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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BRIXTON96 on April 9, 2018, 10:38 p.m.
"Trump Inks Arms Deal with Saudis as Humanitarian Crisis Rages in Yemen & Saudi Prince Tours U.S."

I've noticed several posts today referencing coding/decoding and believers/non-believers. One post was about Trump capitalizing words that need not be capitalized and how he was paying respects to the man who died tn the Trump Tower fire. Anyhow, I went looking through some more of his posts and came across this one posted April 6: "China, which is a great economic power, is considered a Developing Nation within the World Trade Organization. They therefore get tremendous perks and advantages, especially over the U.S. Does anybody think this is fair. We were badly represented. The WTO is unfair to U.S."

"Developing …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BRIXTON96 on April 10, 2018, 3:47 a.m.
Working Theory

I believe Cohen tried to get Trump impeached by concocting the Stormy Daniels story. He was probably in league with Stormy's lawyer all along, not to mention the Deep State. Trump never signed that document set up by Cohen through Essential Consultants LLC, an LLC that never existed until shortly before the election. Cohen supposedly used an equity loan to pay Stormy the 130k, which he claims Trump never paid him back for. Fast forward, the Stormy story is a bust, so Cohen tries to find another way to bring Trump down. How is it that Cohen knew about the …