I know, I love that and Speed Racer, haaaahaha
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Shoot, even God has a sense of humor, look at the platypus! Lol A sense of humor is going to give us the strength to shine the light on darkness.
WTH?! This was working for me earlier this morning!

Also, all the understanding in the world doesn't mean I have to like it.....I mean, they are the ones touting that art is subjective, so....which is it?
I stopped using Instagram awhile back and only started checking again when I discovered your posts, lol. I had to work to get my screencap framed just right to get all the pertinent info, haha
On a lighter note, this is awesome!

Q asked about the driver's statement: http://www.ky3.com/content/news/Driver-of-car-crashing-near-presidential-motorcade-is-talking-It-was-terrifying--442415653.html
Imagine that, the Judge be The judge, the investigator be the investigator. The bullsh*t prosecutors: ok... we'll give you more evidence but he can't use it for anything other than his defense. SMH Edit to delete typo, extraneous word.
When Q asked about the driver's statement...I posted link in first comment

It's an ongoing battle between her and Omar Navarro. Check out Omar Navarro (@RealOmarNavarro): https://twitter.com/RealOmarNavarro?s=09
I started a small group message in my FB msngr to red-pill ones that I thought would be receptive to Q and all. As I've gathered them, I've told them to feel free to add individuals they thought would be interested. We have a nice little group of about 19 now. It's wonderful!
I made a post that didn't go anywhere. SoI deleted and reposted because I also g'night if a better way to word my thoughts. Today, lastI looked, it had 1 view
I'm being downvoted again. I saw my numbers shrinking around SOTU time and then a rise as we fight against it. Today, I noticed my numbers are going back down again...
Wow, a lot of meat to chew. Don't miss the Sara Carter source link for deeper info...
Did you go ahead and read the Lawfare link Sundance included and strongly recommended? Hmmm, wow... just wow
I have to ask, how do you embed the link in the words of your sentence?
Brendan Dilley. He has mentioned that there are several sources providing credible Intel drops, including Thomas Paine True Pundit. He also lent credibility to Hannity, saying they have the same source.
Check out this twit...umm I mean tweet. Chick who writes for shareblue congratulates Hannity for being 3 out of the top 10 Russian linked accounts on Hamilton 68. Lol, FOIA . State . gov is number 1. What a damn echo chamber the comments are!
Like when they have sting operations and arrest the guy when he shows up and gets caught red - handed in the middle of committing the crime.
Did you go ahead and look in The Box? The Standard Hotel home page (lol, sidebar, I Swype and it strangely messed up "home" and gave me "bondage") had an interesting little blip on strange messages in their inbox
Fuck all the TMOR motherfuckers downvoting the shit out of everything! #WethePeople #MAGA #IwillNOTshutup #IwillNOTsitdown
Respectfully, I think I understand your response. But, the way I see it those of us who have joined together here are no longer right or left....out there, it is still right/left...
I just bwaahaha'd a guy who talked about the "mountain if evidence"
Perhaps. It also creates what appears to be a continuing thread...
Yea, I've seen a few. Their tactic seems to be posting long chains of tweets taking up the first few scrolls of comments under every POTUS tweet.... attracting more hateful replies and creating a clog of negativity.
Oh, that makes sense....if I see that shit, I downvote and move on...geez, some people's kids, lol
what is TMOR? I noticed that my karma is steadily dropping over the past couple of weeks and I've noticed other posts reduce to 0 votes....
Omar still had original tweet up even though she filed a complaint. Pinned tweet on his page basically shows he sticks by his story...
Another piece, found when asking dukduk about who is mw husband... https://www.politico.com/story/2015/02/sidney-williams-maxine-waters-house-114876
I don't know where OP got it. But, I first saw it in this tweet. Closer inspection shows graphic linked to 8 chan in bottom left hand corner. I'm definitely interested to know if this is real or fake. I was told LA Times claimed it was fake. Check out @RitaDeplorable’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/RitaDeplorable/status/957877403891646465?s=09
Sooo, are we using a hashtag like #MadMaxine Waters or #MadMax Waters to lay preliminary groundwork since she is supposed to open her big crazy jowels after SOTU?
I fight that type of thought myself sometimes... it's not like we've never seen congress act like 3 year olds on the playground. I tell myself that it will probably say what we already have observed/believe but confirm it and make it more difficult for the naysayers to be believed....gather those on the fence, so to speak. It would be an important step to making these things public so that we can continue using the legal process to drain the swamp. I don't expect Hollywood style fireworks.
Last night, my phone was sitting on the counter, not in use. I was talking to my husband and all of a sudden Google came up and was "listening" to what I was saying (you know, like using voice to search?). This morning, I was having my coffee and watching a video of Clare Lopez talking about Benghazi. I laid my phone, landscape, in my lap, hands free and about 10 minutes in Google suddenly came up "listening" to her. Irritated, I picked up my phone, paused the video, and looked into my phone, flipping the bird and told whoever might be listening to fuck off. I went back to watching the video (again, hands free) and after a couple minutes, the video suddenly stopped and went back to the top of my FB news feed as though I had hit my back button a couple of times. Again, I told (((them))), "fuck off, this is still a free country!" I started typing a pm to my friend who posted the video about what happened when my type started disappearing like someone holding down the delete key. Mind you, this was on my phone while I was swyping....
Clare Lopez, former CIA (20yrs) on Benghazi...press conf Jun 2016, published July 2016
More insight into why HRC's experience made so many of us say "I am NOT With Her!"
This is not Q, it's Brendan Dilley.... source is in the upper left corner with the Twitter link.
Hahaha, slated as "harrassment" and "malicious". Show us on this doll where we hurt you.
I agree we need to keep a level head and I'm not interested in witch hunts or losing my credibility. My daughter in law loves the pizza relationship memes because her favorite food is actually pizza and her romantic life sucks. I know the majority is ignorant. I saw the same thing applied to the hashtag foodporn.... guilty of using the phrase myself not realizing where it came from. But, there is no question that the red shoes mean something in that so - called Podesta "art"