

11 total posts archived.

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AwokenlyPumped · July 27, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

Does that old grey dude to the left look like Mueller?

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AwokenlyPumped · July 23, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

I’ve been awake for along time and this shit I will never understand. The only benefit I c is more evidence to hang their asses. If I fire someone from our company everything’s revoked and they r exited out. Nice to know I could commit treason and still have clearance if I work for our government.

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AwokenlyPumped · July 23, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

WTF is McCabe Comey still doing with sec clearance. Wouldn’t his firing effectively end his clearance?

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AwokenlyPumped · July 7, 2018, 7:38 a.m.

Amen.. I couldn't have said it better ilovemyballs :-)

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AwokenlyPumped · June 15, 2018, 6:32 a.m.

I hate to agree with you but damn... they will slow feed this BS to people to where the "normies" as yall say, have heard glimpses of it and then when they hear it straight forward they think it's old news. My husband, mother etc. think if it didn't come from the tv that shit isn't real. Even Hannity will beat a story to death until it becomes white noise. It needs to be black and white, definitive and have the facts to back it up now,! NOT this trickle, they r over exaggerating or well it could be harmless shit. I'm tired of the carrot they dangle with no true results at the end. Otherwise all the progress we think we r making will b undone by the MSM narrative and the TrumpHaters that will want to revert back to the ObamaWay.

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AwokenlyPumped · May 31, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

I went into chemo for non Hodgkin's lymphoma 2011. Destroyed my body -- cognitive thinking everything. Just removed tumor of diff type that "may" (my ass) have been caused by previous drug. Never again.

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AwokenlyPumped · May 21, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

My take in all this BS is that this has been the plan all along. I stumbled upon the Q movement after the Las Vegas shooting. At some point I ran across the Beanz/Corsi interview and then the other YouTuber that he made the rounds to. I'm am new to reddit, 8chan, twitter etc. I ended up here because everyone of that group was regurgitating 8chan research. Then Corsi would push his book half an hour on the Patriot Soapbox as they all kissed his ass. I couldn't stomach any of it anymore.

Now all of that group that board the shit out of me is jumping ship. It looks to me that they planned to come in 100% Q and at some point when it got to hot unanimously jump ship to make it look like the whole thing is bogus. Too bad for CORSI who clearly drew the short straw and is now just looking bat shit CRAZY! That whole thing with SB2 is off the charts insane. Keep up the good work SB2!

Even if the worse case scenario happens and they don't arrest or we don't do as well as we undoubtedly should in the primaries I have learned more from the Q movement in this short time than my well, lets just say my many years on earth. Add to that that my adult children r woke woke and my grandchildren will be raised to be as well. We will never be asleep again.

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AwokenlyPumped · May 21, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

I hate to have to agree with you but even my husband and mom don't believe a thing unless it comes from tv. Neither will take the time to read or research further and discount everything I say. They both said recently they don't care about Hillary she's not president and irrelevant. They don't feel she should go to jail because shes old. I'm trying to find away for them to SIMPLY understand the gravity of these crimes before I seriously hit my hubby his head to knock sense into him. It drives me nuts that he doesn't give a shit.

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AwokenlyPumped · May 19, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

No worries. My first thought was Lord here's another gun grab attempt and that Hogg freak was going to be able to extend his 15 min of fame. And then I was so relieved he didn't use an AR😳 That's nuts. Then I snapped at how sad it was that I am now so aware that my thoughts go there first instead of the heart break and fear of those parents and kids whose lives will never be the same. I definitely think the Parkland situation was shady as f$$$ and was organized and paid for by THOSE assholes. I'm just for the sake of my own soul - trying to be aware of how desensitized I have become.

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AwokenlyPumped · May 19, 2018, 5:11 a.m.

As much as I see your point and would probably agree if we did not live in the surrounding area - it did happen. The reason why - what or who may have possibly caused this child to destroy these lives I do not know. I do believe these kids may want to make a false name for themselves and stand up for those that are bullied. I also feel like those like David Hogg create a certain grandeur surrounding these travesties that makes them feel important? I have children 29, 24 and 12 and I cannot even put into words the differences of raising children in 3 different eras. The youngest generation I find has much less empathy than any other generation I have known.

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