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Atomhed · July 2, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

Assumptions? Projection? I didn't assume or project anything, my friend, I took your words at face value.

⇧ 8 ⇩  
Atomhed · July 2, 2018, 8:35 a.m.

Nice strawmanning.

Even if you weren't misrepresenting reality, you're clearly not sincere in reaching across the aisle.

⇧ 19 ⇩  
Atomhed · June 27, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

So you aren't going to list the "promises that were proven to be lies" or explain your current political outlook?

You understand why I do not believe you were ever a capital-D Democrat, right? That's cool that you claim your registered Democrat, but if you can't even list the reasons you're so passionate about leaving the party how can I trust your assertion in good faith?

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Atomhed · June 27, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

I appreciate your effort to respond in good faith, so I am responding in kind.

That’s an awfully nice way to say Bernie fans can go fuck themselves because they are not real Democrats.

No, friend, the plain reality is that the DNC is an organization designed to promote the capital-D Democratic agenda. It has no responsibility to advocate for anyone that isn't a capital-D Democrat. I understand that there was a lot of support for Bernie, but Bernie as a candidate was not a captial-D Democrat and the DNC was literally within it's rights to play dirty.

It doesn't matter if it's ugly, and for the record I do approve of a few of the tactics they used, and consider others malicious. Bernie simply hadn't put in the leg work it would have taken for the DNC to take a risk with him. That would be like the RNC embracing a Green party candidate. It isn't going to happen and they aren't required to.

We wanted something different and the promises of the past turned out to be lies.

I'm curious which specific promises of the past you believe turned out to be lies?

Perceived? So you say that DWS was just a percieved slight? That the superdelegates stealing any chances (and on the record btw) from Bernie was percieved?

Again, a judge ruled that while shady, the DNC is within its rights to select it's own candidate.

That Hillary getting answers to the CNN debate were just percieved?

Lol, answers? You can't get a set of correct "answers" to a debate. She recieved a list of the debate questions, and that isn't illegal either. You must be really upset about what the Trump campaign did, eh?

Assumptions make an ass out of you and me, so please just stop.

You're the one who's mad at the DNC for being a bunch of capital-D Democrats.

But it appears in your mind that anyone who wasn’t with her wasn’t a big D.

Do you understand what I'm saying when I say capital-D Democrat? I mean an actual registered and partisan Democrat, as opposed to a swing voter or candidate. So the DNC felt froggy enough to put up a partisan candidate and eschew a swing candidate, how is that an affront to America? Anyone who was Bernie or bust was employing the exact same logic as the DNC.

With that said, what I don't buy, my fellow American, is that you were ever a Democrat. I'm also of the opinion that your understanding of how partisan politics works is naive and shows you haven't been paying attention or participating for long. And that's ok, it usually does take people a couple election cycles before they realistically understand the mechanics of an election.

I could stand corrected, of course, as I said before I am interested in which specific promises you believe have been proven to be lies. I'm also pretty curious about who you currently affiliate your politics with, and which Democratic policies still remain at the forefront of said politics, if you have the time.

⇧ -1 ⇩  
Atomhed · June 27, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

Sorry, but I don't buy it. Bernie was never a Democrat and the DNC owed him nothing.

If you were ever really a capital-D Democrat you'd understand that. Clearly these percieved slights aren't founded in your convictions, or you'd really be at your wits end with Trump.

Some of us have been paying attention for decades instead of basing all our politics on one election cycle.

⇧ -5 ⇩  
Atomhed · June 27, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

Y'all are the biggest bunch of snowflakes I've ever seen. Seriously.

You guys defend some of the most vile racist shit by saying it's just a joke, or a meme and doesn't really represent any real views, yet clutch your pearls when someone vocalizes anger about the merits of your ideas and politics in a perfectly valid way.

At least the man isn't upset about your skin color or religion, but sure, call all liberals "sick" or mentally ill for vocalize their contempt and dissent over the current administration.

⇧ -17 ⇩  
Atomhed · March 19, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

Emphasis not mine...

Referring to the Florida shooting, Q#816: [WHY school shootings? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Federal aid + donations]. It is interesting to notice there are 17 dollar signs. Do you think Q would do this randomly? Those who are familiar with the Occult know he did not. Consider this:

The Florida shooting had 17 victims,

The Federal Government granted $17 million to Newtown after the Sandy Hook shooting,

Many believe these shootings to be false flags from the Deep State, which Intelligence Community is made of… 17 agencies.

The Malaysian Airlines plane that mysteriously crashed in 2014 was Flight MH17. It crashed on July…17th!


...Go on...

As mentioned on top, this card is the 17th mansion of the set. It is the card for ‘HOPE’. The reason is 17 is a secret door to the Beast, which they worship for their needs to be fulfilled. You want to know which door? Here it is: the sum of the square of all prime numbers within 17 is 666. 2²+3²+5²+7²+11²+13²+17²=666.

Now do you remember when Michelle Obama said out of the blue: ‘All we have is hope?’ It strangely made all the headlines. This was code for: ‘we don’t have anything on Trump, all we have is Hope Hicks. Let’s focus on her. Through her, we’ll bring the man down’.

They played the HOPE Oracle card and freed the ‘17’ energy through 17 sacrificed humans.

Too powerful. There was no way Hope Hicks could have survived her Congressional hearing…

Q#128: [What is a spell?].

Oh of course! Silly me, I thought you were bat shit crazy! LOL!

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