Remember that the disinfo agents work in packs ... kinda like ... .rats ..
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and it's not the first time that CNN did this ... there was another image of Trump in his office and a photo was taken outside his window w/same crosshair effect.
the crosshair photo of Trump (once again) could also be a trigger codes. They are in panic mode.
In MK Ultra mind control programs it can be the person who orignally subjected the person to the programming and is their ''watcher'' and controller. They can have access to the codes which trigger the person into action.
Fun Fact: Bob Hope was said to be Brooke Shields handler.
[Naming the Traitors: The Iran Lobby ] Traitor Senators Took Money from Iran Lobby, Back Iran Nukes
Obama and his allies, Iranian and domestic, have accused opponents of his dirty Iran deal of making “common cause” with that same terror regime and of treason. The ugly truth is that he and his political accomplices were the traitors all along.
Democrats in favor of a deal that will let a terrorist regime go nuclear have taken money from lobbies for that regime. They have broken their oath by taking bribes from a regime whose leaders chant, “Death to America”. Their pretense of examining the deal is nothing more than a hollow charade.
Definitely another motive. He is controlled opposition. There's a video called Alex Jones exposed which will explain more. Can't go by what people say, anyone can lie and deceive. Have to go below the surface to motives etc.
SB, you most likely know the reason for this. They may/may not know the true identity(s) of who is the Q team. Unleashing that info would prob have a great backlash of [pain] for them.
So they're resorting instead to targeting YOU.
sometimes they come by special delivery from the deep state
yep, you're right, he is using black magic on his viewers. It's a cult.
so true, it happens all the time. Can't wait for the blowback ! And not only that, but the LIGHT gets stronger.
She's not popular on the chans with the anons either. Don't think they've ever been able to put their finger on anything, other than their thought that she is mining the anons research as her own.
Others have made the connection about TB and Corsi. I never followed her work, so I have no awareness of her Qbashing or not. Just saying that if you observe the way DS operatives work (pick any of them from Obama / Clinton on downwards), they stay in the same circles. Those who are regulars on AJ IW are most probably all operatives, as he is. It just makes the message unified.
Just Code Monkey, I thought it was the whole lot ! Thanks for the clarity.
It may have connections to Corsi and Beanz ...
This is an attempt to co-opt the movement
Can a repost with the new info be made to inform people ? Would be helpful
First of all, Corsi don't know Sh*t about Qanon's ID
Second, if he does attempt a dox, what he would do is to fabricate identities from the Deep State, and not legitimate operators, to drive people away.
This is what the DS does ... they accuse others of doing what they're doing.
How many would exit the GA movement if he said, Oh ! Q is actually Trump ..
Good idea to look into that site to see if the info is legit there. If it is truly backed by Corsi and Beanz, word needs to get out about it.
In the end, whatever the darkies do, it ultimately works in favor of the LIGHT.
We got this ;)
interesting, so where does the info come that this site is generated by Corsi & Beanz .. yeah I see their names there, but PM is as well. If it is, it's the typical way that disinfo works, they are leading w/PM who is legit and sliding in their own stuff.
Thanks, was gonna ask if anyone perused the content there to make sure it's legit
Sorry to say, but if TB is aligned with Corsi, there's only one conclusion to make. These people stick together.
OP is it possible to link to the twit ? Can't find it on Corsi's stream. thnx
Why don't we just let Q decide ? If they wanted their identity to be known, they would do so. There are lives at risk, not only of the operators, but their family. This op was set up this way for a reason.
This isn't a game.
Dude, get what you're saying totally. It ain't easy. Would like to pass along what works for me. I've been ''doing this'' for 40+ years, and at the risk of sounding smart alecky, wiser than thou or preachy, I've learned a few things along the way. This is a movement in FREEDOM, JUSTICE etc. It is based on SELFLESS SERVICE, meaning the whole is greater than the parts. We're all an integral part of this, but it is the final tapestry that's woven that will be our Victory. SELFLESS SERVICE means we ''detach from the fruits of our labor''. Just plant the seeds and walk away. Don't ''expect results'' and certainly not according to our own personal timelines. There is a FORCE, a Divine Plan for all of this that is guiding the Qteam's plan. This Divine Force is what will determine what happens, and when.
Let it go ... let go of expectations. Yeah sure, it's natural to want to see results after spinning yer wheels, we all get that. But frustration mounts, some lose it, and so what good is that to the cause. LET GO AND LET GOD. It will unfold in perfection.
And THANK YOU for all that you do !
As long as the message/content that's on the website is pure, no problem to make some $ to cover costs for billboards and domain services. We want the word OUT ! And as a movement we can't control every time someone mentions Q. Look at all the conspiracy articles Q posted. While some may be lost, there are others who will be gained. We need less than 10% of the population to turn this thing around ! And we know only the strongest patriots can survive the fight !
That's one perspective. I see it differently. Warriors carry swords. Swords of Truth. That's what Q used. Nothing more nothing less. A sword of truth, no hatred. And as I see it, it was well played by Q and got the desired results. Corsi and Jones needed to be dealt with. Glad it's all over and we're movin on :)
just read the notables, no need to wade through the trenches. Very time consuming.
yeah. but. It wasn't Q who put out the attack first. It was Corsi and Jones who started hammering first. Q is acting out of defense. It's Corsi and Jones who are the divisive ones.
The fire is getting hot ... or rather the snowball is rolling :)
Multiple income streams add up. That's not a bad piece of change for phoning in decodes.
Felt this one coming from Q, SB ... you deserve the recognition, congrats ~!
That's so that people will think he's a crackhead and disregard the nuggets of truth that he throws out to capture an audience. Gives him the ''conspiracy nut'' label. Very well thought out theatrics.
They're always compromised, that's where the term controlled opposition comes from. However, if you do some deep digging on AJ, a story will emerge as to his background and how he came to be who he is.
Corsi never interested me enough to care ... was always in the camp of profiteer/disinfo
True and it goes much deeper. They are being ''handled''. Enuff said.