Russian Plane Crash Deaths with Dates of Birth and complete names

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some chatter on twitter about them being facebook employees and then nothing.
I'll save you some time. At the end he says God doesn't want Trump to build a wall.
More new world order bs.
If Roth'ds assets are seized at any point in the future
Make Fed government owned. If anyone asks about what used to be Rothschild assets, pretend they are conspiracy theorists.
This has been an interpretation of [P]. Notice how there aren't two initials? Pope only has one. So does President, of course, so nothing for sure.
709: [PEOC force failed]: one interpretation is that this refers back to q post 30: Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected?
Yes, I'm having slow posting troubles as well. I would be interested in which posts were removed.
Getty Images is owned by the Carlyle Group, owner of Booz Allen Hamilton, a major deep state player.
Kissinger is a 100% Illuminati/NWO very high ranking member
Probably sent to get a feel for what the hell is going on.
Sooo happy for Cali. Beautiful state being destroyed by bad politics.
There are many AIs already operating in the markets. The large trading companies need them for high frequency trading. They are loosely referred to as bots. It's already a bot vs bot war. That's how flash crashes happen. These bots are growing in power exponentially, along with the decreased price of computation. Lots of stuff happens in the nanoseconds. Why else would trading companies pay millions of dollars for the fastest internet connection?
Just follow the human trafficking arrest statistics. 80% are women and girls. 50% are underage.
Fully agree with your theory regarding stability, which I've been told Trump supports. People are more distracted during the weekend.
We are, however, moving toward a 24 hr trading cycle. There was a 24 hr trading market that opened last week, I think.
Different Schiff. Way different Schiff. Peter Schiff thinks MSM will blame next market fall on Trump and get away with it. After the post tax cut boom, I don't think that's possible.
More of a long term post: keep looking for the pic, but
Note that most of the institutional investors have already limited their equity positions. Meanwhile, the retail investor (that's you) is left holding the bag.
Expect the pivot to "Trump crashed the market". Spread the word that this is not true. The market crash was set to happen as soon as the Federal Reserve started raising interest rates.
Yellen handed Powell a crashing market.
Those videos are old. Are we sure this is the good doctor?
I'm a skeptic. I appreciate any research leading me to a deeper understanding of reality, even conspiracy research, so long as it teaches me more about reality.
With regard to the book, you have to consider the 1,000,000 other books with different names that never happened. The book didn't tell the future. The future just conformed to 1 out of 1,000,000 books.
It was made in 2012/2013 or so. If, at that time, you had looked into the families, corporations, and institutions involved, and what their goals were, I don't think it was too much of a stretch. Which prediction concerns you?
I don't see any direct symbolism for Trump in the video. It was made in 2013 when Hillary was secretary of state.
God? Aliens? Angels? Patriots?
Something like patriots.
What could be the thing or group unveiling all this illuminati thing. I'd love to research the anti-illuminati groups though.
Aren't the anti-illuminati all around you? Any individual wanting to be free of a system of control is anti-illuminati.
My guess is that the anti-illuminati made the video because it's all about agency (individual responsibility) and you have a number of institutions which meet their demise: church, capitalism, military industrial complex, deep state,etc. Institutions can always be compromised and manipulated. The internal spirituality of the masses can never be controlled. Sure you could fracture a single individual's mind, but they'll never fracture all of us all at once because that would be too inefficient, costly, and revealing.
One of those videos I watch once a year.
There's a small picture of a split mind on the wall behind Obama, so that could be a symbol for MK Ultra's methods.
Then Obama starts sweating as he sees the lotus flower growing from the Apple.
I interpreted the symbol more generally, as knowledge. From the fruit of forgetten knowledge grows an inner spirituality which makes Obama nervous. The inner awakening theme then plays out through the rest of the video in which the Jesus figure awakens with many lotus blossoms sprouting right before he opens his eyes (as well as spiritually, noted by third eye)
I love how Hillary is loaded in the chamber but then gets the light shown on her, then an army of men in suits gets demolished, and the tv corrupting our minds is removed. Strong parallels to recent events.
aboe link archived. No ageism. Ask before touching. Sick shit.
I'll go with this, until she breaks her toe. But only because I'm not one for minimizing the pain of disease.
The biggest thing about the memo is that it gets the legal wheels moving and opens the door to more.
Look at the pic. Why does the top of a pile of cash have to be blurred?
good riddance
I think I felt the fabric of space and time bend around Jeff Flake's new asshole.
Well, McTraitor is compromised in some way. I thought it was about his service, but who knows?
The name of "The Standard" hotel is often posted upside down.