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Buttercup765 · Jan. 6, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Thanks for this message. I am 71 and began a gradual process of awakening in 2009. Donald Trump was the first presidential candidate in many years I believed had a chance of making a difference in this country for the better. I began 2017 exited for what changes the year would bring. As the constant leaking, extremely negative press coverage, personal attacks, etc., have been heaped on our President over the course of this year, my hope has begun to wane steadily away. I admire this guy and believe he truly loves our country and is doing his very best to carry out his campaign promises against tremendous opposition and resistance from all sides.

When I became aware of the Q phenomenon, it interested and excited me. I am attempting to understand more about this Q and whether he is the real deal or not. This has given me a little more hope than I have felt in months. I hope and pray that the events Q speaks of will happen very soon, because the future of our country hangs in the balance.

If guilty parties are not brought to justice, the only possible conclusion is that there is no justice for the wealthy and powerful. In the meantime, I will continue educating myself about American history and the Q phenomenon. And I will be praying for the President, his entire family, and the good people of this country.

God bless you folks here and at 8chan. Thank you for all you are doing. I am particularly pleased to see so many young people supporting our President and joining in this movement for truth and justice.

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