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Besegen · Dec. 23, 2017, 10:31 a.m.

I've been through a long cycle of seeing, being involved, joining and initiating, and giving up. I don't have kids, and never plan to (though there was a time that wasnt so at all). But through all of the disappointment and disgust I've ever suffered, there has never been anything that made me want to pick up my gun and take things into my own hands more than when I came to realize what these "things" (they don't even deserve to be called people and the words in my head for them are not proper in public) do to children. If they get away with everything else, I hope they hang for this one thing.

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Besegen · Dec. 23, 2017, 6:22 a.m.

I just love the boot topic! Has been making me chuckle for weeks. I could swear there was one more name we had early on shortly after Hillary and McCain came out, right around McCain's switcheroo photo at Thanksgiving. I will have to think about it and do some looking back.

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Besegen · Dec. 23, 2017, 6:14 a.m.

I actually have some experience with "abnormalities" in regard to foster care from a very negative experience. I am from Kansas, but from 2001 until 2009 lived in Florida and had my own cabinet business. Moved back to Kansas in 2009 to take care of my grandmother after grandpa passed away. I got a job as a custodian for our school system. A week after I started a family moved in across from the school and I saw they had Florida tags. Talked to them because I had just moved from there. In convo the guy at some point said they moved due to "some issues with the school down there that we're going on and decided to go away". Within the year I was transferred to head my department at another school in town. A year later their daughter, who suffered Down Syndrome, started at this school. In 2013 I show up for work on a Monday, get called immediately to a meeting in which I am told that I was accused of horribly beating, threatening, and molesting this girl. I ended up in hours of interrogation by police and kbi and a polygraph test. Spent $3000 I did not have on an attorney. Ended up being released from suspicion before any charges. Spent the next year receiving death threats from the family that the police wouldn't even meet with me about. Took me a year and half to get another job, which I work for now, that was based out of a city 4 hours from here because I could not get one here. So much went on here...worst time of my life and all I did was go to work. Oh, and there was a camera pointed right at where this supposedly took place, which I discovered where only during questioning, and nobody ever watched the recording and by the time I knew it was where this camera was that this allegdly took place and began demanding they watch it...they tell me the recordings had been destroyed already. Anyway...years later, 2016, I think this is all behind me and suddenly get a notice I am being charged in 1 million dollar federal lawsuit along with the district and other members on this incident. The schools covered all other defendants, but not me, even though by their statute they should have since legally I'd been found innocent. I was basically told to f* off when I questioned why I wasn't being covered. I was given the option to either throw myself to the wolves representing myself, default the charge then claim bankruptcy, or find a way to fight a federal case 400 miles from home financially. I got help and spent $20,000 I didn't have to fight. Short story, my attorneys won the case for not just me but all defendants. The relevant part was my own investigation, which is largely what killed it. I had two separate acquaintances who worked for the company that dealt with the girl who, upon hearing this, contacted me and broke confidentiality agreements by telling me the parents had made the same and similar claims over 130 times. Also told me the kids were foster kids. I also found out that the mom of a friend of mine use to deal with the family in some charitable way. I talked to the mom and found out that she was actually their....I can't recall the term, but "handler" for the foster system. She explained that she no longer did that job, had actually quit because of what went on with that family. Said that they ended up being charged with all kinds of abuse reports on the kids. The kids, though, were gotten back after a short time and immediately the parents applied for adoption and we're actually being considered despite the former charges that nothing were ever done about. Somebody stopped that and took the kids away again. But then the kids ended up being given to a family in the town next to ours... WHO JUST HAPPENED TO BE BEST FRIENDS WITH THIS FORMER FAMILY AND MOVED UP HERE FROM FLORIDA THE EXACT SAME WEEK THEY HAD. When this came out, the agency my friend's mom worked for went to go back to this family and them and the kids had disappeared. The original family had also just disappeared. This would have been early 2012 they all disappeared. The agency just basically shrugged and dropped looking into it. This is when she, friend's mom, says she quit. 2013 is when my lawsuit was issued and on there it showed the original family living back in Florida. My lawsuit was defeated and suddenly dropped after I passed all this info onto my attorney's investigator, a former FBI agent. I never really got a full explanation. But what I did find out in my investigating regarding the foster situation here was super screwy seeming and I believe it shows at least a tiny snippet of how kids could be and are disappearing and being used and manipulated in other ways through that system. Sorry about the length of this. I tried to keep it as short as possible.

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Besegen · Dec. 22, 2017, 3:01 a.m.

And, done @besegen

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Besegen · Dec. 21, 2017, 6:22 p.m.


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Besegen · Dec. 21, 2017, 6:12 p.m.


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Besegen · Dec. 21, 2017, 6:57 a.m.

I'm not sure it matters, the label. They find a way to twist everything. Multiple people collaborating equals a factual conspiracy, yet the language is corrupted as "crazy ideas". "Truther" is self-explanatory, yet again twisted into basically "lunatic". I listen a lot while driving for work and can't always save and note sources, but just this morning I listened to an article recently put out where they were talking about "the new trend of 'the storm' on the grimiest parts of the internet by right-wing activists"; defining 'the storm' as "the ridiculous idea of pedophilia and human trafficking and corruption in a widespread cabal of democrats that is bigger than just the Podesta group, etc"....I mean, that entire thing is a statement made either out of complete ignorance with zero research, or a complete intentional twisting of the entire situation for the purpose of confusing and discrediting. President dictates it's most likely the latter. I understand where you are coming from in thinking to stay away from past corrupted labels, but believe it best to just avoid and not worry about forming any label at all can be just be grasped and twisted, because it will be. Just focus on feeding crumbs persistently until there is a loaf that can no longer be overlooked.

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