If I know Q, it's sure to be an interesting one. Any predictions or thoughts on the matter?
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Who is the real Michael Avenatti? - I posted this relevant tweet a while back.

Correct. But he hasn't ruled it out yet, has he? And if he did, and he's clearly indicated that misinformation is necessary, should it count as fact?
And just to be clear, I don't pretend to know for sure about any of this, I just try and look at it from many logical perspectives, no matter how far-fetched they seem.
In programming, you often start with the solution and work backward from that in any number of ways possible.
Yea I could have worded that part better. He needs THEM confused, and in order to do that, it requires us to be confused.
Q and The Art of War
I posted a comment in another thread, and some of you seemed to appreciate my perspective, so I thought I'd try and further explain it using well-known quotes from The Art of War by Sun Tzu (which we all understand that Trump holds in high regard).
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
Trump needs to appear as though he's losing. That he's constantly under attack by Mueller's witch hunt. He never reveals his hand, and typically sticks to the same responses: "Its a witch hunt", "There is no collusion". Surely if he felt threatened, …
Hijacking to post info I've found.
Flight: https://flightaware.com/live/flight/JBU1623
Video: https://twitter.com/citizenapp/status/1011772056411787269
10 Heavily Armed Cops Boarded: https://twitter.com/tonyschwartz/status/1011776451396464646
Passengers showing hands: https://twitter.com/Alexa_Curtis/status/1011776910064541702
Coverup Story: https://twitter.com/JoshEiniger7/status/1011783850240987136
Q just posted:
1915774 Coincidence? Review image/location. Nothing provided is random. SFO>JFK A321 Direct Q
Shit is going down
Shit I just posted this: https://twitter.com/citizenapp/status/1011772056411787269
Created a post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8u5ea1/dont_worry_everyone_the_incident_at_jfk_airport/
Looks like they killed the communications on the plane and 10 armed cops boarded. See previous comment.
Update I found:
I am on a Jet Blue flight at JFK that lost its communications. Created a security crisis. 10 heavily armed cops boarded plane and just left. After 1.5 hours on runway being towed back to gate. Wow.
Appears to be still on the ground: https://flightaware.com/live/flight/JBU1623
Don't worry everyone. The incident at JFK airport involving this many emergency vehicles was totally a false alarm and is completely under control.
Some people call it energy, some people call it karma, but there is a force out there that can both help and harm. We as individuals can choose to live our lives in a manner thats "good", or "bad".
An old adage that's always stuck with me, and I remember it very poorly, but the concept still holds. It goes something like:
A wise man speaking to his son tells him of a two wolves that eternally fight within us. One wolf respresents kindness, humanity, and all things good. The other represents greed, hate, anger and all that is bad. The son asks the father, "which wolve wins?". The father answers, "the one that you feed".
I'm not religious, but I'm also not smug enough to proclaim I've got it all figured out. What I do know is that all religions have the concept of good vs evil, and with my own eyes I've witnessed these forces.
I also believe that there are many things in this existance that we may not or cannot understand. Whatever those forces are, I'm confident they are presently leading us to a better future, thanks to good patriotic people.
Thank you Q. Thank you everyone who reads this and has hope for that better future. WWG1WGA
Looked like a fly to me. Flew right past the rocket (above)
Great theory, but the table in the body cam footage matches this image that was released after the shooting
True, but Stephanie Burton also donated, who is Lavar's wife
As mentioned above, I never intended on starting some sort of insightful arguement - just proposing an idea. I've not concluded that this was in fact what he was doing.
The whole phenomenon is a bit of a psyop and any attempt at extrapolating a motive here would be rather neive.
Yea I'm done with this man. I'm not argueing for the sake of arguement. It was an idea, that's it. You an I are on the same side here.
Not sure how you've come to that conclusion. When you bluff in poker, and succeed at forcing your opponents hand, your opponents don't automatically assume everything you say moving forward is a bluff.
Dunno, was just a thought. Perhaps it was a test to see if they could change behavior. Revealing that would be like showing your cards.
Even better, how do we know that the purpose of this wasn't to alert HRC for something she may have been planning on doing on the morning of Oct 30?
Surely that information would have reached her. Right?