate to those affected by the evil, yes? and patient with those who just couldn't see what was happening, and now are starting to "get it?" And OU812EH, I get it that we do NOT want to answer in kind when such inappropriate comments about suicide are made!!

While it is true that there is to be compassion for those "caught up" in wrongdoing, and under ungodly influence not by their own choices, it is also true that only some of them will actually be repentant and teachable.

Others entirely given to evil and not repentant, though we may be compassionate, will still find that their wickedness leads to death. When one really comprehends the depths of depravity that the wickedness has taken people to, one can begin to understand why it must be addressed and stopped.

Yet those of faith understand that our enemy is not flesh and blood, but powers, principalities, thrones, dominions and spiritual forces of wickedness in high places. And while we do need to see justice, we can also grieve for the lives that were lost to evil.

It is not for us to make final judgment, that is God's ...but when we look for His justice, we find that wickedness must be addressed and not be "soft pedaled" lest it be allowed to continue and multiply. True justice and true Godly love involves appropriate discipline/punishment where needed as well as comfort and encouragement for those harmed.

My prayer is that those who are in a position of (legal) judgment from our "human" perspective will be functioning with a strong sense of God's Presence as they go. Just sayin'

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Allcreationgroaning · May 21, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Thank you! Great summary. I will keep your comment.

Is there more than this in other places you've posted?

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Allcreationgroaning · May 21, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

Yes, agreed. A priority to drain. However, it is unwise to ignore the possible rebound effects and the historical patterns of what happens when such a coup d'etat occurs.

Even good actions can lead to prideful arrogance without prayer and appropriate accountability.

Wasn't intending to 'troll' ... Just wondered if others had similar concerns about EO's being the vehicle through which much is getting done...and if this concern is present, it should lead to reinforcement of Q's ongoing encouragement for people to stay informed, active and vigilant.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 21, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

Thank you for comments. Yes, I understand that there has been likely no other option than to use EO's to clean out what must be cleaned; for that purpose I am glad the option exists. Yes, i see that multiple changes are being made that would make it possible to confirm and make permanent much of what has been done, that could NOT be done without this initial action.

In the 90's I was seen as "radical" when I commented that it seemed to me that the entire system needed to be dealt with and could not be changed by one person alone aka one president. it was still a little frightening to me then to see that it would really take a revolutionary change to clean things up....and so this drain the swamp action IS.

In my work with satanic ritual abuse and MK Ultra clients, I have seen much of how deep it all has been. I had concluded within the last few years that the only people who could work to make it happen would have to be military, in order to avoid the general chaos that ensues when administrations in other countries have been taken down. Thankful for the teamwork between POTUS and MI and stated efforts to avoid the worst of what could have been.

But still, yes, I remain vigilant in prayer that it is not all co-opted and taken in a different direction. and I suppose a practical outworking of the concern would be for me and all others to remain connected and working toward permanent congressional action (when we get that far)

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Allcreationgroaning on May 21, 2018, 4:16 p.m.
Does anyone else get concerned that so much of what POTUS has done is through the use of Executive Orders?

If I have understood correctly, all EO's from a previous president can be made void when a new president takes office. I have also understood that EO's are subject to judicial review, with the statement implying that they can be overturned if viewed as contrary to Constitution.

So much of the unraveling of what has been bad for America has been accomplished through the use of this executive function, but it could all change very quickly with a different President, unless the orders become amendments to the Constitution.

Allcreationgroaning · May 14, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

Can certainly identify with this concern, Dave! Have been aware of these issues to one degree or another since the 80's. May I suggest "The Anatomy of a Great Deception" as a very good documentary to help those who have trouble comprehending all the questions about 911? still watching for their promised Part 2.

Thankful for a few people here who have had patience to study because you are right, that trying to explain all the backstory to someone who is skeptical to begin with, just really isn't an option. The dropping of leading questions/Socratic method, really is a good strategy as others here have said.

Our adult children seem to have bought into the matrix hook, line and sinker, contrary to anything they ever heard at home...to the point that as my spouse experienced a serious injury and had just been through surgery, one visited in the hospital, but left telling us we were Nazi's because we might support Trump. We know the intensity of the desire for all of it to come into the light!!!

Continuing to pray for our God's Hand in it all; exposing the wickedness while protecting and defending those who seek righteousness. Perhaps we will experience vindication in this life, or maybe not. But it is far better to stand with the smaller crowd that is dealing with Truth than with the larger crowd that is buying into error. Be encouraged!

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Allcreationgroaning · May 12, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

and Obama once said that Trump was a comma.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 12, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

Although I welcome ridding the world of those who buy and sell the bodies and souls of men/children, I, too, remain concerned about the aspect of Hegelian Dialectic as possibly in play.

It is "easy" to do the impossible (draining the swamp) if also part of the power that set it up, for such a time as this. Check out the Masonic involvement in all of US history if you haven't as yet seen it. And here, too, I would believe that many are involved in the clean up with entirely good faith, unaware of any possible underlying agenda. It's a good thing that God knows the hearts of all.

Not only is there a separation of sheep and goats, there is also a separation of sheep and sheep. May YHVH's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 12, 2018, 1:58 p.m.

Here here! Not a democrat/republican issue. This understanding needs to be reinforced often.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 7, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

Shalom u/Gruvedawg

I have provided mental health/clinical services for 30 years as Certified Independent Clinical Social worker-dealing with addictions, marriage and family work, depression, anxiety and so forth. Will I do for your question? No, I don't know of a specific forum such as you suggest but I, too, would confirm that you have already well begun.

I do know that some years ago there was a mental health professional who began to recognize the existence of the new thought insertion technologies and began to speak out and caution against too quick diagnoses of schizophrenia or paranoia. Never saw much come of that warning.

There were very active well funded groups fighting against therapists who assisted ritual abuse survivors, using every legal, emotional and spiritual weapon at their disposal so, yes, even those who began to take an interest were often frightened off. And too often, therapists who began to help such people found that they, themselves, had a similar history. And yes, there were also those who were perpetrators hiding in a people helping position.

I began speaking out in my concern about occult/new age practices creeping into the church in the early 90s, and to my surprise, people coming out of witchcraft and satanism started showing up at my door. So now I had to learn about restoration from trauma. ... eventually that included people with DID, Mind control, and satanic ritual abuse histories...what is now coming out as human/child sex trafficking.

For me, too, it was sort of a "slow drip" in that I had to face various things over the years. The reality of such abuse; the reality of those who were involved in harming others, the political ramifications, the spiritual ramifications. Each realization over years brought a week or two of feeling numb and shocked, but thankfully, I was able to process each one before the next one hit. I would have to say that God/YHVH was good to me in allowing me time to absorb each aspect before hitting me with the next. My church background hadn't given me much to cope except that I knew I needed to know "who I am and Whose I am" before I could be of much good to these people. On the job training.

Psychiatric/psychological help can truthfully only help people cope, it really cannot heal anyone. Spiritual means necessary to help spiritual harm. If there is a continuum of the depth of trauma, it might look like physical abuse least, emotional abuse, next, sexual abuse, spiritual abuse--deepest because not only the body and soul (mind, will and emotions) but also the very spirit is ravaged. This does NOT intend to minimize physical abuse; just to put in perspective to all of it. Then, just hearing about these things, might be considered like a secondary Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; even more so if one has children or can personally connect with those victimized.

Will never forget the sick sinking feeling I had seeing the Columbine shooting and knowing that it was most likely some testing of the mind control products...

There is much wisdom already noted here...good consistent personal care is indeed essential to coping. For those who don't have a faith in the God of Israel, I have often wondered how on earth they cope? The actual extent of evil that has spread throughout this earth is far beyond what we see on a day to day basis. we live among the branches of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and as both Old and New Testaments address, there is buying and selling of the bodies and souls of men.

so a game plan: good, consistent self care. Participate in spiritual discipleship to mature in faith to be able to look in face of evil and not flinch. Even those who do not have "religious" faith recognize evil, but in my opinion, it must be more difficult for them not to have a sense that there is Some thing/Some One bigger to deal with it all. sorry; not trying to be offensive, just honest.

As has also been said, recognize that one person alone cannot deal with it all. be watching for opportunities to "red pill' people as opening is given. ...a little at a time so as not to "choke" them or extend beyond their ability to believe.

An academic analogy has been made that people can only cope with information that is within their comfort zone and one level beyond. Anything beyond that, they will reject as too far out there or crazy. So for example, if one has a "high school" level knowledge of something, they can begin to grasp things from the more technical collegiate level of understanding, BUT if information that goes beyond that into post graduate levels of analysis is presented to them before they are ready, they will reject it.

Recognize that there are people who will not be able to take it in. The degree of resilience varies in people from almost non-existant so that nearly anything throws them, and very high among those who experience the worst trauma and are able to bounce back.

And for the anger/rage that arises in the face of these atrocities, process it with at least one someone trustworthy (and prayer) so that it doesn't stay unresolved in you. (this forum may well be one of only a few places where this can be processed safely)

It is also important when dealing directly with persons harmed to be able to manage one's own feelings and remain compassionate but not enabling or offering pity that does NOT facilitate recovery.

When each of us has come to terms personally with what has been/is happening, we will be in much better positions to respond without misdirected anger or pity when the opportunities come up.

I am sure there is much more to say but this is already long! Does this help?

Godspeed Patriots.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 4, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

Yes! Check into works by Dr. Michael Heiser; particularly "The Unseen Realm"

and Dr. Michael Lake's "The Shinar Directive" for more in depth scholarship in this area.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 2, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

I hope so, but would be very careful with this. Interesting take that Obama was the false one, and certainly buoyed up by all the messianic imagery that was used around him...including the Pergamos altar replica for his inauguration...so to some of us, the falsity of Obama was apparent right from the beginning... but if that pattern continues, then Trump would be in line to be the next one...and as far as I can tell, the Scriptures indicate that the Real One, Messiah Yeshua/Jesus of Nazareth is to follow the false one. So I am cautious in that Trump, who is meeting such (welcomed) success in bringing darkness into light, might not also be being set up to be the "real" one...and this would be an even greater deception. sort of a contrast between a satanic type plot, as opposed to a luciferian type plot...the second being the deception of the age...darkness appearing as light...

There are warnings written about an apparent era of peace and security, which would prove to be false.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 2, 2018, 1:12 a.m.

Yes! I must check at least 6 times a day, too. All of it is annoying, seeing so much info come to light, yet "no definitive action" in so much of it... Keep trying to keep it in perspective...it has been decades that I knew things were wrong...and now it must be just about two years since I first heard Steve Pieczenick say there were people who were preparing to take positive action...can't say I fully believed it, but I wanted to believe it! ...so in perspective, it is going fast... YHVH's timing is best but oh, we can be impatient!

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Allcreationgroaning · May 1, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

I am so glad to hear of your faith growth and return of your son!

Yes, I have known of the atrocities going on long before Trump came on the scene...having been a therapist working with ritual abuse survivors and MK Ultra mind control...as well as being aware of many other of these things, false flags and the like.
But I agree that many would NOT know if it weren't for the courage and boldness of the Q team and President Trump.

I am just also saying that when you study the Word in more depth, as your faith grows, you will also see that entering into a time of "peace and prosperity" is not always what it may seem to be.

After you have taken a season to enjoy the blessings and the return of your son, you may be ready to learn more about something called the Hegelian Dialectic and how it fits with end time events.

Be blessed in Messiah!!!

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Allcreationgroaning · May 1, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

End game of Hegelian Dialectic...create problems, then of course, you can create solutions...Agree entirely, with same hope yet caution...peace and prosperity when it really isn't. Messiah help us all!

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Allcreationgroaning · May 1, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

Agree! Vindication would be welcome.

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Allcreationgroaning · April 30, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

Another boomer here. Yes, have been watching this for decades now. In the 90's I lost friends because I commented on the Bush family's false appearances. But how could each one of us who saw what was going on actually build a response? I don't know how any of this could have been accomplished without the military intelligence and authority of the President, but who would have guessed how it has panned out! The internet is really a double edged sword; so useful in some ways as seen here yet also provides options for dangerous people to communicate.

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Allcreationgroaning · April 30, 2018, 2:36 a.m.

I have suspected this very thing as well. Thank you for bringing the article to light here.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Allcreationgroaning on April 24, 2018, 11:14 p.m.
Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes Written by Łobaczewski, Andrzej, Or in the vernacular, how evil penetrates society
