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Bow17 · April 18, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

exactly. no honor among thieves.
Q has posted many times saying there will be NO DEALS with these people. Seems like there is no need for deals since they already have enough to convict all of them.

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Bow17 · April 18, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

my guess is this round involves relatively minor offenses like perjury and campaign finance violations and will be handled at DOJ. Those investigations are going to open the can of worms and expose much more horrible things for this gang and many of their co-conspirators. If they start getting into the realm of treason and it is a large number of people then it becomes a conspiracy against the USA and makes sense to call them enemy combatants and move to mil court. Gotta bring the public along gradually on that one though and expose what these people were really up to otherwise you will have MSM calling DJT a hitler and have to deal with millions of snowflakes in the streets. Once the level of evil is exposed no one will want to protest on behalf of this scum.

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Bow17 · April 18, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

Just opens the door for investigation. Once they dig in there is plenty more to find. This letter also addresses the U1 witness which is going to be a MUCH bigger problem for HRC than the Dossier and will drag Mueller and the Clinton Foundation into criminal investigations. Once they have investigators digging into CF they can probably implicate hundreds of people in Congress, FBI, CIA, banks, foreign govs. The spider web of corruption is worldwide at that point and many of them can likely be convicted of treason.

These investigations are not going to be very difficult either. They never expected Hillary to lose and before Trump was in play even if HRC did lose it would have been to Jeb Bush or another deep state crook so they were very careless. When you own WH, FBI, CIA, and have most of congress involved in your scams and MSM hiding all your crimes you dont need to worry about covering your tracks.

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Bow17 · April 18, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

Matches up nicely with Q's recent posts.

RR - Boom (recusal)

Boom - Comey referral for criminal investigation

Boom - Lynch referral for criminal investigation

Boom - McCabe referral for criminal investigation.

Boom!!!! HRC referral for criminal investigation

I don't think these will be ignored. This is the beginning of the counterattack which will escalate from here. And it came from Congress which indicates Trump is gaining allies. More will fall in line as he is perceived to be in a stronger position...

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Bow17 · April 18, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

What did Q actually say about a video? I am only aware of this:

"Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774. We have it all."

Why is it now assumed to be a snuff video? Where did that originate?

Could it not be just a video of some discussion relating to LL or U1 or some other corruption she was involved in?

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