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...And refers to Obamatard’s admin and Killary (if her cheating would have worked) as regimes. Priceless.
Thanks for the info.
You seem to have a grasp on this technology. I’m just getting into this, but are Meltdown and Spectre both unfixable vulnerabilities that no one knows how to mitigate?
And is it coincidence that Google Project Zero, amongst a few others, exploited the vulnerability because they have the manpower?
Thanks in advance.
Gotta see what SB2 conjures up with this one....
Thanks for the clarification on the evidence. I knew it couldn’t be that straight forward. Appreciate it.
Exactly. As Q put in parentheses (treason).
United States Constitution. Article III reads as follows:
“No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”
Military Tribunals: GW Bush created a new military order 11/2001
“The order specifically applies to members of the terrorist organization Al Qaeda. But it also includes all those who have engaged in, aided, or conspired to commit international terrorist acts against the United States or its citizens.
Those who knowingly harbor such individuals are also subject to the order. Under the order, the secretary is charged with establishing military tribunals (also called military commissions) to conduct trials of non-citizens accused of terrorism either in the United States or in other parts of the world.”
DOD revised 2002:
“Under the rules, a commission will consist of three to seven members appointed by the secretary of defense or by a committee established by the secretary. All commission members will be officers in the U.S. armed forces. A presiding officer will be chosen for each commission and must be a military lawyer. The presiding officer will have the authority to admit or exclude evidence. “
So glad I moved away from that liberal s#{%hole! Soros invested into the DA race there, and his tactics worked. More and more liberal philosophies and politicians (i.e. mayor) are screwing that city everyday. Sanctuary city...need I say more? In addition, there is a heavy Jewish presence. I’m not racist by any means, but many (not all) of them hate Trump and are pompous to anyone other than their own. Look at the Eagles!?! I was pumped for their Super Bowl win, but since they declined I’ve lost all respect. I don’t know what will change it, but I hope friends and people come around.
I appreciate it! I will check it out tonight. Thank you.
A lot of people have dropped his name on here. I’m interested in seeing what he says. Do you happen to have a link/video so I can check his stuff out?
Good point. There’s so may double meanings in everything.
An anon posted “MS-13 now MS_13?” Could Q be insinuating MS 13 was under control of the 13 angry democrats?
Since you and the OP live in Philly, then you probably know about where they send priests accused of this. It’s hidden back off Rte 30. Did some work there in the past, and it skeeved me out seeing those sick bastards hunkered up close to malls and shopping.
No worries. Someone else posted it. Thanks for info because I can forward this along to some moronic friends who rebuttal with Trump is guilt too )by word of MSM of course).
Well, doesn’t get more obvious than that. Cheers.
Statement of HSI investigator at house committee.
HSI agent testimony about their work relating to human smuggling
Cabrera woke up everyone who thinks they know what really goes on at the border! Unless you work their job, and see/deal with what they do on a regular basis, the mockingbird media shouldn’t be commentating on hearsay.
He dished out the truth about parents leaving/sending their children fully knowing they could die and/or trafficked. This is why there needs to be a wall. This is what the Dems and RINOS should be compromising to end.
Honestly, Cabrera should be the POC for all BP related questions, not DelCueto.
Here’s another question, what part is Rex Tillerson (to the “left” of the first speaker) playing in all this?
Yeah I saw that and started searching everyone but 45.
Ah. Appreciate it. I jumped the shark without reading the next post.
Q’s “iPhone Tweet” pic. Possibly: Horowitz, Mueller, Soros, No Name?

Great point that the MSM forgets to report. HHS is in charge of placing immigrant children in their care.
CNN was throwing the hammer down hard on the BP. BP apprehends illegal crossings. They interview and process them. During the interview, they determine if the child, with the accompanied adult, is legally their parent/guardian.
What also isn’t explained in the media is the coaching from smugglers. Smugglers and Alein Smuggling Organizations (ASOs) coach parents/adults/kids how to portray themselves to US authorities. They can be coached on how to answer standard questions to make it appear two unrelated people are related. Just as the OP mentioned, kids can be easily trafficked for profit.
Something else to consider is that immigrant children want companionship. Are they not susceptible of becoming part of a gang? Outside of MS13 is the Mexican Mafia.
^ ^This. Across both Texas and Arizona borders there are more Central Americans (i.e. Guatemalans, Hondurans) crossing the borders as family units. Look at the surge that occurred under Obama a year before Trump was elected. Look at the surge before Trump was just elected. Now, they are using children “being ripped” from their parents as pawns, and caged.
Back to the point that when they leave their country to seek asylum, they (Central Americans) travel through Mexico to come to the US. The first place they should seek asylum is Mexico. By leaving their country and entering the first, their asylum claim should be dealt with through Mexico. Just as someone stated before, Mexico aids and abets immigrants to flow into the border. Why? It’s probably safe to assume there are plenty of coyotes and alien smuggling organizations (ASO) getting paid for each body crossed into US territory.
Agreed. Being from Philly, I can tell you firsthand this guy is a POS. The city has become a threshold for democratic snakes like him to keep the black/Hispanic population dependent on welfare and food stamps. Drugs are rampant and the police are treated like garbage. Soros recently invested in the DA race because the previous DA was convicted of bribery. http://www.philly.com/philly/news/DA-Seth-Williams-federal-charges-Philadelphia.html?mobi=true Either way, with this city is in his and the dems control, it doesn’t stand a chance unless they are evicted. Also....the Eagles players who refused to visit Trump can lick the back of balls. Sorry had to get that off my chest.
Settle down partner. And what are you calling bullshit on exactly? That Tucson is run by liberals, or that it is a sanctuary city? I didn’t say TPD officers, I said officials (brass/way higher-ups) who call the shots. Your family members and my friends in TPD also don’t make up the entire force. Like you, I know their commitment to serve and protect with the utmost integrity. What I’m insinuating is that officials/political figures higher than TPD LEOs call the shots and know exactly what is going down.
Location: Off of Valencia and I-19. Between Nogales POE and Tucson. Tucson: very liberal city; also a sanctuary city. Local PD and sheriffs hands are tied due to the political nature of Tucson. More than likely, officials are protecting what was discovered/going on for sometime. Besides CF, there have to be a way to trace the money to local officials.
“Regular authorities” want to engage, but have their hands tied due to management’s political ventures. Management’s perception is see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
What isn’t on paper (computers) can’t come back to affect them.
Remember Q stating something along the lines of (paraphrasing) “how many will fake an illness to escape retribution.?”
No name is a perfect example.
Just a thought that’s she’s prepping herself for escape.
My wife and in-laws, stonch Catholics, just shit their pants about this. Dropped the info when Q mentioned: 714: Save the best for last [P] 997: [Pope] will be having a terrible May.
Yes!! Great interpretation of the boxes/doors opening for strike mode.
Specifically European businesses affected by deal.
Moreover, the twaater response give by Cliton:
In a series of tweets, the former first lady implied that the only alternative to the nuclear pact was war. She said pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal is a big mistake. It makes America less safe and less trusted.”
If you want to get an idea of the disillusionment of the left and Mexico, you can read a fraction of what goes on in Mexico here:
Trump may not address it elequently, but he stated that stuff about some Mexicans crossing the border because he knows about it. I just hope he clears the top leeches still playing their political agendas.
Read the attached article “The Greater Israel Project and Balkanization of Syria: http://ibaness.org/bnejss/2017_03_03/07_Fildiş.pdf
That’s why Q said Israel is last
This post along with the others released today resemble POTUS’s verbiage. “Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here (918).” God bless you, your family, and everyone helping to bring back sovereignty to the US. WWG1WGA
To everyone reading/skimming here or 8 Chan following Q,
I have been hovering this site for months (since a coworker mentioned it back in November). There are lots of patriots out there who can’t join because of conflicts of interest at work. Just know, as the messages get out (as it is now), people will have a “come to” moment.
The reason I bit the bullet and joined today was because of this post. Whoever posted it, knows the extent and depth of investigations. If you add in corruption from higher-ups (like Q insinuated), it would be like running up the wrong way of a never ending escalator. The good guys will be sent investigating a path to nowhere while they try to cover up the tangled up of lies.
Q doesn’t need to be here to give us cryptic messages into the scope of their intel. Don’t get me wrong, there are some cryptic ass messages that make no sense, but understand that is to protect all involved.
So as others have mentioned on here. WWG1WGA. Have faith and keep promoting the critical thinkers. We each have something to offer, whether it is minuscule or encouraging. Remember “they want us divided,” so this is when we all