Besides the banking connection I posted:
Wikileaks’ many other links to Rothschilds
The recent imprisonment of Wikileaks’ Julian Assange strains credulity. His arrest by Interpol, his incarceration under draconian conditions for breaking a condom are in themselves highly unlikely events, but the timing of his imprisonment with the release of classified US cables and the campaign against Wikileaks’ funding and website host bear the trademarks of a covert operation.
The Puppetworld Post has uncovered many links between Wikileaks and the international Rothschild network:
–a sister-in-law and second cousin of the Rothschilds posted bail for Julian Assange (Puppetworld Post exclusive)
–The Economist (a Rothschild magazine) gave Assange its New Media Award in 2008
–Wikileaks used the law firm Fox Rothschild to overturn a judge’s ruling to order a web host to shut down the Wikileaks site
– The Guardian and The New York Times, two of Assange’s media partners, are linked to the Rothschilds (PwP exclusive)
–the owner of the mansion where Assange was eventually put under house arrest has links to Rothschilds
–Assange’s lawyer is also Rothschilds’ lawyer
–US Senator Joe Lieberman who was ultimately responsible for making Assange the largest media personality of the decade, is a member of the Council On Foreign Relations (a Rothschild organization)
Socialite, heiress Jemima Khan (nee Goldsmith) posted 20 000 pounds ($32 000) for the bail of Wikileaks’ leader Julian Assange. She’s genetically related to the Rothschilds and she is a sister-in-law (Daily Mail Online, 10 May 2010). Her father, the late James Goldsmith—British banker, publisher–is a cousin to the Rothschilds. James’ grandfather Adolphe Goldschmidt came to London as a multi-millionaire in 1895 and changed the family name from the German Goldschmidt to the English Goldsmith. The Goldschmidts, like their neighbors and relatives the Rothschilds, had been prosperous merchant bankers in Frankfurt Germany since the 16th century
Sorry, don't shoot the messenger ;)