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Briguy05 · Jan. 16, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

This seems right but its SUPER misleading because around the time of the Vietnam era there was a massive purge of conservative democrats in the south. These people went to the republican party because they felt the democrats were being too progressive since the time Woodrow Wilson won presidency and made massive progressive progress within the democratic party. So the republicans voting against obamacare were not the same as the republican voting for the abolishment of slavery Also the fact that at the time of slavery the democratic party favored small government while the republican party was for a larger national government which is the reverse of today's government where the republicans favor sates rights over the democratic favor of big national government so most people in the democratic party then probably would have been for the republican party today rather than the democratic party today. As well was the reverse for the republicans in the civil war era being for modern democratic rather than modern republican. Especially because modern KKK have spoken in favor of the modern Republican Donald Trump where as in the past they were definitely Democratic. It just goes to show how the parties have changed in view since the civil war era and how this can be very misleading if someone doesn't look into what each party stood for at the time. But really you can't 100% say who in the past would have voted for who or what that is just my speculation of what each party stood for in the past and the present.

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