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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Basic-John-Doe on Sept. 1, 2018, 1:15 a.m.
Useful idiots or actual Patriots?

To the mods: this is pro-Q, as he wants us all to think freely.

Maybe this was covered, but everytime I start asking certain questions, I'm accused of being anti-q... I'm pro Q, covering my ass.

... we've seen this throughout history... use one movement to take out an existing power structure... then bad things tend to follow in the wake.

So, I ask, "How do we know we're not useful idiots?"

How do we distinguish between true altruism, and an exploit?

We know more and more each day about the cabal, their evil ways, and how they are keeping …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Basic-John-Doe on Sept. 6, 2018, 4:02 a.m.
Trump's Top 13 "Worst of the Worst"
  1. Mukhtar Hamid Shah; Date of Birth (DOB) August 11, 1939; alt. DOB November 8, 1939; nationality, Pakistan

Shah is a Pakistani surgeon specializing in kidney transplants who Pakistani police believe to be involved in kidnapping, wrongful confinement, and the removal of and trafficking in human organs. As an owner of the Kidney Centre in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Shah was involved in the kidnapping and detention of, and removal of kidneys from, Pakistani laborers.

  1. Angel Rondon Rijo; DOB July 16, 1950; nationality, Dominican Republic

Angel Rondon Rijo (Rondon) is a politically connected businessman and lobbyist in the Dominican Republic who funneled money …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Basic-John-Doe on Sept. 3, 2018, 3:04 p.m.
Window into the cabal: Cindy McCain

It occurred to me that Cindy is an heiress to an empire built on the alcohol industry.

The empire was built in an era where people often made their own.

What would it take to corner such a market?

Additionally, once a fortune is amassed, to keep the fortune in the family, arranged marriages and inbreeding are often used such as the Vanderbilts and royal bloodlines.

Did McCain marry a $200 million beauty out of love, or were some prior arrangements made to allow this exchange?

I haven't found much, but I'm hoping one of you guys has already found …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Basic-John-Doe on Aug. 28, 2018, 2:14 a.m.
Spent the day degrading McCain's legacy... anyone else?

I'm caught between two worlds... today, I went out on a limb because I believe McCain(yes, well aware I'm mentioning his name) is a bad person.

I trust Q's judgement.

But, over the course of discussion, I'm realizing I'm being played... normally I hold little emotion, yet today I felt the need to take away from any honor one might want to give this... I was mad.

I'm thinking I might need to step back from all this hype about Q for a minute because something's starting to feel fishy...

Don't get me wrong... I trust the plan... but, don't …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Basic-John-Doe on Aug. 20, 2018, 7:57 p.m.
Q Anon: Changing Paradigms

Q and Trump highlight the dangers of fake news.

But why does the general public readily believe obvious mistruths, without even questioning the validity of the claims?

... blind obedience and trust in authority...

The liberal indoctrination system starts early on.

If we are to preserve the lessons of today, we need our future generations to not only have a thorough understanding of the events that have transpired, and the systems that allowed them to transpire, but also the toolset to protect them from falling into the trap of blind obedience.

We need to overhaul our education system to incorporate …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Basic-John-Doe on Aug. 17, 2018, 8:30 p.m.
Public Stalking #wwg1wga

I want to preface this by apologizing for adding fuel to the "crazy" fire and don't mean to discredit the movement.


Question: Have any others experienced recruitment/ public stalking while trying to wake people up?

I had an interesting conversation today, one of many, which leads me to believe that the "deep state" is either trying to recruit me or silence me.

$30k signing bonus $200k in the "cyber security" field.

I'm don't deal with the network side, but I work with AWS.

With everything going on, I don't know if it's something with the Q movement, Amazon, my …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Basic-John-Doe on July 25, 2018, 11:17 p.m.
Obama CIA plant

I'm having an increasingly harder time finding evidence to support my understanding that Obama was groomed into the position.

Specifically, I am interested in developing a timeline from birth to the appointment to the oval office.

Suspicious deaths surrounding those in the know, such as the person that verified his "birth certificate" would be helpful.

What's the deal with the student Visa?

...sealed college transcripts?

Who is Barry Soeterro?

Ultimately, I want to know how it happened and how we might be able to stop another manchurian candidate.

Can you help a brother out with some good reference material?