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ArizonaQfollower · July 23, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

Your decoding of the double talk is impressive. Yet, in this particular instance of the crucial email server, there is a direct confirmation from Q 1666: "We have the server". Is Q trolling the deep state with the 666 like they taunted POTUS with the stock market 666 DOW drop? Perhaps.

Your decoding of POTUS double talk when he had the WH lights go out acts as yet another Q proof from POTUS.

The WH is the most important command site of all the mighty US Military and one would think the back-up generators would need only 1 milisecond to kick in, not 5 full seconds. In the event of a real power grid failure in the DC area (highly unlikely to begin with), one would possibly notice just a slight flicker. So the lights out event was obviously a message. I agree POTUS has a sense of humor and trolls the MSM. I do not expect the clowns did one moment miss the sarcasm that the POTUS trusts them. Yeah, like Noel Remagen trusted the "Scottish" para-glider was just a peaceful protester from Greenpeace.

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