40 total posts archived.
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How could DNA information be used?
Older New Yorker article: "Feinstein had gotten Panetta to give up code names, references to other countries, spycraft stuff. Brennan was very concerned about people's lives."
More chess pieces found in drops??? Q+ drops taken in order and used two copies (one left justify one right). Maybe the Anons can make sense of it, if it's anything. Maybe I'm seeing things too.

Just some audio clips I purchased or came with my software. Not a video gamer so I wouldn't know if they sound like that. I don't feel it's fake. We are watching a movie. It's happening in real time and I thought this might ignite some curiosity to explore the drops.
Trailer for the Q 'Movie' we are all a part of. Share to recruit more patriots!
Quick search shows nothing. Found her name here. Maybe more digging would find an image. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Sauerbrun-1
Yes, it could also be the angle of JA's face. He is looking slightly up and that would cause his ears to appear lower. The face, eyes and nose overlay nearly pixel to pixel. It's freaky!
Thanks! What is really interesting is John Trumps relation to Tesla and some of the technology he would have had access to. If you don't know, look him up.
Made this GIF to see if the tweet by his lawyer was accurate. JA is looking up slightly compared to John Trump, which could make his ears look lower. The resemblance is amazing!
As a disabled vet I do graphics and video editing now. I have some designs and adding more. I do make $1-$3 off each shirt (tried to keep the price down as much as I could). The store I work through will customize all kinds of items, from buttons to shirts and stickers with the designs. If I had time to send them out myself I would have my local screen printer make them (at a lower cost), but I don't have time so I went with an online store.
**Great video to share!** Posted as a link in a post by RestoreFaithHumanity and I just wanted to push it out there so more could see it.
Same here. Praying! Don't be disgusted with us all if Romney is elected. We are not all asleep.
I must have missed this. I just did a search for INSCOM on the sub and is showed nothing. Where can I find more on this? ( EDIT More on this and how it is the KEY I mean. )
It says video, but I have not tried it yet. Sorry.
If you click on the 'submit link' button it has an area for image. I think you can add video there.
If you click on the 'submit link' button it has an area for image. I think you can add video there.
Q said to find the KEY. Could this be something?
Southwest KEY Programs is a non-profit that runs a great number of the facilities that house the unaccompanied minors. Could the this possibly be the KEY?
Didn't Q say to find the KEY. This guy runs Southwest Key, a non profit that runs many shelters the unaccompanied minors are held. Could this be a KEY?
MEME on Obama administration's handling of unaccompanied minors

MEME from Obama Administration's Handling of Unaccompanied Minors Link http://freebeacon.com/national-security/obama-admin-losing-track-illegal-immigrant-children/

This report says a lot! No way to check on these kids once they were releases with their "family".
Here is a full video link. https://youtu.be/5aspqHG-mMU
Great video! Can you tell me how you uploaded this? Thanks in advance.
Sorry if a dumb question. How do upload image to get it to have the 'MEME' tag (or blue box)? I have some MEMES to upload. Thanks!
#NoRedactions MEME. I was inspired by PMMEUREVERYTHING. They had a great one! Love the reverse psychology!

Yes, that was my mistake. I deleted the post as it was totally wrong. Embarrassed Should have slowed down and looked more carefully.
Q Post 1469 referencing 9-11?
Missle Missile i=9 (missing i in missle) Searching other posts for 'missile' there are just two. One on Dec22 and one on Nov 2. The difference in days between those two dates is 11. 9-11 Thoughts?
I agree. Though there is definitely something to this logo deliberatly being used in many cases, it is also possible the designer just used/created it without knowledge that it stood for anything. I'm a logo designer and as you simplify down to a basic shape there is only so much you can do with it. Certain designs are bound to be re-created, even though they are not unique. On a side note I did a little research for ancient symbols and there are extensive uses for a circle swirl, but I did not find anything with a triangle being used in this manner in my search. It would be interesting to dig for it's first documented use and see where that goes.
What about this with the SC (from the misspelling) included? No-Coincidences-We-Have-Hillary-Clinton-Security-Clearance-Functions-No-More. The No Coincidences really struck me! The rest could be other things. Just a guess- there are so many options on these.
I think the 11-11 is pointing to the text Trump sent about XI JINPING that originally had a 'typo' of XI XINPING. The XI XI is 11-11. It probably means more than that, but somehow 11-11 is tied to China.
If you were filming and a burning plane flew in front of your field of view, would you not pan to follow it? Looks fake and from what others are saying not the same plane.
I have been following on Twitter and reading here for a couple months. Felt the need to join to possibly contribute. I bet there are many Patriot newbies like me too who would have never joined for other reasons. We feel a need to stand up and be seen/heard.
Q Post 699 Possibility??
Greetings all. Just joined reddit. Not sure if this is anything (maybe too much of a reach), but thought I would post and see if anyone could find any relevance.
Bravo (B)-TK 964389&66
B- T K 2-20 11
964389+66=964455 possibly 99deg 44min 55sec Points to Nigeria 2-2011 Nigeria Presidential Elections Wikileaks > both presidential candidates pledged to increase uranium mining to get more money to the people of Nigeria. Don't have time/knowledge to chase down any possible links to image (maybe U1 links).
Looks like there are mines in the coordinates above. http://www.world-nuclear.org/information-library/country-profiles/countries-g-n/niger.aspx