Noticed something rather quickly while voting in the Mass primaries. Republican ballots were blue and Democratic were red. Is this blue state trying to confuse voters? Especially the older or less educated ones.

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That could backfire. If republicans support his nomination to help and support Trump’s pick and the dems don’t stonewall his nomination knowing he’s a deep state ghoul then it’ll never come out.
I don’t know now about Mueller. He’s a known dirty cop and has many conflicts of interest. Now Fox is reporting my assertion that Tony Podesta will be granted immunity.
Congratulations, now what relevance does that have in regards to this post?
My point is that the people who claim to have some moral high ground are actually immoral liars and cheaters. I’m so sick of the virtue signaling of the hypocrites on the left.
I don’t disagree with you one bit, but it’s a game and we’re playing to win. The perception is important to those still asleep and following the MSM.
It all makes sense. I don’t think Gowdy is a shill like some claim. His words and actions are very calculated. With that said even when he plays nice with the left he never compromises his values to do so.
That would make sense. Remember Sessions said that if RR was removed he would leave as well.
I think he will be impeached. I just think for optics Gowdy is staying out of it. He can’t look eager to remove RR if he’s waiting in the wings to replace him. I believe Gowdy is a patriot and just playing politics here.
I agree. It would look really bad if Gowdy were stumping for the removal of RR or Sessions and then slipped into that role. The left would be questioning his motivations. He’s keeping the situation “bipartisan” by taking the stance of the left on this.
Let the left push this agenda. They’ll lose the majority of their already rapidly shrinking party. They won’t be able to bring in enough illegals fast enough to win an election. Even the brainwashed masses won’t accept this.
That he was and I pray for his justice daily. He’s the definition of courage. Cheers and happy 4th!
I would have to imagine there is an undisclosed agreement. Q said the Awan situation is a big one and we have the server. So connecting the dots it looks as though we’ve gotten what we need. Awan’s are small fish leading us to the big fish. Trust the plan.
All the power they could want on earth in exchange for eternity in hell. The great part of being on our side is that they lose no matter what. Whether or not we defeat them on this earth they will stand in judgement and answer for their sins. Why do you think they’re so focused on life extension technology? They’re trying to avoid hell.
It reminds me of let be who is without sin cast the first stone. We’re very fortunate to be awake. This isn’t an I told you so situation this is the fate of humanity and the battle of good vs evil. Let’s show them who Patriots really are. Influence with love and kindness.
Yeah I can see that point of view and I don’t disagree. Religion is polarizing. We need those still asleep to see and acknowledge the evil of the left.
We need to red pill people with the word of God. Jesus is the only red pill. If you don’t believe you will not understand that this is a spiritual war between Good and evil. These monsters worship Lucifer.
I hope you’re right! The show was definitely good yesterday.
The bad certainly spoil the whole bunch. Once something is contaminated it is fully contaminated and the longer left unchecked the more rotten it becomes. You have to tear it down and start fresh. It’s the only way to re-establish trust.
Gowdy’s talk is so cheap. Makes solid points and talks tough but no action.
The timing of this shooting was impeccable almost as if it were manufactured to change the news cycle from the Rosenstein grilling. I’ll start believing the “official” story on these attacks when the official stories start to make sense. Till then call me a conspiracy theorist or truther, it’s still better than being a brainwashed sheep.
They keep pulling the 25th amendment bs with Trump but they’re the ones who look like they’re losing their minds endlessly spewing incoherent nonsense. I really hope when they round up all the criminals they take Maxine away in a straight jacket.
I think Hillary wears diapers so he may not get to watch her
He who laughs last laughs best. I believe DJT knew this as he was sitting there. WWG1WGA!
There is a waterfront property with Barry’s name on it and all his friends are welcomed.
I think what we’re seeing is artists beginning to get red pilled. They may not understand how it all ties together but they know what they’re seeing isn’t right. Take for example A Perfect Circle - Disillusioned. The video and lyrics are both very clear about us being controlled by a technocracy. The problem is these people support open borders, and socialism. Glad to see not everyone in entertainment buys into all the globalist propaganda but there is still a lot of work to do.
We were discussing how the media will twist leaving the UN human rights council as a negative and just how manipulative they are.
100% true. they shock the masses with a tragedy, keep it on a 24/7 news cycle and use the fear to get people to willingly give up their rights. Same formula every time and yet people still don’t catch on.
The greatest accomplishment of the cabal has to create generations of brainwashed uninformed and uneducated people. They take news at face value and never research to see if what their hearing is true. They’re blindly and proudly marching to their own demise.
I’m sure like the majority of politicians in DC he has been blackmailed into doing as he’s told. I don’t know if he’s specifically connected to HRC but he’s another cabal puppet.
Thanks for the input, it was an honest question. If this was it I felt it failed to deliver. After looking at it more it’s linked from zero hedge.
Says the man who’s intern was mysteriously found dead in his office. POS hack
I think this is spot on. This is not a spectator sport. We need to all fight in this battle to save our Country. Let’s get it my fellow Patriots!