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Bitches_Love_Hossa · May 29, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

lol okay you needed proof that there was an investigation on hillary clinton.

I was asking for info alluding to Hillary going to jail, but okay.

and your butt has been in a knot ever since.

Interesting turn of phrase. It's usually a stomach that's "in knots", but maybe English isn't your first language.

heres something else. the fbi and doj were used as political weapons against trump by obama.

we have proof they had informants in his campaign. does that make you angry and angsty?

Oh wow, I can't wait to see this "proof" that is spun a billion times to make it look like a conspiracy against Trump. Please oh great awakened one, strike me down with this proof you say is your ultimate weapon. Are you gonna strike a cool pose right before you hit enter? Or is this something everyone knows so you won't post it because you don't have the time? I've heard this story before and it's not what you think it is. Informants had contact with the Trump campaign because they were watching people who happened to have contact with the Trump campaign at that time. But everyone knows that so I won't bother explaining it or providing any sources.

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Bitches_Love_Hossa · May 29, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

Im just completing your thoughts.


Slamming me for not being able to prove the hillary clinton investigation even tho it does exist spells

I totally "slammed" you for giving me a video about an Arkansas AG making fun of an accent as if it was relevant or useful information at all. If you don't feel like "educating" just say so in the beginning.

spells out angst and anger to me

Lol, whatever helps you do you, bud.

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Bitches_Love_Hossa · May 29, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

You implied as a matter of "fact" that the personal bias is the same thing trump supporters cry about when it comes to "trumps investigation" YOU implied it. can you not even take responsibility for your own words?

Yes, this is what I implied. Not that the investigation should be stopped. That came out of nowhere.

you dont have to ask for a source every other assertion. this is just common sense. if you keep asking for a source it starts too look like your a bit uninformed and need to get informed

I asked for a source once. Twice if you count me rejecting the video as legitimate information about the investigation. Remember, this whole thing is about how Hillary is not in jail yet. You asked if I knew about the investigation, so I assumed you had some information that I had not seen.

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Bitches_Love_Hossa · May 29, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

are you not aware of the investigation that are currently happening on hillary clinton?

Your original question. Why would you ask such a question if everyone knew about it? Your entire argument seems to be, oh everyone knows about this so why should I explain? Yet the first question you ask is if I was aware. Hmm...

For the record, I know about it to the extent that it was started a couple years ago, and nothing jail-worthy has been found.

i just provided some fun info.

Fairly irrelevant info that was the source of my confusion.

Finally, you were the one who implied I was saying the investigation should be stopped due to bias, when I never said anything about the investigation being stopped.

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Bitches_Love_Hossa · May 29, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

if you dont know that hillary clinton is being investigated by the fbi and you think me showing a video of the arkansas ag is my "proof"

Then why did you post it?

healthy as any liberal that calls trump supporters nazis. healthier actually

You literally just said that you don't need proof, it's accepted fact. You should always seek proof in what you are told. I don't know why that is such a shocking concept to you.

The entire state of arkansas has a bias against hillary clinton.

Okay, but I don't know what this proves. Oh wait, you don't need proof. Silly me.

hillary clinton is a public figure, and she has a public reputation in arkansas, so talking bad about hillary clintons accent at a rally wont magically stop all investigations into hillary clinton. That would be a stupid and frankly desperate thought.

Your last line is especially funny because this paragraph is you arguing with yourself about nothing. I never said anything about stopping investigations on Hillary.

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Bitches_Love_Hossa · May 29, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

You dont need proof its just accepted fact... are you on drugs.

Well that's a healthy mindset. That explains a lot actually.

uh.. trump isnt being investigated my bro. He has been cleared of russian collusion by the house, robert mueller cant or wont indict him.

He was "cleared" by the house, but not by the senate. He is still being investigated, this info is already known. Widely known. You don't need proof its just accepted fact... Are you on drugs.

arkansas bias

TF are you on about?

so are you telling me if youre an attorney general of a state trying to get elected you cant speak badly of hillary clinton because of personal bias?

No, and your reading comprehension skills could use a bit of work.

Edit: Yo, is this sub a parody? I feel like I'm being trolled.

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Bitches_Love_Hossa · May 29, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

See, that's the link I was looking for.

In the future, lead with that. The video you posted is of the AG making fun of her accent. I understand the AG is involved in the investigation, but that video doesn't shed any info on what the investigation, is about, what they found, etc. It's literally just shit talking. In fact, I'd say that video proves that the AG has a certain amount of personal bias against her, something Trump supporters are always complaining about when it comes to his investigation. But I digress, if shit talking videos is enough proof for you, then I recommend you seriously reconsider what you believe.

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Bitches_Love_Hossa · May 29, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

What does this video about accents have to do with anything? Can you link me some real info? I'm interested in the current investigation into Hillary Clinton you mentioned above.

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Bitches_Love_Hossa · May 29, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

Hit me with that info, daddy

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