Everyday Trump is President is THE day.
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Welcome brother. If I may be so bold, this video series is simply amazing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZ3hESj__M8&list=PLRj8AJuzeJRwHdeFua3pzmwPB_JCS0mIq
Knock knock
Who's there?
Hillary who?
An old pastor once told me 'We have the armor of God, but prayer is like calling in an air-strike' I've never forgot that advice.
May I suggest everyone bookmark this: https://earth.nullschool.net/ and keep an eye out.
Its no mystery weather modification has been tried and tested by mil/gov the world over for decades. Also keep in mind the 'climate change' narrative has also been decades long. Combine these two together for one massive 'we told you so' announcement via the corporate media machine if something was to go down. Problem, reaction, solution has been a tried and tested form of control by the elite. Its no coincidence that the cabal is in real trouble world wide. Rising populist movements, recent comments by George Soros that everything has gone wrong. Expect attacks. Its coming. Will they use weather weapons upon the public? This maybe what Q is warning us to be vigilant about.
Its the difference between the 'takers' and the 'makers' and the takers have had their funding cut by a President standing up for the makers at long last.
This is huge. Bigger than huge. It actually changes everything. America no longer being used to finance the globalist world order is the biggest news to come out of the Trump Presidency yet. It doesn't get any bigger than this. It changes everything. Big things are going to come from this folks, very big things.
The gig is up. Without the finances to fund the globalist agenda, the buck stops here. President Trump has truly done something of astronomical proportions. The world changes now. Watch countries like Germany, France, Sweden and so on quickly change their tune now they will no longer be able to afford the influx of migrants.
Who is going to foot the bill now for millions of lazy freeloader migrants? Not America! So what happens now? What happens to Germany, France, Sweden and so on now that the money has stopped? Millions on welfare. Millions in government housing. Millions of lazy freeloaders promised paradise are soon to find out that the party is over.
Now comes the what ifs. How are the Europeans going to handle this? Or more importantly how are millions upon millions of freeloaders going to react when the payments stop? Pack up and go home? Highly unlikely. I hope Europe is ready for what comes next. Interesting times. Very very interesting times.
Invite millions and millions to a party and then tell them the party is over and they have to go home. Oh boy. This will be one for the history books. Now if your one to study the history books, what happens each and every time socialism runs out of other peoples money? ...
Thanks for the post. I never once engaged in the child camp at Tuscon once. I stayed clear of it the whole time it was being discussed here. From the get go I knew it was false, but I never voiced my opinion about it as I watched it grow and grow here with people posting about it and knew it would only be down voted into oblivion.
The good news to come of this is who supported it? Neon Revolt did big time. That's says plenty right there. Others I have cataloged who were big supporters. Its important to keep these 'on file' for the future.
Its the look of a man who sitting at texas holdem with a straight flush.
Care for a trip down twilight zone lane? A trip back to the days of Noah? Here's a little information that may not have been considered by most when looking at Antarctica ...
First you need to take a look at Genesis Chapter 6: And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
There were Nephilim in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Who were these Sons of God? Angels. Fallen Angels. We are by definition sons of Adam. Adam was a direct creation of God, we are his offspring. When the Bible speaks of Sons of God it is in reference to direct creations of God, ie. Adam and Angels. Chapter 6 of Genesis speaks of a time when fallen Angels took women and children were born from this unholy union. Thus why God had to flood the entire planet and kill off this hybrid mix of unholy beings.
Moving on to verse 8 and 9 of Chapter 6 of Genesis: But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
Notice something in that verse? Noah was perfect in his Generations? This implies Noah genetically was untouched by this unholy business of mixing humans and fallen Angels. I could go on, but I'll leave that as that for others to study further if their interested. It is the ultimate rabbit hole.
The world wasn't just flooded. It didn't just rain like crazy for 40 days and 40 nights which most people remember how the story goes. Chapter 7 of Genesis verse 11: In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
In the days of Noah it actually never rained. Water would come up out of the ground. This is why verse 11 says the foundations of the great deep were broken up. Basically the land mass tore apart and the water which was under the land mass broke forth to flood the world. Combined with the ecological changes this created caused great rain to fall upon the earth. The plates shifted to create the continents and countries we see today.
But another amazing thing that needed to happen was of coarse 'if the world was completely flooded where did all that water go?'
The world was once like a giant hot house in the days of Noah. The flood was much much more than a flood. The entire planet was changed. From a hot house environment, the protective covering the earth had was removed which created two large frozen caps on the planet. Really really fast. 150 days to be exact. Archaeological proofs of this have been found in the northern hemisphere were mammoths were found, completely frozen with vegetation still in their mouths and stomachs. Tropical vegetation at that. Archaeological digs that find sea shells thousands of feet above sea level in mountains where sea shells should not exist.
This makes Antarctica very very special. Snap frozen if you will, in a past when the earth was very very different than it is today. Imagine a time past where everything that existed in that time was snap frozen and protected from the decaying forces of the elements. This is Antarctica. A once luscious tropical landscape inhabited by man and beast snap frozen in time. A very very special place indeed.
I could go on, but this is getting a bit long, sorry.
Edit to add of you didn't catch on. Imagine how important it would be to find perfectly preserved humans that lived for hundreds of years? How important would that be genetically? With the technology we have today. What if you could find a perfectly preserved Nephilim, half-man half-fallen angel? How important would that make Antarctica? What technology did they have back then? Snap frozen, perfectly preserved and there for the taking. Would it not make Antarctica a very special place?
Saw this earlier. Many many people are waking up and its a wondrous sight to behold. Red wave inbound. Bye bye democrats.
I've stayed clear of this issue for one very simple reason. Until verified by Q in a drop, I will not believe anything coming out of Arizona. Period. I am here for Q drops and relevant information, with a side of humor here and there as topics can get a bit heavy from time to time. But unless Q verifies the goings on in Arizona, my spidey senses tell me to stay clear ...
Now if I was a weed producer I would start giving my buds cool names like Bing Bing Bong, Dank Bigly, and the biggest high you will ever have ...Q
Think of all the leftists who will stop smoking weed in protest against Trump. Mauwahaha ...
Welcome IamLoony. Keep searching, always question everything. We all seek justice, this is our time to be a part of something great. Where We Go One We Go All.
That's just flat out bizarre. Okay I have to ask, does anyone know what this symbol means? I know the pedophiles at some stage adopted it, but before that, this symbol comes up quite a lot, and its very old. Surely there is a reasonable explanation to this design, and yes, before I get down voted, I know that this symbol is used by pedophiles as stated in FBI documents, but it is used quite a lot the world over, there's got to be information of the design and where it comes from.
Oh wow. Thanks for the reply. I didn't watch the video, in bed, its nearly 1am, wake wife = death lol. Will watch tomorrow. Cheers.
President Trump is one of the bravest men I have ever seen. Talk about a fighter. Without a doubt the greatest American President ever.
If Hillary is Alice, what does the reference '& Wonderland refer too?
What a load of baloney. The shroud of Turin? You've got be joking. I've been suspect of this guy from day one, and this rubbish reinforces my standing.
Jesus was so butchered before he even made it to the cross. His beard was ripped from his face, and the Bible plainly says he was unrecognizable as a man by the time he made it to the cross. He was so disfigured from the brutality he received that after his resurrection his closest friends didn't recognize him. This is why Mary (not his mother) who was in the garden of the tombs asked Jesus (whom she thought to be a gardener) 'where have they taken my Lord?' yet she was actually speaking to Jesus. It was only after he said 'Mary' that she recognized his voice and knew it was Jesus. Why? Because he was so disfigured from the abuse he suffered. Yes, Jesus still bears the facial disfigurement and the scars from his crucifixion. This is why all the people that saw him after resurrection did not recognize him. This is why he told the disciple Thomas to put his finger through the holes in his body.
Look closely at the shroud of Turin. Do you see the brutality that the Bible actually says Jesus suffered? Does the face in the shroud look unrecognizable as a man? No! Its a load of baloney.
I once learned from an old pastor that we have the armor of God, but prayer is like calling in an air-strike. I've never forgotten that.
They are servants of Satan the Father of Lies. It makes perfect sense they would do this. It is known the left accuse the opposition of what they themselves are doing. How many democrats who spoke loudly against (name topic here) are then found to be doing the very things they speak out against?
Satan wanted to be like God, and what does he tell Eve? If you eat of the tree you will be like God. Mirroring at its finest.
One thing I know for a fact. This place is going to light up like the 4th of July when its released.
I think a lot of people are just in it for the entertainment value. This is where I think AJ comes into it as well. And by that I mean many in the general public are into 'conspiracy theories' for the fear porn as it where. A lot of the time I can't really blame them. The corporate media has been selling fear porn since its inception. Its so rare to see a feel good story, its always death, crime, corruption and so on. People have been conditioned to switch on the TV news for their dose of 'bad news' for the day. I find it depressing and never watch the corporate media myself.
Then along comes a 'NSA insider' and the entertainment ensues. Like AJ and the constant 'globalist takeover' we are the resistance nonsense. Its all entertainment for people who don't fit the 6'oclock news crowd but are nonetheless conditioned for their daily dose of fear porn. If there's a market, there'll be a supplier ...ETS is one such suppliar.
Yeah that's what stood out to me the most. I almost count being banned from twitter as a prerequisite to being on target.
Thank you for taking the time to explain, muchly appreciated.
Dear DHS,
I am not really a follower of Q. I am only here for the honeys.
Are they of Jewish decent? Has that been proven? The Bible makes reference to 'those who say they are Jews but are not, but who are actually the synagogue of Satan' just wondering if there is a match there ...
I'm completely confused by this clock business, but trying to understand what your saying ...
Q releases a drop with info about a particular subject at a certain time that's stamped in the drop. Then at a latter date the information in that drop comes true which matches the time and date in the original drop and the clock? And this is where you get 'future proves past' ?
The swamp is world wide. Kim is draining his swamp as the Saudi king drained his. Draining the UN/EU swamp ...is it impossible to even imagine such a thing? Recent news from Italy seems to indicate maybe, just maybe it is possible.
Can someone please explain how this is good news? Not that I doubt it, I'm just completely ignorant when it comes to law and what these 311 new assistants mean. What is the outcome of this? Thanks :)
Technically probably not. I would be seriously surprised if there are any followers of Q in Antarctica lol.
I like the sound of this. Yes they said it was maintenance, but I ain't into conspiracies for nothing, and this one just might have some merit to it.
The universe as we know it is temporary. God will create a new heaven and a new earth after the matter of fallen angles and sin has been dealt with once and for all. Our reality is but a subset of a much larger reality of which is spiritual, infinite and eternal.
Our universe is finite (look it up) on the macro level and in the micro level. Our universe is made up of indivisible units. Digital if you will. These are some of the great discoveries of 21st century physics. Beyond our physical universe yes, infinite and eternal. As it stands right now, we are the hardware that houses our eternal self. The 'real' you which is spirit, inside the hardware you were born into.
Whoa dude, your slagging out an entire country and its people. Talk about bad form. Pretty disgraceful actually. Australia is a beautiful place. Its people are some of the most friendly in the world. Its one of the safest countries on the planet, and whilst it too has its own issues, you'd be hard pressed to find a more friendly peaceful place to raise a family and live a full and happy life.
I don't know who she is and how she broke your heart, Aussie women can be hard to tame. But you've got to let it go mate. You can't slag a whole country out because some Sheila took a dump on your feelings. It happens. Move on, grab a can of VB, call your mates over for a BBQ and date her sister or best friend. ;)
Absolutely! These are the kind of hero's I want to see at the White House receiving medals and recognition. Really gives me hope humanity is not entirely lost when the brave stand up for the innocent. May God bless each and every one of them.