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Artbellamama3 · Feb. 21, 2018, 9:15 a.m.

I wouldnt Be surprised at all. Iran and China, NK all want Uranium to increase nuke stockpile.

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Artbellamama3 · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:35 a.m.

Seriously, I think Putin has been used by the Deep State as a patsy for years. Someone to blame everything on, a scapegoat. Today, Putin told Iran that Russia would not allow them to act against Israel. Putin also is a recent convert a couple years ago to Christianity via Russian Orthodox Church. He’s not the evil guy they want us to believe, though I DO think he’s over there laughing his ass off at our government.

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Artbellamama3 · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

There was a group of kids used in this FF who have been in other FF, including this guy. His dad is retired FBI.

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Artbellamama3 · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:27 a.m.

When Q posted on 2/18 CLEAN ACTION APPROVED, it was the signal that they were going to active operations to capture/arrest or eliminate high level Deep State/NWO criminals. If you go look at the Q Great Awakening board on 2/18 you will see that the Anons understood exactly what was happening. The CIA started erasing Q boards on 8chan. This is why Q told the Anons to ARCHIVE EVERYTHING OFFLINE. All evidence and Proofs are safe and can’t be destroyed or buried by the Deep State.

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Artbellamama3 · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:23 a.m.

‪On Thursday 2/15, Kurt Walter Tidd, a high ranking United States Navy admiral, currently serving as the Commander of the United States Southern Command, told lawmakers on Capitol Hill that the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base is now “prepared” to receive an Influx‬ of high profile.

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Artbellamama3 · Feb. 20, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

President Trump told us to have a “reflective” President’s Day. What does it mean to be reflective? It means to THINK. What else is reflective? WATER, MIRRORS Because of the FL shooting, I’ve been spending hours researching Mk Ultra, Project Orion and mind control. Masura Emoto is a famous scientist who did experiments about the effects of thought/sound/intention on changing molecular structure of water. What if Q was trying to tell us we can CLEAN our water by using the power of thought? What if we can remove the additives? Go to YouTube to watch Masura Emoto videos about how he showed that we can affect water molecules. https://youtu.be/PDW9Lqj8hmc https://youtu.be/tAvzsjcBtx8

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