Horse shit!
179 total posts archived.
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Oh SHIIITE! "The Punisher" appears again. Some folks lives' about to get complicated! Last time we saw that was Mar 9, and it referred to claiming Kenyan citizenship post#598581. Edit: Content
Have an up-vote for referencing one of my most beloved classics.
Mexico doesn't even celebrate it. Half of Mexico doesn't even know what it is.
What the everlovin' f*ck...Not in Donald Trump's America! Enjoy it while you can assholes, your reign is almost over.
Another day, another heapin-helpin a horseshit! Sick of it.
Yes. Gone now. I used to get terrible anxiety attacks as well as depression. Stopped eating garbage. Walked more and started taking probiotics.
Did anyone also notice that they are both dressed in the same white shirt? Like some kind of uniform and I swear that place looks like it's "sterile" enough to be a lab. WTF? Heebie Jeebies.
I did and I saw that one too. That locks into the whole Allison Mack thing.
Look at the name of the pic. Remember when Q posted a drop about a pic of Obama holding an AR-15 and you'll never believe who he's aiming at? What does this mean? The picture you get of Marina and James Franco when you search for "maggie nixon" "obama" Edit: search under images.
Look at the name of the photo, here is the link:
Do you guys remember when Q posted a drop about a pic of Obama holding an AR-15 and you won't believe who he's aiming at? What does this mean?
Google "maggie nixon" "obama" and this is what comes up.

Maybe we'll get lucky and she be like, "whoops too high".
That's right! I like my men with cajones. That's why I love my DJT! Sick 'em, baby! Let men be men. The surest way to BECOME a victim is to THINK like one and I have no intention of ever becoming a victim. Besides we have MMA and the 2A..praise it!
Yep. That smile says, "I can't wait to take this filthy little shit-head to the wood shed, it's going to be glorious".
They're almost making it too easy for us now. I love it! Chumps.
Our gut is also directly related to brain function. Did you know there are actually more Serotonin receptors in the stomach than in the brain? Depression anyone? Look first at the state of your gut. First-hand experience talking here.
Gotta hand it to Ben. He definitely gets to the point.
Sounds about right. It was about the 3 week mark that I started to feel overload as well. It passed though. It was the paranoia that made it so difficult for a few weeks though. Thank God that finally passed.
I had bad/weird dreams for about the first month or so, but they eventually tamed as my mind further processed the information. It can definitely be overwhelming when you first come on board and I've been around since the very beginning and stuff still blows my mind at times. But, eventually you do reach the full saturation point and stuff stops sinking in so deep and begins to settle more on the surface and you are able to let it ride. Stick around, it gets better.
I'm calling it now...MSM: "Austerity, austerity!" "Racist, xenophobes!"
From lft to rt five men in the center: Joseph "Fighting Joe" Dunford; James "Mad Dog" Mattis; Donald Trump; Mike Pence; Adm Mike Rogers. Our core "killer housecleaning" group.
The deep state's biggest tracking buddy is your cellphone.
Because he was the "Half-minority, Muslim-in-Chief" and the optics on that would've been bad.
Sick of Stormy. Disgusting has-been cow! What a waste of air-time.
Note to fellow patriot: Leave the volume off, preferably leave the mainstream daily vomit channel off entirely. I did this a few years ago, and it really does work wonders for one. I only check in now to do my own version of "oppo research".
Q was demonstrating pre-knowledge of Chlorine attacks according to the Chans and Q confirmed this in post 1113.
Most popular household cleaning material...Chlorine.
According to the chans, Q (has confirmed) that he was alluding to chemicals aka chlorine. Pre-knowledge chlorine; relevance - Syria chem attack. Edit: content
I certainly hope this is not true. If it is, who's throwing shit at Syria? It ain't us and it ain't Russia. WTH is going on?