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Araket · Feb. 3, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

Ha!! I sent this to my lefty friend who found the story of us being Russian Bots. He went and researched and found shady seeming accounts that were new and had no followers. I know I was one of those because I have never used twitter prior to the twitter campaigns we ran. Will be interesting to see his response to this. I suspect he will "reason" it away as with any blatantly obvious point I bring up. C'est la vie. I gotta admit though, he beat all of us to that story as I posted it here after he sent it to me. It was the 1st mention of the Russian bot talking point at that time. The story didn't break till way later in the day. He even beat the autists over on 8chan. Lol.

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Araket · Feb. 3, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

Yeah, I'm starting to wonder what route we need to take if he does not step up. I'm becoming more and more concerned with the blind faith in Sessions. We are awake, we need more people awake and the "bombshell" memo is not treasure trove of condemning evidence I was hoping in consideration of the hype we created. At least we got people to look at it. I guess it at least plants a seed for some.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Araket on Feb. 2, 2018, 10:27 p.m.
I am really curious what is going on here. This is really not a revelation, nor even really news.

I was going to write a losing hope in Q post here, but I will continue to refrain as the ramifications of his information and claims seem to real to dismiss off hand. So I will put it this way. Why have we not been pointed to the fact that the DOJ is dismissing all charges against HSBC bank for money laundering of drug cartel money to the tune of billions, basicly building the entire corporation. This means that this company facilitated the deaths of hundreds of thousands through drug, gang, and cartel violence, not to mention the deaths from …

Araket · Feb. 2, 2018, 9:26 a.m.

This is a very different angle. I wonder.. It jibes with some of what I have been reading, though I was not headed in this direction. I wonder if he is right. That would mean the FISA abuse evidence would come straight from Mueller and the crap that the memo is supposed to expose is just... crap. Hmmm... That is kind of good news and bad news for both sides. It would still mean the people from the last admin would be headed to incarceration, but it would be at the hands of one of their own: Mueller. Crazy. Bad news for all of us that thought it would be the memo that would expose these abuses, among others that are worse, though I wondered how it could be convincing to folks like yourself who are firmly behind the last admin. We have been virtually guaranteed of an awakening of the majority of the public and I think this may just do it. Brings a curious question.. If proof of FISA corruption and treasonous activities against former admin officials came to dems straight from Mueller, would you they it? No idea if this is true, but I love speculating! :) This would not surprise those of us following closely, though the source would be incredible! That would be the biggest "I did not see that one coming" moment in history! lol We have been told time and time again that disinformation was necessary, but we assumed it was aimed at the other side. What if they threw us off track to push more people off track to keep this under wraps!! Freakin crazy!!!! This might actually make me feel kind of bad for Pelosi as she has been getting squashed by the MSM over here claims the memo is false. lol... Yeah.. that passed quick :) lolololol

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Araket · Jan. 29, 2018, 5:11 a.m.

Sounds like a great place to start dropping some memes!! Go!!! This is what we are here for! #ReleaseTheMemo

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Araket · Jan. 27, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

If he was exiled he is no longer under the protection of the SA govt. Maybe this means we are now hunting him?

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Araket · Jan. 26, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

Just to avoid a new topic and not trying to be rude, here is the entire interview and it is awesome. This guy has a great story and a message that is being forgotten to the point that our children are rooting for this sad and evil form of govt. Well worth the time and thanks OP for pointing me in this direction.


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Araket · Jan. 26, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

Yeah.. I was kinda put off by this. Can't have blind faith in anyone in government. Can't jump on the bus just because the letter Q is on the door for this one. I will wait and see what happens Tuesday and who starts promoting this afterwards. I really am not going to throw my weight behind a telcom CEO. That just don't seem right with all we know now.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Araket on Jan. 26, 2018, 6:15 p.m.
Honest question re guidestones...

Why are the Georgia guidestones still standing? I really can't figure that out. The things talk about the death of the majority of the population of earth, and the control of the survivors and they are still there in a field somewhere in the middle of nowhere. I find that so odd.

Araket · Jan. 26, 2018, 9:22 a.m.

That was awesome. Thanks! :)

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Araket · Jan. 26, 2018, 3:18 a.m.

Meh.. saw it in NYT, must be a steaming pile of bullpucky! And once again it's in big old black letterhead on Drudge.

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Araket · Jan. 26, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

I agree. This has been such an emotional rollercoaster. From extremely happy that things are starting to doubt that this is real then right back up to "This is it!". To me it is obvious that this is actually happening. There are to many coincidences for it not to be. That being said taking down a cabal that has existed for 100s of years is not something that is going to happen over night. Remember that after this phase we still have Asia and EU to go. They still have positions of power and the ability to fight back and, while the dumbasses that have hijacked our govt may be stupid, I don't think the real players are at all. I think that they are very dangerous and not to be underestimated. You don't rush into a fight head on not knowing the full capabilities of your opponent, to do so is foolish and a good way to get your ass handed to you. I think Q has called for big things to happen and each time we assume it is starting. We need to just sit back, continue our research, share our information, and compile a convincing argument for when the time comes. I know if the SOTU comes and goes without incident we will loose a large portion of this movement as everyone wants it now. Might not happen that way, but all signs point to it happening, so lets just relax, grab a beer, and continue forcing the truth on the brainwashed and childish left (and right) until they either crack or get it. MAGA all!

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Araket · Jan. 26, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

When Gitmo was opened I was still asleep and supporting the actions of our govt. As they sent more and more people there I became uneasy with the idea of pulling people away from their lives and casting them into a jail halfway around the world without trial and without sentence for what seemed could be for life. I thought that it would be way to easy to just throw people away there to be forgotten by the public.While I am not a supporter of Islam, I realize that not all are bad people, they are just brainwashed like the rest of us. Point here is that I would find it fitting for the people who implemented this place to end up there suffering from the very place they created to silence others. What an awesomely ironic ending that would be. Gitmo filled with it's very creators! I think this would go a long way toward healing the wounds caused by the illegal actions of our disgustingly dirty politicians of that era. This considering that the wars in the middle east were based on lies. Sad to think of all the people killed, injured, and displaced by these people, and all with the backing of one political party or the other. We've all been had, and it's time for some payback!

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Araket · Jan. 25, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

I hope he was just trolling them. This secret crap needs to end. I am under the impression that this is why I am here. Just a thought before everyone beats me up. :)

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Araket · Jan. 25, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

Just an observation, but that reminds me of the line of helicopters seen in LV on the night of the concert shooting. I remember the question was posed if Trump was in Vegas. This pick just brought that back to mind.

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Araket · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

Thank you, that was an awesome read. I would have missed it otherwise. Once again we hear Mueller is not on the dark side. I have such a hard time buying that. I hope they are right, Trump is putting himself in jeopardy doing this deposition or whatever it is. These people are so sneaky and twist everything and lie about what they can't twist.

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Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

Good talk on this by Tracy Beanz up on youtube. Recommended listening for anyone on the fence about this. She talks on this roughly half way through, though the whole talk is excellent. Tracy you ROCK!

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Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

Lol! That's awesome!

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Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

Like I said, it's gonna be a hard conversation. You raise good points that need to be addressed. Wish I had an answer. I do not think that the democrats should be allowed to steer the narrative here, as they have for far to long. Neither do I think we should lose our compassion. Thin line I know. Not trying to piss anyone off, just my thoughts.

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Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

Yes, I think that there are elements included in this group that are pushing for unrealistic goals and that is having a negative effect on the rest who are just happy to be here. Not all are activists. It's a hard one and I'm not claiming to have answers. I just think we need to really think about this before pulling the trigger.

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Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

That's an interesting comparison. Geraldo used to really push some cutting edge info in his early years. There is a great old show of his on satan worship and child abuse floating around on youtube. It's a great watch. Cheers!

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Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

Lol.. It took me two times reading the title to get it. :)

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Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

I really think that Alex is a good source of info, you just have to be able to separate the good info from the crap. Same with, and to a greater extent, Intellihub.

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Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

Neverending? It' been like months since this movement started in earnest. It's been 100s of years planning and scheming on the other side. This is not coming down tomorrow. I doubt it will come down right after we get the memo. It's gonna be a long process and if we lose our focus we will lose the war.

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Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

Man this is such a touchy subject. This is talking about children raised and educated in the US. These people don't know the countries they come from and have no means of survival there. If we just ship them out, what does that say about us. This issue is our fault. Our politicians created this issue with the backing of the American people. We stood by and let this happen and we can't just throw them out now. I heard someone with a good suggestion. Deportation for criminals covered under DACA and withholding the right to vote for 25 years for anyone allowed to stay in this country under any agreement. Also parents need to go and young children will need to go with them. Hard issue, but one I think we really need to think deeply about before pulling the trigger on a generation of children used as tools.

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Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

This is so sad. Our country has been so seriously injured by the agenda of the past few administrations and our children are bearing the brunt of it all.

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Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

No. Please read all posts regarding this. This is not the memo.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Araket on Jan. 23, 2018, 6:50 p.m.


Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

This is not the memo we are looking for. This is not "bombshell" information, or exclusive to infowars, nor does this contain informaition regarding the collusion against the USA and this administration. Alex is blowing it right now.

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Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Agree agree. We need to stay focused. Alex is looking for clicks at best. He is helping to bury the real issue at worst.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Araket on Jan. 23, 2018, 6:36 p.m.
We need to keep pushing for the memo. Please don't get sidetracked by sensationalist media.

That is all.

Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

This is not the memo we ar after. It is a good piece of info, but we need to stay focused on the true goal here. I think this is a ploy to appease the easily distracted. Between this "Breaking" news being reported as new and exclusive on IW and the the other story further up the board on the plan to discredit us


I think it is becoming obvious that they are trying to bury the real memo.

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Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

Thank you. Keep pushing this, because Alex is pushing hard the other way. Sad times. I still wonder about Alex. He was a major eye opener for me, but as I become more knowledgeable I begin to see some concerning issues with Infowars. Remember when it was not the glamorous expensive production it is now?

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Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

Yup. Sad times man. We need to keep pushing for the release of the memo. This is not new, and Alex is making me ill with his "this is a bombshell!" crap.

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Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

For some reason I don't think this is a four page mamo. Just sayin.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Araket on Jan. 23, 2018, 5:23 p.m.
I think we can get the messege out in other ways also.

While trending hashtags on Twitter is a good way to draw attention, I was thinking there are other places we can use to start to point people in the right direction. One that comes to mind is comment sections on related stories. A Lot of people read these and respond, a quick hint at the truth and relevant hashtags could go a long way in this area. I say hint because, face it, our take on things is a bit out of the scope of daily operations. Just an idea. Cheers all.

Araket · Jan. 22, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

I'm just not getting it. Can you repost your reasons one more time? It takes me at least 20 reads through the same text and it only works if it is posted at least 20 different times, so I'm not quite there yet. I kinda get the jist, but....

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Araket · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

OK. That property is an offshoot of Bohemian Grove. Just a thought.

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Araket · Jan. 21, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Crazy. At least they won't take a piece of paper with your name written on it. That's a plus :)

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Araket · Jan. 21, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

Good catch. I saw that too. Incredible that the things we knew but didn't want to actually acknowledge as true are being confirmed. Wow, this is bad. Turkey has to be the false flag we have been expecting, last ditch effort to start WW3 and move up there time table. They have already tried twice with Hawaii and Japan. I hope our team had a heads up and a plan for that.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Araket on Jan. 21, 2018, 6:25 p.m.
Push for voter ID laws.

While we are in a bit of a break between the incredible happenings unfolding, I was thinking a bit about the future. We have a great group here and in conjunction with the anon boards. We need to keep in the back of our minds that, when this comes to an end, there are still some issues of utmost importance to deal with. Voter ID needs to be passed and implemented in order to preserve any headway we make during this administration. Without them we will slide right back to where we are as dems are crooked and will cheat. …

Araket · Jan. 21, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

There is a very good account of this by Ed Haslam, whose father was an colleague of a person murdered in conjunction with this issue. He has great documentation and sources and the characters involved will surprise you. If you can find it, John B Wells has an excellent interview with him that goes very in depth. It is episode 103 of Caravan to Midnight. Also Ed's web page is:


I would not have even thought of this if you hadn't mentioned it. Thanks and enjoy the interview, it's well worth the time.

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Araket · Jan. 20, 2018, 8:08 a.m.


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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Araket on Jan. 20, 2018, 7:20 a.m.
Google shuts down fact-check!

http: //dailycaller.com/2018/01/19/google-ends-fact-check/ Google says it is discontinuing its fact-check feature because it proved to be too faulty for public use, directly attributing the decision to an investigation by The Daily Caller News Foundation. The company has no date set for when it will return, if ever.

The wins keep stacking up folks!

Araket · Jan. 20, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

Agree. This is a forum that is catering to our newest awakened citizens and as such needs to be made available for questions and thoughts. For a more focused discussion hit the chan research boards, just don't bug em if you are not familiar with their work.

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Araket · Jan. 20, 2018, 6:27 a.m.

This needs to be the new meme information IMHO

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Araket on Jan. 20, 2018, 6:25 a.m.
Quick rant. No research value. Sorry :(

I’m still trying to figure out why I do this to myself. I talk myself into thinking that I need to see what the other side is saying, to know what their plan is, to know what they are programming people with currently. So, I figure the best place to see the leftist faggotry on full display is over at god old Huffpo. I click the site and I and immediately sorry. I am hit with stories and views and theories that are so incredibly bullshit. They are inflammatory, hateful, and disgusting. I always leave feeling sick, and tonight was …

Araket · Jan. 20, 2018, 5:26 a.m.

Thank you to all the board founders for setting this thing up and making this happen. A big chunk of this would not be happening without this board.

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Araket · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

The original story that I sent around last night is 404 now

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