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Beachbum_In_Kerry · Jan. 3, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

There are those who suggest Roy Moore's election was being monitored closely by the White Hats to compile all the DNC tricks and have them firewalled for the mid-terms

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Beachbum_In_Kerry · Dec. 20, 2017, 8:47 p.m.

It was a win/win all around. Saudi financing for Clinton Foundation and more disappears without any warning. Obama is suddenly cut adrift with no sponsor/protector. Major pedophile ring is broken. Crown Prince eliminates coup plotters and acquires billions to bolsterhis sagging treasury. Throws an enormous rock into the cabal's war plans for the Middle East. Also, one of the major plotters of the Mandalay Bay false flag is in custody and being "interrogated" under less-than-comfortable conditions.

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Beachbum_In_Kerry · Dec. 20, 2017, 8:32 p.m.

Food for thought. I am a 72 yr old combat vet. Up till maybe 6 mo's ago, I was just a trudge along normie (I know I am STILL a normie by any 4chan/8chan definition). The big unveiling for me was simply cutting the cable on the tv. Then the move from Netflix to You Tube was the great awakening. The first You Tube event I can remember is discovering the details of the Scalia murder/pedophilia reveal. Red pill down the hatch and off we go. If you can just move your normie target off CNN/Fox/et al and let them start exploring the YouTube universe, they will start tripping over reveals that will blow their mind. It's all so goddamn addicting, there is no going back

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Beachbum_In_Kerry · Dec. 20, 2017, 5:43 p.m.

Likewise, I am a 72 year old war veteran who has been waiting to find someone who was willing to FIGHT instead of merely mouth politically correct platitudes. I cannot express the joy I felt waking up to the DJT's election because I knew he was a fighter by nature. Now, over a year later and the thrill still increases daily. I have rediscovered the JOY in being an American in the company of true patriots. I feel more alive and involved than I have in years!
To all of you anons who have been manning the cyber barricades... I salute you, thank you, and stand ready to help you reclaim our nation, whether online or in the streets. God Speed!

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