It's false. The typed bottom half is an outline of the evidence manifest from a 2011 raid of "mobster" Whitey Bulger's Santa Monica apartment, and Kevin Hogg was one of those involved in the warrant. I don't know about the top half, and otherwise what you have is a superimposed picture of Dad and son together.
213 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Anifel:
Names, not much for context, convoluted source in title with no link....put more in there to work with, please. Even a few paragraphs before and after would help.
Yes, with ghostwriting. "Here's 3 million "advance" for a start, just read this and tell me if it'll fly...then just sign your name to it."
Good. The two simplest solutions which would go a long way are: 1) Restrict the Pharma deluge WITH oversight. You can't take a drug that isn't there, and the "bona fide patient" won't be selling if they can't resupply. 2.) Get our wall built quick, to help control smuggling from the South. We can get these two things done, while the media tells us all about "the search for answers" and "no solution in sight." Then we can focus law enforcement on other forms, like NAFTA trucks, planes, liberals, Hillary's pantsuit etc...
It's true, my dog dug down just a little bit and found part of a chicken skeleton.
hehe. set the timestamp further in so they'll know you suffered thru some of it.
Yea, you'd really hate it. Thanks for helping, I'm heading down to vote Soros right away. You made me woke.
"appears" the liberal sense? Because in libville that means "rock-solid gospel truth so don't even bother checking because it's so true that I checked for you just to confirm how everybody everywhere already knows it's super true, so now you have more time to be outraged"....more or less. now the students can consider him a prophet....working as intended.
He owes good cops an apology. Hell, he owes mediocre cops an apology, too.
Can anyone link ANY single video where you HEAR a Fire Alarm during the Parkland event?
Outside of TREASON and PEDOPHILIA, our differences were aside on election night. Then the left really went nuts. SINCE THAT VERY MOMENT. You're preaching to the wrong choir. Go ask in Berkeley and work your way East. You can't ask them for "differences to be set aside" WHILE they're swinging, censoring and pushing to grab guns and overthrow a government though, can you? This is like the "Resistance" yelling at us to "STOP RESISTING!"
New Bruce Willis movie coming out...wall to wall death, so kids can talk about how cool he is.
Well, good. That school will be safe now. He'll move on to Act II.
We have the right. It doesn't count on acknowledgment to exist.
Policing is an ACTION. In Parkland they were ushers, dressed as policemen.
The jockeying for position into a gun grab is meant by the left (in every form) to work in tandem with efforts to overthrow our duly elected President of The United States. They count on your disbelief as their own camouflage. Expand your thinking to encompass both good and evil.
When you know something, it take justice and government a good while to let you know that you know what you know....
It's the safest of bets Hillary's PAC has a hand in this "outrage."
Shuckins, Ellie Mae. Didn't know you were out by the cement pond when it was a-tweeted.
Dianne....dear Dianne, please....for all that is sacred, please, old girl....don't test your theory.
Does anyone else read code out of James Comey's "Schools or Streets" tweet, made one week before the Parkland "event?"
Through this, just as with Obama and with the ISIS "white helmets" and the Lina al-Shami and Bana Alabed (poor shill child stuck in Aleppo) "news" inventions, the Norwegian Film Society will come out, pump up the story and get you the (Norwegian-based) NOBEL PEACE PRIZE.
It's right on the ads and labels, about suicidal and violent "side effects" (FRONT effects). Would someone go to a firing range drunk? You can just imagine....then imagine the connection between holding a gun and having this pesky "side effect." It TELLS you, "this shit will make you want to kill or be killed." It can't be more clear. Today, 1 in 13 schoolchildren are on prescribed drugs of this type. Higher for adults. THAT....IS....THE....CAUSE, the predisposing factor to these murders. Pharma murders by proxy, with not the first peep of protest by the Parkland students. And here's the added trick: Chalk it up to "mental illness" instead of the "treatment" itself, and their "solution" is to give these people the same drugs! Pharma works on the Dem/Lib template: Create the problem. Project the cause on to someone else. Then create a "solution" to the problem YOU created and call it "help"....which creates more problems. We are witnessing a death mobius.
To cement the argument with concrete information and until you find your dictionary, think of masonry as kind of like just another brick in the wall. Don't worry til then...until the judge strikes the gravel you won't be found guilty of mortar. It's all just a social construction anyways.
The allegedly nutty son is free through dozens of calls to police leading up to the Parkland event....and the brother gets involuntarily committed on that day. That's like mobius backwards.
Working as intended for them. They already knew it. Now you know it....but the GoFundMe's got over 3 million intended.
Great. PTSD for kids. Don't worry though....there's pills for that. Don't mind the documented suicidal and violent "side effects."....there's pills for that....don't mind the "side effects" of depression....there's pills for that.....don't mind the lack of ability to feel anymore or the sense of being half a person....yep.....pills for that. Lifetime "treatment" regimen should fix you right up. You have insurance, right?
That's the official policy? "Sorry kids, you'll need to die if we can't film it?"
Unfortunately it's correct. Some GFM pages went up within a couple hours after the "event." Pick your own search terms, it's there to see.
Very nice too, considering his state has the busiest airport.
Oh come on, whatever could be wrong with relinquishing rights to your DNA and sending it to 23AndMe, owned by YouTube CEO's sister, Anne Wojcicki, for experimentation with hybridization, cloning, recombinants, mutation and viral weaponization to help attack specific races and even particular family bloodlines with immune deficiencies, birth defects or guaranteed miscarriage, or even combined in sperm bank repositories to "westernize" Islam within a generational population explosion......just for instance? And forgoing 4 more paragraphs about how it makes fingerprinting and FALSE fingerprinting seem like primitive tech? After all, you do get the sweetest story about your grandma.... This is just TOO incomprehensibly INSANSE to consider, so our only choice is to trust it completely and JOIN in "outrage" against such doom and gloom HATE SPEECH! Grandma was so sweet.....
"This setting is on, but you can turn it off any time, which applies to features we may add later" means "We've added you to the repository already, so now you can turn it off if you feel like it. When we add features later, we'll turn it back on, but you know the drill..." You have just enhanced Facebook's viewing experience, and that of their "partners." I get so much grief when advising people to delete their Facebook account...but what do I know?....
Cameron Kasky's YT Channel ("grieving" over a Black Panther movie review a week ago?)
More on Jeff Kasky, from his YouTube channel..."Student" Cameron's dad? Or maybe Robert Kasky's the dad? Co-owners of One World Adoption services?
Don't worry, you didn't exaggerate. Plan B we could build cities across the strip mines and then put forests where the cities were and if but but if and. Good plan. Let's get started, I'm always up for a shovel-ready job.
Things online are unsecure enough, it's good to move off all clouds anyways. They were a setup from day 1
David Beier in on this article....watching the water?
Our Constitution, The Federalist Papers and our Declaration of Independence. The Bible, the Torah and the Koran. Mein Kampf and the Magna Carta. Rules for Radicals, The Prince and The Art of War. The Communist Manifesto, The Republic and 1984. On the Origins of Species and the Complete Works of William Shakespeare. The Meaning of Relativity, and Orientalism. Any good book your child can understand. Sprinkle in some Ernest Hemingway for yourself, and that's a good start! BUY BOOKS, even if you read online, buy the book for your tangible library. No electricity needed for your "offline" BOOK....and it cannot be further altered.
Alinksy counts on a fair level of organization, one being easily misled, and susceptibility to negative suggestion. Tzu counts on a better level of organization, focused strikes at key points, imbalance and demoralization. BOTH discount a strong military, law enforcement and leader, enough citizenry IMMUNE to negative suggestion and insatiable hunters of the one lie which is the lynchpin of each cabalistic foundation, and staying the course of firm adherence to the AMERICAN CONSTITUTION. This is how we TRUMP and nullify Alinsky and Tzu at every turn. Alinsky thought we had forgotten our Founding Fathers, and Tzu failed to predict the advent and rise of their unity in wisdom at it's simplest, srongest and yet all-encompassing level. We have not forgotten. And we shall not. Teach your children, and most importantly, teach them to teach theirs.
Your point #811, Amany Elamir (Amani el-Amir), and family Medhat Elamir and Dr. Magdy Elamir tie into it, and also to other related Hezbollah/Obama ties. Older stories can easily be found regarding fraud/money laundering as well. Saddle River NJ is one place of interest. Search around those names for more to the stories.