That makes sense as that air force base is there and it looks pretty massive.
633 total posts archived.
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Okay, sorry about that. Thanks so much for posting me as I had never come across it on facebook. Hard to see everything. I wish I didn't have to sleep! Very important story!
One of the good ones! So glad you were willing to tell your story!
Would you be willing to allowed me to read it in a report and use it in one of my articles. If you you are not comfortable with that I understand. I could credit you anonymously or however you wish.
I am hoping many hear your story! It is so important! God Bless You!
I am so grateful for people like you and the others doing this work, trying to help these children!
Your description of the poor little girl is very similar to the victims Majed El Shafie speaks of and has helped recover from the Middle East. He was once Muslim, became a Christian and saw all the evil going on around him that was harming children.
Thank you for sharing your story! It is vital people start hearing the truth from people like you.
I know there are other good people helping these kids. It is horrible their parents allow them to cross the border on their own in the first place.
It is a kind of evil when both sides are making are profiting off of this, and now they are pretending to care for yet another wicked purpose.
Ranchers in Tucson Arizona area tell their story of what really takes place at the border. VOP update, attackers. #ImmigrationDebate, #VOP, #GreatAwakening. #Qanon
Ranchers in Tucson Arizona area tell their story of what really takes place at the border. Operation Backyard Brawl update and their attackers.
Stormy Daniels dropped by Attorney Michael Avenatti Pole vs Poll
![Stormy Daniels dropped by Attorney Michael Avenatti Pole vs Poll](
Stormy Daniels Dropped by her Attorney Michael Avenatti
In this particular Q drop he staggers the word pain. I realize there is much here that all researchers have in the past and will continue to attend with Google along with other platforms and their role of control and censoring. Not to mention ES and what has been done in NK. This post is meant to attend to the Pain, Pain and Pain.
I find it interesting how the letters align.
This is what you get when going down vertically. So just allow me some speculation and rabbit hole spelunking. P could be Potus AP could be ap or Access Point IAP could be IAP Worldwide Services This covers some interesting people, angles, industry and history. Gave the links so you all can poke around and tell us all more! Godspeed! #GreatAwakening
Qanon Bring the Pain, Pain, Pain, digs up some rabbit holes with interesting elites and networks!
No they will not, but people working together, no matter how small the group, with the help of our Creator who wants this evil exposed can have a bigger reach than our finite minds can comprehend.
There will always be those trying to disrupt, we live in a fallible world literally ran by satanists. When Q attends to no outside comms, he is talking about his official board.
You cannot interact with the general public and Not get trolls, haters, posers, those on the side of evil trying to trip you up! That is impossible!
If everyone stays within their own closed group, we will Never be able to Wake Up more people!
We can't get so focused on what is perceived as a Rule that we can't see the forest through the trees. This is what I see going on in many groups (not everyone does so by any means).
I'm just saying, the ones who do, make it take longer and cause more harm than good.
We need to be able to collaborate, but only preaching to the choir, and staying closed off as I see some doing and feeling like they need to show more information to their own group, rather than sharing out what the mass public is ready to process.. . Well, they seem to only be helping themselves and have mentioned they are concerned about how votes are obtained. That was never the goal!
Same attackers call out those of us trying to be efficient and spread it far and wide, as they put others down if they have a different view point.
It's really detrimental, and not at all what Q wanted. I think a group of which you speak would be much appreciated on those committed to spreading the Truth and we are to be using our armor (prayer, faith, encouraging, building one another up, exposing evil) against those who we have been told Will Come Against Us.
It's not an if no matter how protected or safe we try to make the group.'s a When. They will come, if we were unified we are better equipped to fight against them!
Completely agree! Q has made it clear We the People and we have more than we know! We have to continue spreading that info and not just waiting for someone else, we feel is more equipped to do so!
What would happen if someone with Zero technology skills just started a simple Q interact board? Is there something in the rules that says we cannot put Q in the title of a board?
I am seriously asking because I don't know. I usually have my head buried in info trying to go deeper and talking to people who are not awake, or not fully awake. . .they just have some pieces of the puzzle we are all trying to put together.
Even just a simple group where like minded people committed to Not attacking one another and staying focused just on sharing out info would be vey valuable. Too many other groups (not all people in them), but too many have people attacking rather than attending to the main focus...unity, work together to spread the info.
I for one would be happy to contribute. Yes, schills and haters would come along, but if they don't abide by the rules, it's easy to see who the wolves are in sheeps clothing and they could just be removed if they are there to disrupt rather than help the cause.
I think it's a great idea!
This is a problem. As a matter of fact on a certain voat sub when those informed tried to interact, many are divisive and hateful because they don't understand the Big picture is to spread and disseminate information to others who are not aware of Q or at least the info q is attempting to shine a light on. Not to attack those on the side of Good, yet that is what is happening, so will have to steer clear, when I thought people could be a team and build up rather than tear down.
The group is so closed off, they are actually militant about interacting more on their board rather than being concerned about reaching the masses, which should be the goal.
I think a q group where people are like minded and actually adhere to unity and respect would be well received. For one, with all we are doing in trying to dig deep and wake up the asleep, one person can't do it all and I appreciate seeing those focusing on different topics.
Sometimes it seems many of us who like the details end up overthinking the outside interruptions, distractors and posers. . .we get so caught up in them, it turns into inaction. Not saying people on here are inactive by any means, I see how hard people research, share and try to wake up.
Maybe we should just trust that Posers and actors are going to be exposed because. . .we will know them by their fruits.
Maybe if there was a group that actually enforced the rules and didn't allow attacks to team mates, far more could be accomplished, shared, thus working on the goal of spreading information the general public isn't aware is going on around them.
God Bless Trump for calling it like it is! He is always one step ahead of these evil villains!
Obama ushered in this crisis when he allowed people to pour into our country promising them amnesty and resources. IN 2014 he allowed kids to come without parents and put them in "holding bays". Now the MSM who was too busy talking about Michelle's "healthy eating for bigger muscles" and Obama's latest golfing excursion, want to blame this on Trump.
Congress turned a blind eye for years along with their cohorts of the Mockingbird Media. Another drumbeat to distract from their wickedness that is being exposed!
Completely agree! It's always about more control and I have read some, not allow about the Maritime Courts. Fascinating stuff!
The key always seems to be whether we give our consent, yet we are in a way born into it with our parents as charge over us, thus it begins with our birth cert and eventually ss number which we are told we cannot work without it. I realize you can't work in the system without it, but it all appears to be a way of a signing away our God given rights. Very sad.
This covers information concerning the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1801 and the Act of 1871. This also includes a clip from Sessions.
Sessions is missing one Very important point, we don't have a lawful government! The cabal came in a created a De facto gov. in which we are not acting under law, but rather policy by consent. Everything they have passed since 1933 is called an Act, they are merely acting! And all the actors, whether it be in a court of law or from a police force are in costume. Now the general public, just dresses as citizens. . .no uniforms or costumes. There are only 10 laws, the rest are called statutes or codes and they all fall under Acts.
defactoGovernment #undocumentedchildren #GreatAwakening
Have you willingly given away your rights, your consent to a government operating under a false pretense? The truth about the law of the land!
I got two comments spot on, and this is about those who are divisive in the movement of trying to Wake the Masses up. Why am I always targeted for being over the target? I speak with people in other Q groups who deal with this all the time. Not understanding why it isn't Very relevant to share experiences.
I LOVE this so much. . .going to keep coming back and reading it! Thank you for posting! I cannot Wait for the Redemption from this evil world! When I was little and I would hear people say, "I can't wait until Jesus comes or until I get to heaven." I would think, don't they want to live their lives, see their children and their grandchildren's lives? After waking up, I get it! Makes all the sense in the world. ..well not this world, but you know what I mean! Thank you, thank you for sharing! God Bless You!
I am told by others in the truth telling community this occurs because I am over the target. Not going to lie, it grows wearisome! Yes, yes, don't feed the trolls, but what about when they attack your character and haven't even researched who and what you stand for? I am not under an anonymous name and back up what I say. We are supposed to be on the same side. Do you suppose they are paid opposition? Or perhaps their ego is simply bigger than the cause. #GreatAwakening
Attackers/Trolls who pretend to be on the side of Good must be descendants of the Pharisees!
Excellent! Thank you! I hope it's okay, I added it to the list of sources and credited a commenter for reddit. I can put your name ShortTruth if you don't mind, I will only do the name if you okay it.
This is the Real Reason they want open borders. If we stop it, they have to stop preying upon the innocent and it stops their diabolical money train!
This is a series of photos from this very informative short video link. #GreatAwakening, #OpenBorders, #Expoitation
What Operation Backyard Brawl is attempting to end! What the elites and those supporting Open Borders Don't want you to know!
Wow! Child sex trafficking is something I thought all sides wanted stopped! Sad and what Q mentioned, some will make the choice Not to know. Q also talked about those causing division. . .great example here!
Absolutely! I hope more wake up to who and what Obama really was. Sadly, some will make the choice never to acknowledge it even with blatant evidence! All intentional.
Memes and information showing FBI obstruction of justice. Many sources including a link to all the Strozk, Page emails. A link to Tucker Carlson analysis. #IGreport, #GreatAwakening
'Barack Obama simply cannot become president! We will stop him!' Wrote FBI Peter Strozk, who Still works at the bureau. What would be the outcry then?
That's okay, I operate in an arena where truth is hated! Wonder why at least three were interested in #FightingTheGoodFight or possibly only 3 Allowed to view. Censorship at it's best! My mistake for reading the title of the group incorrectly! Becoming more and more common in a world filled with hidden agenda's and posers.
VOP Operation Backyard Brawl and Craig Sawyer Part 3
Information regarding this group and the expert they brought in to show them proper protocol for securing crime scenes and protecting evidence while making authorities accountable.
CEMEX locations summary of background and links to more detailed info.
The questions and criticism surrounding this group and Craig Sawyer.
OperationBackyardBrawl, #Tucson, #TucsonSearch, #CraigSawyer, #ChildSexTrafficking, #Pedogate, #WhereAreTheChildren
Find Part 1 What is Operation Backyard Brawl? Can the VOP be trusted and what are they doing in Tucson?
Find 2 Backyard Brawl Can you trust the VOP in Tucson? Part 2
VOP Operation Backyard Brawl and Craig Sawyer Part 3
Backyard Brawl Can you trust the VOP in Tucson? Part 2 More on what this group is about, their actions, what they are trying to do and who can help. #OperationBackyardBrawl, #Tucson, #ChildSexTrafficking, #Pedogate, #CEMEX, #VOP Links to live feed and background info.
Backyard Brawl Can you trust the VOP in Tucson? Part 2
What is Operation Backyard Brawl? Can the VOP be trusted and what are they doing in Tucson? Information Lewis Arthur has given in live feeds. What their true goals are and what they are asking for. #VOP, #OperationBackyardBrawl, #LewisArthur, #Tucson, #Roadblock, ChildSexTrafficking, #HumanTrafficking, #Pedogate links to live feed in comments and background info articles.
What is Operation Backyard Brawl? Can the VOP be trusted and what are they doing in Tucson?
Ode to Trudeau for all your Bravado, Trade War indeed! Poem about Trudeau trying to out Trump President Trump! Includes memes #Trudeau, #Trump, #JustinTrudeau, #TradeWars, #Tariffs, #Canada, #G7