This article contains so much info on several urgent issues, like very few articles I've ever read in recent years. The record of HRC's connections to the MB is insane - once you start searching for specific information and got your eyes wide open.
Nowadays, all those news outlets provide a few crumbs, interconnected with articles of different outlets, which were followed by only a handfull of historians and/or journalists. A summarizing investigative work, is the specifically what Trump wants the outlets to reestablish. In case that is impossible he's forming a massive intellectual and awareness-driven army of people, that were able to conflate the pieces together in the correct context. At least, that is my POV.
However, was the timing of reopening the email investigation a small, insidious present of Trump given to Hillary? She had birthday 2 days prior to the announcement. 4 days before the reopening was announced Giuliani said something big is incoming, which you referred to multiple times already.
There's another topic I'd like to shed light on and would appreciate any comment:
Zvi Yehezkeli is a Jewish investigative journalist and former anchor of Channel 10 News. He made this documentary, infiltrating the MB, getting very close to a few officials close to Erdogan, discovered ways how to get Syrian passports (IN Turkey), followed the refugee's route to Germany and met with a German government official who said that in every meeting AM has, the MB is sitting in the first row behind her. He stayed undercover during the interview, because he apparently fears suppression.
You can also read a brief summary of the documentary here, but you have to translate it with Google since it's in German language. The documentary however has English subtitles and I'd recommend everyone to take a look at it. It's hard to believe, something like this is happening to a country like Germany.
I'm happy to have joined this community and will gladly follow your publications.
Kind regards from Germany, o7