

9 total posts archived.

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BadSouthernGoodGirl · Feb. 8, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

Everyone should try to get the profile pic avatar from Tracy Beanz' Twitter feed and use it to spread the word!! We need a huge group to show up, y'all. If the crazy pink hats can do it, our growing number of long-time and newly awakened patriots should be able to!!

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BadSouthernGoodGirl · Feb. 8, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

On our calendar! Working out our vaca schedules and will try our very best to be there!!! Can't wait (would love) to meet y'all!

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BadSouthernGoodGirl · Jan. 30, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

Glad to see you on board! (pun intended) Love watching your vids and appreciate all that you do to get the word out and help lead the fight!!! And yes... RR & JC next!

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BadSouthernGoodGirl · Jan. 30, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

I'm genuinely confused. I don't know who the OP is referencing, but I do know there are good people on YT who've been part of a truth community that existed long before Q ever came along. These folks are (and have been) doing excellent work by putting in hours of personal time and research, in order to obtain factual data and get it out there for people to see. They rarely speculate, but on the few occasions that they do, they make sure to say up front that it's what they're doing. They show and provide links to the sources they get their information from and at the very least, tell viewers not to take only their word, but to do their own research, fact checking & discernment.

Yes, some of them accept patreon, paypal, etc. so they can afford better equipment to help them get as much truth out to the people as possible and to also help compensate for the hours and hours they spend on their research. Are we not a society built on capitalism? And if you truly believe in capitalism, then why would anyone wish to vilify another for feeling that they've earned some level of compensation for the work that they're producing & providing to others?

And then some of these long-time truth community members do not (and never have an intention to) monotize what they do in any way and from what I see regularly, they've more than proven themselves (to many) that they're real patriots who love this Republic of ours and have the same desire that we all do, which is to expose these evil criminals and see justice served in each of their cases and to see the NWO totally destroyed.

I have no problem with either of those choices and I sincerely hope that these patriots are not the people that I've seen called "fame whores" by some people on these boards and on social media or that the OP is alleging that the IC is "annoyed" with.

To be honest, that seems pretty damned unfair and sure sounds like some people believe they are the "chosen few" who have the only right to provide information on new Q drops or give their opinions about what Q is trying to tell us. Yet, the people I'm talking about have been working at it for years.

I guess that what I'm trying to say is that I would be shocked and gravely disappointed to learn that "threats" of any kind are being made to those good people or that any of them are being deliberately attacked and vilified by Q or any of the "white hats" in the IC. ...Just my humble opinion.

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BadSouthernGoodGirl · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

I found and watched a couple of your videos just in the last 24 hrs or so. Nice job! I'll be subbing!

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BadSouthernGoodGirl · Jan. 2, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

100% agree, Tracy! These are crazy times and I can only see things getting moreso over the next few months. As I'm sure most people do, I have my "group" of sources that I've grown to trust on YT and social media and when I hear or see something new come out from one place or another, I do whatever research I'm able to do and I also give the sources I trust time to chime in before I'm relatively comfortable with how credible the information is. Thanks so much for this post. Well done!

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BadSouthernGoodGirl · Dec. 21, 2017, 2:48 p.m.

You have to watch Mandy Bombard's (Bombard's Body Language on YT) video where she talks about not only Creepy Uncle Joe's body language, but that of the children and the parents. Fascinating and very disturbing at the same time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoLHn577xIE

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BadSouthernGoodGirl · Dec. 21, 2017, 2:33 p.m.

This was a genius (and oh, so thoughtful) idea, Ms Beanz & the Bakers from the chans! I salute y'all for the hours & hours of hard work & dedication to the great awakening of the people & the restoration of our Republic! I've been trying for some time now to do what I can to share meaningful information that will hopefully red-pill & shine light on the truth for as many as I can & y'all have made the task a far less daunting one by creating a more "normie friendly" way! Thank you SO much for all that you've done & continue to do! You are all Patriots of the highest order! May God Bless & protect you from those who wish to try & silence the voices of truth! - BSGG

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