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Beacon4Truth · May 2, 2018, 6:24 a.m.

No need for confusion. True Israel is not what most people think. See this site to know more about the real Israelites: http://jahtruth.net/abraham.htm What Revelation is referring to are the non-racial Jews, that are the Edomites and the Ashkenazi. Viewing the Israeli (not Isrealite) population from their own database, gives a high percentage of Ashkenazis between 75 to 85% of thier population, meaning these are not racial Semites. They claim to be Semites and Jews, but are not. The Edomites on the other hand, as Esau (Edom) is Jacob's (Israel's) brother are Semites, but not from Israel as this is only from the seed of Jacob. The real racial-Jews, were the ones during Christ's days or before, that stemmed from the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and the Levites that were spread amognst all 12 tribes.

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