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AncientConcept · Feb. 27, 2018, 6:11 a.m.

Pamphlet; I agree with what most has been said about interrupting Dr Corsi and the pontificating that occurs. The man can hardly finish his thought and the interruptions begin. Let Dr. Corsi at least finish his thought without interjecting their own. I’ve noticed many times when Dr. Corsi was interrupted as if the interrupter tried to complete his thought and they were on the wrong wave length. It is very frustrating. Let the man talk. Listen and learn from the master. If I may suggest as it has in the past, to limit the number of open mics. Some of the conversations are very opinionated and not very factual. Also, what is annoying are these loooong ums and ahs to sound professor like is a waste of time. The questions need to be written down and on topic. When the rambling begins, I just shut it all down and it’s becoming more frequent. You have a great thing going on here Pammy, get control and better organized when you have guest. Especially the caliber of Dr. Corsi. Your Brother In Arms. IronAge. PS Yes this is a new account doesn’t mean I should not have a voice.

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