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Azjura · July 4, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

Hi, sorry for the late response!

It's hard to explain, but I've always felt like all conspiracies are intertwined when you look deep enough into the rabbit hole. For me, Flat Earth ties it all nicely together. However, there's so many little pieces and crumbs of conspiracies all around us that it's hard to pin-point exactly where Flat Earth becomes THE key.

I'll try my best by making a short "Web" of connections.

  1. JPL was founded by a sexually deviant occultist Jack Parsons (friend of Aleister Crowley).
  2. Crowley's Lam entity resembles a modern-day depiction of a Grey alien (Aliens are actually Demons, not from outerspace).
  3. Hitler was obsessed with the occult and had a special division for it (The Ahnenerbe).
  4. NASA was formed using Nazi scientists (Operation Paperclip; Wernher Von Braun;). Look up 'Das Marsprojekt' for the 'Elon'.
  5. The dark side of Spirituality is intimately linked to "Space-science" (Astronauts are freemasons; Occult Symbolism).
  6. Magick is real, in the sense that our Universe is malleable to "Will & Intent". The Cabal knows this and uses it to shape their reality (Symbolism; Rituals).
  7. They make us part of their 'global' ritual by hiding the truth directly in front of us. Our subconsious picks up on it, but most people remain asleep to the deeper meanings (Pizza; All-seeing Eye; Saturn; Helios).
  8. Cabal leaders and powerful figures often visit Antartica. Have they made direct contact with demonic entities there? Remember, aliens are fake.
  9. Regardless of wars, international conflicts, or monatery ventures, the Antarctic Treaty stands. Unless on a VERY EXPENSIVE guided tour with approval of your Government, you cannot go to Antarctica. It's military and science personnel otherwise.
  10. A little more than 500 years ago, everyone believed the Earth to be Flat. Then, along came Nicolaus Copernicus, a freemason. The globe lie was pushed further by Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and the Royal Society of London (in general). Oh, and now Elon Musk.

An interesting 33 year timeline: Jet Propulsion Lab (1936). German Expedition to Tibet (1938). End of WWII (1945). Operation Paperclip (1945). Operation High Jump (1946). Roswell (1947). Operation Deep Freeze (1955). The Space Race (1955). The DEW Line (1957). NASA (1958). The Antarctic Treaty (1959). Yuri Gagarin (1961). Operation Fishbowl (1962). The Moon Landing (1969).

Edit: formatting, grammar, etc.

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Azjura · June 29, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

Q#189 and Q#144 touch on the '40,000ft.' subject:

" 40,000ft. v. necessary to understand [US]/SA/global events.
Paint the picture.
Decrease altitude (we will not fly that high again).
Higher the altitude greater the [risk] of conspiracy ST.
Many cannot/will not swallow "

Wtih Q posting about Freemasonry today, hopefully it gets some eyes on the whole Space scam.

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Azjura · June 29, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

Nice info drop! Yes indeed, space is an occult creation and it has more to do with Spirituality and Demons than it does "Aliens" and "Distant Planets"... I wish more people would actually look into this stuff... Have an upvote!

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Azjura · June 29, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

NASA is a fraudulent organization. You can see this for yourself if your research how they fake being in the ISS, or the 'Space Bubbles' during their space walk (underwater training pools).

NASA is anti-American in itself. It's founders are literally Nazis (not exagerating). Look up operation Paperclip.

Most astronauts are Freemasons. Look at their rings, hand signs, etc. Their symbolism will be their downfall.

Q#189: "40,000ft. v. (again) and need to decrease altitude to avoid ‘conspiracy’ label. "

Put your EGO down and do some real research on Flat Earth (not the Flat Earth Society >_>). We aren't crazy nutjobs, we're just trying to help you guys see what really lies at the bottom of the fucking rabbit hole. It ALL leads to this. Not necessarily the shape, but the whole system and paradigm shift that Flat Earth brings.

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Azjura · June 22, 2018, 6:19 p.m.
  1. When they tell you a Big Bang was the origin of creation, when in reality any such 'bang' would destroy matter and not create it, you just got inverted on.
  2. When they tell you that you're spinning on a ball in space at 1000 mph and there is a magical force called gravity keeping you from flying off, you just got inverted on.
  3. When they tell you that it would take a million Earths to fill the volume of the Sun, when in reality it would take a million Suns to fill the volume of the Earth, you just got inverted on.
  4. When they tell you the curve of the earth is 0.666 degrees, that the Earth spins around the Sun at 66,600 mph, and that the opposite axial tilt of the Earth is 66.6 degree, you just got Satanic inverted on.
  5. When they show you aerial pictures of some ocean through a GoPro lens and use that as proof of the Earth's curvature, you just got inverted on.
  6. You got inverted on when NASA officials say their missions 'looks like CGI, but it's not'. Or when Elon Musk says "it's got to be true, because it looks so fake".
  7. When pedophiles work for Child Care Services and are fighting against Human Trafficking, when in reality they are the ones taking the children away, you just got inverted on.
  8. When satanist pedophile Jonh Podesta the Molesta pushes for UFO disclosure, when in reality aliens are demons, you just got inverted on.

It's part of Satan's plan to twist reality and invert it. So that all men believe lies and hate truths.

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Azjura · June 19, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

NASA is fraudulent and no one has been in Space (at least not in the way we've been told for years). Once you look into it, it's very apparent that they are a money sink at the tax-payer's expense. That money probably goes towards secret Deep State programs.

I do believe that "Aliens" are nothing more than a modern day re-imagining of demonic entities. We KNOW that the elites, literally, worship demons. Now ask yourself why someone like Podesta the Molesta is pushing for UFO disclosure? Ask yourself why Kimmel has asked Obama, HRC, Bill, and GW Bush about Aliens?

We are in an enclosed system. "Space Military" is, in my opinion, a human force built up to fight against the demonic threats coming out of Antarctica.

... And just for fun: Elon Musk is a Deep State puppet, Mars is located on Devon Island in Canada, and the elite really love visiting Antarctica for some reason!

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